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Everything posted by goldenpsp

  1. I'm not positive that it does, but it "seemed" like the overall heat level was lower while I was timewarped.
  2. Kospy releases both at the same time, as they are kind of like a matched pair. Just make a backup of your save, update KAS and test. Should work. I had 2 crafts connected via KAS pipes that handled the update of both KIS/KAS without issue.
  3. I haven't. I will try some of the others however. - - - Updated - - - Ok update. I'm not sure if it was opening the airbrakes from the beginning and just trusting they aren't going to explode, or high physics warp causing less heat, but my last test run was a success. thanks for the tips.
  4. Yes jettisoned the payload. I staged all the chutes as well. I will try leaving the airbrakes opened. As I had mentioned everything seems fine until around 19km. Some parts show some heat but otherwise are fine. Around 19km very suddenly all of the engines get the overheat bar and explode, taking the rest of the craft with it. I can record a video if you want to see. I don't run any mods that change stock aerodynamics (like FAR or realchutes).
  5. I have tried opening airbrakes at different points in the descent. They overheat quickly so I tended to close them back up before they exploded Yes came down engine first Most using the test rocket. My initial orbit was ~80km Yes my deorbit burn was ~60m/s over the crater, giving me a shallow descent and slightly overshooting the KSC. When should airbrakes be opened? I don't believe that was specified in the OP.
  6. Well rather than rant (yes this would be considered a rant, complaint without any useful information) why not give some specifics. What are the things you miss about the old KAS etc. Just maybe they might be things that Kospy would agree with and could be integrated into new versions.
  7. Cool pack of rockets. unfortunately I am having no success. I have been testing the RR-125 as it was the size i needed. no matter what I try, I blow up. I have followed the deorbit guide, staged all my chutes. but inevitably around 19K the engines rapidly overheat suddenly and the whole thing explodes.
  8. You have that backwards. If RSS has plans to utilize this mod they would need to provide configs to define any resource distribution of custom planets.
  9. Taniwha has pretty much said he isn't removing blizzy iirc
  10. Sadly Blizzy is pretty much the answer if you want to be able to toggle it on and off. I had managed to remove my need for Blizzy with the exception of this one button.
  11. Details matter. For example, command pods without an IVA losing seat inventory is a known bug. Losing inventory for empty seats is expected behavior. Also this is a KIS not KAS issue so it could benefit from being in the proper thread. Or even better check Kospy's github to see if the issue is already posted and if not post it there.
  12. Not really. The video was published privately, so only worked from the link in this thread. And honestly in the time it would take me to go back and find it, you could go back and find it yourself. To summarize though, the basic gist is this. Put down pylon. Put octagonal strut on top. Put small cube strut on the side of octagonal strut. On the end of that put a small decoupler. Attach the front of the packrat to the decoupler. Build the rest, get in and decouple.
  13. Just not reading back a bit. Parachutes were removed for wings awhile ago due to 1.x bees. Maybe it will return in the future.
  14. So as an end user vs a modder I had a quick question. Is it worth updating CRP alone or should I wait for a mod to bundle the updated version. Specifically I am interested in the wider karborundum band around the Sun. Also will updating CRP change the band at all in my current save or do these get generated only when a save is first created?
  15. Yea I know. I was just using that as the example that there is a tool to not have to "eyeball" an interplanetary transfer, but I was unsure if something like that existed for an orbital rendevous.
  16. Hey all, So in my current game I am often launching into LKO or even other bodies specifically to rendevous with an orbiting station. On Kerbin I have gotten fairly good at knowing about where in the stations orbit is best when to launch, but I'd love it if there was a more calculated way to figure it out for better consistency. Any tips/mods/ that can help with this? I guess it is similar to eyeballing a interplanetary burn vs using a porkchop plot to find when is best to go.
  17. right. I think he was referencing that the OP still lists regolith as a dependency.
  18. Yea I have had other "flyby"s that trigger as soon as I'm close enough. I'm not sure why this one did not. I guess my big question is how to fix? I guess I can ALT-F12 and complete the mission? But should I save that until the very end and the tourists are landed? I've never used the debug tools to fix a buggy contract.
  19. So I had a contract to take 2 tourists around. One wanted a flyby of minmus. The other wanted a suborbital trajectory of Minmus. I flew to minmus, captured, dipped suborbital, then fixed my orbit. I got a check for the suborbital but not the flyby.
  20. KAS requires KIS, but KIS can be used on it's own.
  21. You don't. The slots are not segregated by volume.
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