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Everything posted by goldenpsp

  1. My guess is that its a play on the fact that teh is one of the most often typo/misspells online along with the lose/loose one.
  2. Wakaleo- if they aren't under C:\Users\Guest\KSP_win\saves then you have the only installation I have seen under any operating system. If I had to venture a guess it would be that you have more than one installation of KSP and are running it from another location maybe without realizing it.
  3. Simple question then. What is the path to the ksp.exe that you run to play the game.
  4. At least in this case it seems partially if not fully caused by EPL having a different cost for rocketparts vs CRP.
  5. Make sure you have the orientation correct. It is more tedious and easy to mistake with KIS. I have found it to be perfectly stable when built correctly. Yes there is a good video posted on this thread back some pages. It works pretty much perfectly. I have assembled two this way so far.
  6. Speaking of which if an asteroid is on a collision course will it actually impact? Will it cause any actual damage (I guess the chance of it actually hitting the KSC is very low.)
  7. That sounds like an awesome idea for an addon pack for USI-LS, similar to how someone made a greenhouse for TAC-LS. I think having "MKS-lite" built in would get confusing/convoluted for those who actually also like to use MKS.
  8. Yeppers. Its pretty amazing.
  9. That's ok, I think he wanted to see how it would be coded as a MM config anyhow.
  10. Or even better, they leave their default install alone (clean install for updates etc) and copy KSP before they do anything. Still this doesn't change the fact that it would likely be cleaner as an MM config. Personally I don't like mucking directly with the Squad configs. It isn't even due to automatic updates, its that I have to try and remember or actually keep track of which files I manually mucked with so I don't forget down the road when I do update. Plus it makes it easier for anyone who might like this feature, but doesn't feel comfortable manually editing a cfg file.
  11. The only thing I would recommend is to make this as a modulemanager patch, rather than editing the IRSU.cfg directly. It will save you headaches when KSP updates and overwrites the file.
  12. I'm full of questions today. I have not done much with Asteroids, and the couple I had basically passed through Kerbin's SOI. So it was a matter of matching planes, then burning out to try and meet them at their Pe. But now I have one that is on a collision course with Kerbin, so the Pe will be a bit too late to redirect. I'm guessing the method in this case is to get into a highly elliptical orbit so that your return side of the orbit parallel's the asteroids path and you can capture it as it is inbound?
  13. Thanks everyone. I think the biggest tip is using Mun as the target. I still find it odd/annoying you can't choose kerbin as a target, and it is really hard otherwise to eyeball the inclination and AN/DN locations.
  14. So with 1.x and IRSU, I decided to setup a mining/refining operation on Minmus. It had some nice hotspots, lower gravity to get up and down from the surface etc. It all works fairly well, except I find the return trip annoying. Due to the inclined orbit of Minmus, my return orbit of Kerbin is usually (always) crazy inclined as well. I can get cirularized around Kerbin and then fix it, but that seems the most wasteful in terms of dV. I can fix a lot of it at Pe, but that generally requires a full orbit, which adds many days to the operation. Thoughts?
  15. I think Prince of Rockets will do ok, with or without your expert opinion. He already had a nice screenshot of the plane embedded in his OP, which is all you "really" need IMO. I prefer the slideshow of it getting into orbit to NOT be embedded as I believe he can get it into orbit so I didn't really care about viewing that entire album and am just as happy it wasn't more to have to scroll through.
  16. It is a user fix. I don't think Kospy is planning on an official fix for the issue as it needs a modulemanager config and he seems intent on avoiding the use of MM altogether. But a few pages back a MM config was posted which resolves the issue.
  17. Known KIS issue for modules without an IVA. There is a patch outlined in the KIS thread.
  18. This error usually has to do with having KIS installed.
  19. Yea I found removing tweakscale fixed the stacking.
  20. Sounds like an excellent question for the CKAN thread...
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