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Everything posted by micha

  1. Really? Wow, looks like I dodged a bullet there then - pretty much missed the entire 1.1x set of updates due to Elite Dangerous As for the OP: I'm not even sure I can parse that post. As in, what's the actual question/issue?
  2. Sorry about that. Since the original mod didn't have a source code repo, I added all the old releases (which I found on Curse) just to give it its proper history. I've made an unofficial v1.5 release now - should stave off further confusion. EDIT: Also, they weren't releases per se - just GitHub doing its automagic stuff with tags. What's on there now is a "proper" GitHub release.
  3. Sorry if this has been covered somewhere in this thread already, but should KAC interrupt the "Wait for morning" warp? Because if it should, it currently doesn't. And if it shouldn't, that'd be a feature request (if possible).
  4. Oh wait, right, it's per-game, not overall. Duh! Nevermind me PS. It might be good to either link the original thread into your OP, or copy all the info from it into your OP... KSPedia is excellent and all, but doesn't cover everything in the same amount of detail (although the details may have changed by now). Also, the original thread had a list of mods which interact/supplement Snacks!
  5. Quick question - how to I get to the Snacks! configuration panel? KSPedia shows it being a new tab in the game's "Settings" screen, but it doesn't show up. Bug, or no longer a feature?
  6. Sorry, not meaning to dampen enthusiasm here, but just found this mod (via CKAN): Seems it is pretty much the same thing? Still like the idea of having manual switching vs automatic.
  7. Umm, 1.4 is the last upstream commit by @jfjohnny5, not my tweaks. I haven't made an unofficial release since I'm not the author of the mod (and he hasn't been away long enough for me to justify forking it yet) - just download the current Github snapshot to grab my tweaks.
  8. While you're at adding a configurable hotkey option, make automatic mode also an option? Regardless your mod has become must-have for me too
  9. Awesome! Docking without this is a royal pita - it really ought to be stock. Thank you so much for this mod and updating so quickly!
  10. Hmm, thought I just copied the Squad-heatshield config.. I'll double-check and remove duplicate decoupler if necessary.
  11. Here we go, my fixes converted into ModuleManager patches: https://github.com/mwerle/Corvus_CF/releases
  12. Nifty Hadn't seen this mod before, looking forward to trying it out. But.. wouldn't it make sense to put the sources up on GitHub (or similar) instead of in the archive? Firstly just in case you lose access to your files again, secondly to allow others to bugfix/contribute? (For example I noticed in the review video there were a handful of minor spelling/grammar mistakes).
  13. Hmm, fairly certain I broke my thread-links by changing a thread title the other day. I blame man-flu.
  14. Worked out how to convert the new-style links to a permalink using only the topic-id (continuing on from my examples above): http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?showtopic=73723 Would be nice to have a "Share this Thread" button (similar to "Share this Post") which generates this universal URL.
  15. Hi, In the original forum software it was possible to link to a thread by an ID (not the full title). Those old links still work, so I guess it must be possible, but I can't find a way to get a permalink using the current forum software. Use-case is that a lot of mod-threads get updated as the mod gets updated, including their title. Hence it would be nice to be able to link to a thread using its thread-id rather than the full link. Thanks, - Micha. EDIT: Add example (and yes, I tried to use the "topic number" as a thread-id for other threads but it doesn't work): Old Permalink thread link: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/81578 Same thread as new-style: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/73723-090-orbital-material-science-version-06/
  16. The "Kemini" experiments require ModuleManager. The "KEES" experiments require KIS (but no longer KAS). The remainder (OMS & KLS) is standalone. The info is in the Dev thread (hidden in the Tutorials.. probably not the best spot!), but I guess this thread is the better place for it now. Given @N3h3mia's continued absence and his lack of response to recent emails I'm considering making this an official unofficial fork with proper releases from now on. EDIT: Top-post updated
  17. :-D I'm also trying to put together a set of MM patches for Corvus pod (it's needing quite a bit more TLC) but due to its licensing I can't just patch it directly. Agreed that KSP could really do with a 2-Kerbal pod for the late early game.
  18. Very entertaining Thoroughly enjoyed reading through your progress so far! Shame FinalFrontier (if you're aware of it) wasn't ready for 1.2 by the time you started the career - it's an awesome mod for keeping track of individual Kerbal achievements.
  19. Given a more serious lack-of-snack kerbal response it might be necessary to prioritise any remaining snacks. Eg let the Scientist (poor Bob) starve while the Pilot performs the final maneuvers to dock with the resupply vessel already orbiting Jool. Or have a way to cold-store Kerbals where they only consume 1 snack per week but are useless in the meantime and consume up to 5 snacks immediately on waking up. Starting to get a bit beyond the "simple" life support remit though.
  20. Just fyi the current relesse seems to work fine on Linux x64.
  21. Read the commit logs Basically just added a ModuleTransmitter (for CommNet) and a ModuleLiftingSurface (for better reentry handling ?) both mostly copied from the mk1 pod config. Also fixed a couple of warnings eg. If ConnectedLivingSpace is not installed. I stuffed up the commit messages (it was late) but all the ones before "add readme" was just adding the old versions from the original author - should have been prefixed with "upstream release Xx".
  22. Yes but not perfectly. I've (unofficially) patched it slightly: http://github.com/mwerle/K2_Command_Pod
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