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Everything posted by goldenpsp

  1. Yes It's called KSP. Kraken attacks eating bases, connected via KAS pipes or other things have been a thing since alpha. Once i have surface bases I pretty much quicksave before switching to them as a habit.
  2. Oh snap, are those new? I never noticed two types of radial chutes before. Helps to pay attention to the changes I guess. Edit, yea found the Mk2-r big difference. kind of annoying with the mods i have that the chutes aren't all together in the parts window anymore.
  3. Details? Are you having trouble knowing where to re-enter to get to the runway or what? Best thing I can suggest is find a few youtube vids of people landing their spaceplanes. Make note of where they burn to re-enter etc. Keep in mind a plane will travel much further on re-entry than a capsule so you need to burn further west of the KSC than you would for a rocket.
  4. So I never seemed to have this issue before but I am having an utter fail time with parachutes lately. Granted I didn't use the Mk1-2 command pod much. In my tests I had the command pod, either a M16-XL or Mk25 on the nose (2 separate tests) and 4 mk12 radial chutes. no extra heatshield and I had a stack separator to lose the engine. So it was literally just the command pod and chutes. In both cases I ended up splashing down at like 30m/s. Seems overly excessive given the larger parachutes seem made for the nose of that capsule. Is there a way to figure out how many chutes you need without trial and error?
  5. Boo on making a negative post without knowing what you are talking about. KIS is basically just the mechanics for attaching etc with like 6 parts (as noted). And KAS is just parts. So KIS + KAS is pretty much the same as just KAS used to be.
  6. Sorta, but maybe not. You can at least send up rockets with parts you will want later even if you cannot attach them yet. I still use Rover wheels even though I don't have any Engineers trained to fix them. I just have to drive really carefully. :-)
  7. Wings OMG. SMALLEST PLANE EVER. Can't wait to try it. Of course I just something even cooler would have been a single propellar, like those helicopter seeds to spin its way down. Just make sure to stock some vomit bags.
  8. Not at this time at least.
  9. Have I mentioned before how much I love the Honebadger parts? My first since 1.0.2 upgrade HB based Ore Miner on Minmus. I would have preferred to Mine Karbonite but Minmus seems to be devoid of it :-(
  10. Other than what? Other than the 4 containers in the mod?
  11. Folders in the wrong place under gamedata, or mods copied over instead of deleted first and fresh copied over. Sometimes people have indicated random issues when KSP is under "program files" under windows. All I can say is that I have both the latest KIS and KAS and still have all my "parts". Losing my mind but that is out of scope of this mod :-)
  12. Sounds like an installation issue, as many others have installed both without having this issues.
  13. Grab the old KAS parts download from the curse page. That will give you the legacy parts so all of your vessels will load.
  14. What does it matter? KIS has almost no parts so it has a negligible memory footprint.
  15. Unfortunately KIS doesn't have a function that works exactly like the store did for KAS. There are some ways to sort of achieve it depending on how you used it before. KIS is also tougher with bigger/heavier items. Personally I prefer it as it is a bit more realistic, but it makes things more "interesting"
  16. Not at all. I have tried to help Rover a couple of times using the above method of pull requests (hopefully what I have done has actually helped :-) ) when all the changes that I made were .cfg file tweaks. No real programming per se. Doing it this way still helps Roverdude as it integrates the file changes into his Github workflow.
  17. It really isn't hard. If this old fart can figure it out anyone can. Basic steps are 1. Make Github account 2. Go to Rover's repository, click fork 3. Go back to your repository, work on the forked copy. Here it can be easier to load the github software which will mirror the files on your local machine to work on. 4. Make changes. 5. Commit changes 6. sync local to web. 7. Go to your repository and create pull request.
  18. I was referencing the exploding on drop on ground issue, which is a KSP thing not a KAS or KIS thing. But yes your issue sounds frustrating.
  19. It's kind of a silly question though. Spontaneous krakens have been a part of KSP since forever. That has been a KSP problem not KAS. I haven't had one yet in 1.0.2 but i guarantee I will at some point.
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