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Everything posted by goldenpsp

  1. Well no, reading carefully helps. The popup warning says mods listed "may" not be compatible. KSP cannot tell if a mod is compatible. All it can see is if a mod was compiled for version X.
  2. Yea all that message means is the mod doesn't have 1.0.3 compatibility listed in the DLL. Has nothing to do with "actual" compatibility.
  3. Your gamedata folder should looks something like below. And an umbraspaceindustries folder below that. BTW Imgur accounts are free for uploading pictures.
  4. Not per save no. But you can make multiple copies of KSP, each with a different set of mods in gamedata.
  5. I'm still trying to figure out why anyone cares, given this is a single player game. If YOU feel this is an exploit don't use it. If others find it a valid gameplay option they can utilize it. Their single player game has ZERO effect on yours.
  6. Then something isn't getting installed properly is the likely solution. Screenshot of your gamedate and umbraspaceindustries folders?
  7. Wasn't the intention. But to be honest the best way is for people (including you btw) to simply not use the words cheat or cheating or cheaty at all, which leaves it out of the argument altogether.
  8. Which is exactly the relevance. If you followed my post, it was a reply to the "realism" argument, which is often a defense for the "this feels cheaty" argument. Using words like cheat, cheating, cheaty connotes that something is "bad", hence the desire to defend against this. You simply could have said MJ does not fit your playstyle and leave it at that.
  9. Wow, and point made one post after mine. The beauty is that you don't have to use any of the automation features on MJ if you don't want. Or you can just use pieces. For example I often use MJ to make my node for a circularization burn just because it is less tedious than making one manually, even though I will do the actual burn myself.
  10. Tell you what. People will stop using the "real life"/"realistic" argument for MJ just as a defense as soon as the opposite side of the fence stops saying a play style in a single player game that allows for some autopiloting of tasks deemed repetive is "cheating".
  11. Fixed in the next update. There is an mm config earlier in this thread that can fix it.
  12. I will have to play around. The arduino was a gift but I don't have any background really in electronics. Never too late to learn though right?
  13. Hmm. I already have an aduino waiting for a project. No idea how to integrate the two however.
  14. Honestly what I wish I could find is something along the lines of the old Apple 2e joysticks. Small and accurate (can run between your thumb and forefinger)
  15. I would agree. Finding creative ways to make funds is fine with me in a single player game.
  16. And if someone wants to go through that trouble to build an orbital construction setup, make their rocketparts, and take the time to build and recover, I say let them.
  17. Side issue then is just launch empty and turn on exotic matter generation in space. Or build empty via EL and then generate exotic matter. That could be abused without even needing EPL.
  18. So I haven't really used this drive much. I've been playing around with it, and while I found this old post, I cannot figure it out, even though it "looks" simple. Does anyone have any kinda like tutorials/tips on how to effectively use this drive?
  19. Pretty much intended. It would be best to probably skim this thread, especially finding posts that explain the workings and tips on its usage. I totally suck at it so I can't be of much use.
  20. Oh snap! Very cool. I am literally assembling my new rig which will give me the horsepower to stream again. but your streaming would be way better than mine.
  21. Of course since it doesn't cost much dV you could always do that, undock the probe, and then set your main ship right back into an equatorial orbit if you wanted.
  22. My first sentence I thought was pretty clear. I have not seen an instance EVER that if you were running KSP from C:\Users\Guest\KSP_win\ that the saves would not be under C:\Users\Guest\KSP_win\saves. I'd bet 1,000,000 funds the game you are playing is from a different directory.
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