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Everything posted by Norpo

  1. Alright, so once 1.0 comes out, i'm probably going to make a career mode save, but after a fair amount of mods get updated. Are there any good mods I should know about to make career better? They don't have to be strictly career mode mods; they just have to be compatible with it. Of course it's impossible to know which mods will be updated at any given time, but which ones work nicely right now? I'm looking for a mostly stock-alike implementation, so no major overhauls like Real Solar System. Ones I'm thinking about are, roughly in order: Kerbal Construction Time (to make time a factor) Outer Planets Mod (more planets to explore) TAC Life Support (to add more complexity to missions, especially early-game) Possibly Kerbal ISP Difficulty Scaler, to make it a tad harder. Maybe changing the multipler to 0.90 or something. ...and of course KER and Kerbal Alarm Clock, couldn't live without them. Thoughts? What add-ons have you used to make career mode better in 0.90?
  2. In a sense, the hypothetical Alcubierre drive is like a Kraken Drive, in the sense that it doesn't really break the universe, but bends the rules of it. You're never really going faster than light, just bending space-time to make the distance shorter. But there's a catch, it requires negative mass, which doesn't exist (and if it does we have no idea how to get it). At least, that's my understanding of it. Don't expect Ladder-Travelâ„¢ to be available for human use anytime soon. TIL Miguel Alcubierre invented the kraken drive in 1994
  3. wait what Bill Kerman isn't in the game anymore? Someone must of offed him.
  4. I think as soon as some mods come out (i.e kerbal engineer, alarm clock) i'll start a Career Mode game, it seems like they've changed quite a bit, and I haven't done career in a while. I really like the look of the expanded tech tree. Also, I saw a Flyby the Mun record contract, nice to see there will be more gradual transitions.
  5. To be honest? Probably either: Landing on a body other than Kerbin Using the Navball ...or figuring out how to use liquid engines. I had no idea how to throttle. >.>
  6. Heh, I doubt it. If someone charged for their mod, unless it was a really good one, then I doubt it'd get a single purchase.
  7. Eh? There's a possibility they aren't? Uh, that would explain why the forums didn't explode when I PM'd all the moderators "This statement is false".
  8. Heh, that laptop beats the snot out of mine; and it runs KSP okay-ish, so it should work great. Welcome to the forums!
  9. Finally, this had to be one of the most annoying bugs, now I don't have to triple the amount of parts needed to use radial decouplers.
  10. He once saved a family of meerkats from an alien invasion.
  11. The trolling potential is enormous, and I think the report button works already for this. Example: Poster A starts a new thread, for a suggestion, say, to add a new part to the game. It's obviously not a very well-thought out suggestion, "hyperdrive part that takes u anywere", and little other detail. Poster B doesn't like the suggestion, but asks for more detail so he/she can change their opinion. Poster A doesn't handle criticism very well at all, so removes poster B's post. Cue anarchy when Poster B finds out. Naturally, he/she'll be pretty dang mad that poster A removed their valid opionion, and may take their rage out on the thread. (If we were luckier, they'd use the PM function..) In the end, it could work out to being more work for the moderators.Besides, that's what the report button is for. You can bring posts to the attention to moderators, and in the end they'll use their own discresion, preventing posts like "Erm, this part would be overpowered, it could just take you anywhere. I don't think it would fit in with the rest of the game" from being removed for reason "omg this person is stupid and meen" I like how the KSP forums were built upon the philosophy of "Resolve arguments with your words, not downvotes." I've never really seen starting a thread as owning a thread per say, more so like starting a conversation. If you say something ridiculous, then you have to actually defend your position, not click a downvote button. And on the topic of "blacklisting" certain users, the forums have an ignore function. All posts by that user just basically say "This person posted here, but you ignored him." If one user consistently ticks you off, then consider using that. -my two cents
  12. This is what I always thought, writing "Yes, resources will work the way you described it" in reply to a Reddit post is a heckuvalot easier than writing a detailed report on how it's going to work, neatly format it, and slap it in a Devnote tuesday. (Is it tuesday? I dunno.)
  13. Could be maxmaps trolling us because people always complain that they never use the forums for some teases/announcements. "Fine, i'll announce it at GeoGuessr" -Maxmaps
  14. I would imagine it wouldn't have to be; pure part mods normally don't have to be updated, unless the configuration format changes.
  15. Ooooh, mining on asteroids? Woohoo! I wonder if catching some in Kerbol orbit would be useful for grand tours.
  16. Looking quickly through a lot of the reviews, at least one mentioned a major con was that "there wasn't enough people online to play with", so this should help at least a little. Also, word-of-mouth and all that. Then again, i'm not an economist.
  17. Freebie? Well then. Saying no would be impolite, then. Of course, when I get to downloading it will be another matter entirely..
  18. holy crap guys this like changes everything
  19. I agree. While a 1.25 Xenon tank is desperately needed, the Round-8 fills a certain aesthetic niche in a lot of craft, it'd be a shame to see it only be usable in Ion probes, where you can't really use a lot for aesthetics anyways if you want to keep your TWR reasonably high.
  20. I think they were referring more to the (rather pointed) end of it, as opposed to the transitions in the actual fairing. The tip of the fairing looks extremely pointed, as opposed to a real one: The tip of this fairing looks a LOT more rounded than the one in-game: EDIT: Also, the Procedural Fairings mod had their fairings rounded as well.
  21. Eh, I can't see youtube making such a crazy move, especially considering it's the exact reason they made youtube in the first place, to encourage free distribution of videos, and to see similar videos, and to have those same videos shared to you. Not paywalls. and infact one of the co-founders critized google over some of the changes they made (accounts to comment), and the article uses more.. colourful language EDIT: (article is broken because the auto-censor censors language in link titles apparently. Oh well.) Youtube is straying from it's original roots, i'm not sure if this will happen or not. And of course, who would of started using Youtube if it had paywalls in 2005 and 2006? Probably nobody. But since they're by far the most popular video sharing website in the world now, they can afford to do stuff like this. One COULD argue that this would help youtube go to it's original roots even more, by discouraging looking at videos by the big players and looking at videos that have under 1,000 views. Then again, maybe not. /2 cents
  22. I doubt this is a valid entry, but what the hey. I present.. The Ladder-Drive Unicycle! (Pilot: Pepe Kerman) (I've since made some improvements, but the game crashed before I could test them)
  23. Hm? It just entered Experimentals (essentially closed final testing), which means it should be out soon (2-3 weeks, as far as I know) It hasn't come out yet, though.
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