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Everything posted by goldenpsp

  1. While it may be a bad idea to jump into this train wreck, I'm gonna anyhow. On the one hand, I'd throw out that I understand Rover's viewpoint. He has worked very hard with many modders in an attempt to make it so mods that may have similar components (such as resources) can play nice together. That way if someone wants to use KSPIE and MKS they can for example. I don't think it is fair to classify his argument as a "my way or the highway" argument however. That being said, on the other side of the coin, this SETI mod historically has only worked with mods that have first been cleansed to meet Yemo's vision of balance. So I would suspect whatever might be broken by this CTT issue would be moot, as Yemo's response would be "that mod isn't on my supported list for SETI. Good luck everyone. I love all modders as they do things that I neither have the time or talent to do myself.
  2. Struts and fuel lines will remain as part of KAS. It is explained somewhere in this thread.
  3. KIS will be the engine that handles storage, attachment etc. KAS will be like a parts pack of cool parts.
  4. Sorry I wasn't talking etiquette. Just that you are talking about MKS/OKS parts, regardless of the LS pieces they are part of that mod so it would maybe be easier for Roverdude to follow since he has like a billion mods and threads he keeps track of. I was simply trying to help that you might get a better answer.
  5. Nothing is wrong with the world when you take a correction as a criticsm. Maybe Dazpoet could have worded the sentence better, but he is also playing triage against mod developer who are annoyed with the CKAN questions when they actually didn't even list their mods on CKAN.
  6. Yes I did read it, and the only actual question you asked was "if this mod is still a thing." Now maybe if you had asked if Roverdude was planning on integrating Asteroid cities the reply would have been, probably after he shakes the bees out of ART. But you didn't actually ask that.
  7. It is just that Dazpoet is constantly trying to get people to post these issues in the CKAN thread because: 1. They are CKAN issues, not mod level issues. 2. The CKAN people handle this stuff not the mod developers. 3. Pestering the mod developers about CKAN issues generally wastes their time and makes CKAN look more annoying than helpful.
  8. Ok I gotta seriously ask, seriously? Did you not even read Roverdudes post DIRECTLY ABOVE YOURS saying this mod is on his short list (aka he's working on removing the bees)?
  9. I can confirm that they work in both 1.0 and 1.0.2 so I would suspect an installation or mod conflict issue.
  10. Not sure what you have been reading then, because every place he has replied he has stated they are not merging.
  11. Well, should probably put that in the appropriate thread as well, as its an OKS part you are talking about.
  12. Yea so more information would be helpful. Picture of your craft maybe? Did you have proper storage available for all of the components?
  13. It has been said several times that the mods will stay separate. KIS will remain as it is and KAS will be kind of like a parts pack that uses KIS for attachment and storage.
  14. ART had nothing to do with K+ ART was for turning asteroids into storage.
  15. Chore for some is fun supply chain setup for others... Ore I don't know. Karbonite was too heavy to bother hauling in raw form. Refine first then transport.
  16. Kinda always been like that. I haven't used it yet in 1.0 but in the past it drove backwards unmanned but drove fine with a kerbal in the seat.
  17. Pretty sure the answer is going to be that this mod is designed to work as a whole. If you want to pick it apart you are on your own. I know for me personally I don't want something like this taking Rover's valuable and limited time away from actually updating the mod.
  18. Personally I think the models are excellent. They are supposed to look like my model rockets from my youth in my opinion. Orbit? I don't think I have ever used sounding rockets for orbital tasks.
  19. I would recommend going to the source and just adding it, so he doesn't miss it (in turns makes his life easier so he can make moar mods) https://github.com/BobPalmer/FTT/issues
  20. IIRC the issue with ART is that when Rover created Regolith (which is now stock) and it added mining resources, namely Karbonite, to asteroids, it conflicted with ART, which had the main function of hollowing out asteroids for storage. My guess is the hollowing out mechanic and the resource engine mechanic didn't play well together. So yea this mod probably needs more "work" than the others.
  21. Agree 1000%. As much of a Roverdude fanboy as I am, I still think KIS/KAS should have been something rolled into stock before resources. The ability to have some real uses for EVA are huge. I mean IRL we haven't even sent manned missions past the moon but astronauts have been doing EVA repairs for decades.
  22. What Hyomoto pointed out. Many people talk about the instant orbital scan and then stop. If this was the end of the stock ore tale, I would be in full agreement with everyone else that his makes it "easy mode". But that is not the end of the tale. And to be fair the post wasn't horrible to read. But I did have to read it several times to ensure I fully understood the points.
  23. Wow, you don't even have to skim back more than one page to find the answer and not look like a lazy...
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