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Everything posted by goldenpsp

  1. This too. I do try to at least get the thing closely balanced, but I don't find it at all fun to be constantly trying to tweak the balance. Maybe someday when the VAB/SPH annoys me less. TCA is an amazing mod that then makes up for any imbalance left.
  2. Some things have changed but not that much. Stakes need a survey station. They always have. So a launchpad (EL or MKS) won't cut it. You need a survey station to work with the stakes, either the EL survey station, or the MKS modules that have the survey station functionality (such as the C3 module).
  3. iirc the texture and tank type are separate toggles. My honey badger parts all look consistent.
  4. Pretty much all the mods I care about will be updated quickly I'm sure. But does anyone even have an idea when 1.0 is expected to launch?
  5. I don't believe the EPL mod has anything to do with the contracts that are generated. That would be something for the contract system.
  6. An actual screenshot of your gamedata folder might help. I literally copied the thunderAerospace folder into gamedata and it works flawlessly.
  7. Not really appropriate to this thread, as it is just a resource framework. Drills and other extractors would be part of mods that use this, such as Karbonite etc. But generally I would imagine it is a balance/gameplay issue to avoid the One drill to rule them all scenario. One could argue it could just get too easy that way.
  8. LOL yes probably. Why not just read each release notes. Shouldnt take long and should give you enough of an idea.
  9. I'm sure Rover reads his github issues regularily. However he has also been very vocal that he is working hard directly with Squad for the 1.0 release. So unless your Github issue is a game breaking bug, I would not expect anything to happen with it until after the KSP 1.0 release.
  10. I think everyone can agree the game needs a stable Win 64bit client. Rolling all of these mods into stock wouldn't help however. it would just make the stock game more bloated and actually be worse if there were people who wanted to play modded KSP but actually didn't want to use the USI stuff. (I know crazy people but still).
  11. Seriously? You are going to say being at 3.2G isn't a memory issue? AT 3.2G you are standing so close to the edge you toes are hanging over the side.
  12. Details on how they are not working properly? And the post above mine offered a suggestion.
  13. To be fair, if you had started off with more complete information, such as a modlist, it wouldn't have been a lucky shot in the dark comment that gave you the answer.
  14. that has been mentioned, but I was hoping to get confirmation from Pectus himself.
  15. With the switch to Regolith for resource generation, resources are biome based. You can edit the CRP cfg files if you want to put in 100% guaranteed locations for resources, otherwise it goes off of whatever Rover set up for the defaults.
  16. Likely an installation issue. Logs? Screenshot of your gamedata folders? Something to help you troubleshoot other than "its just broke?"
  17. it's KAS. Best way to assemble the packrat is like Rover's video, namely build on top of a ground pylon.
  18. If I am understanding/rememberling correctly, with the MKS parts you need to use the MKS C3 module, not the rocketbuilding module with stakes. The C3 is the one that functions as the survey station.
  19. I am glad you got it figured out. Simple things like a screenshot of your gamedata directory, or list of other mods you have installed. Those kinds of details in the future can help people help you faster.
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