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Everything posted by goldenpsp

  1. I think the 1.0 release of the game was more "finished" than many high end triple A titles I've played at release.
  2. Hmm. They very likely looked into a number of companies. Received quotes and checked into their portfolios and experiences and the picked a company that they felt could best do the job within the budget they had.
  3. Ah Open letters, the playground of the audacious know it alls. How I love them. Now with that out of the way, anyone who has been around awhile. Anyone who has read the history of how KSP came to be, would know that this game is a true labor of love. I truly believe that everyone involved in KSP is fully committed to the success of this game. Yes they have to pay the bills too. And no they haven't been perfect. But for now I will give them the benefit of the doubt that they don't want to see their own game go down in flames, and will do what it takes to keep that from happening.
  4. That is an interesting stance. I'm curious, given that the bulk of resources defined in the CRP are based around real world materials, such as water, boron, enriched uranium, liquid hydrogen, Liquid helium, how should they have defined it? [edit] Also Kudos Taniwha for being able to officially take the reins of Kethane. It was one of the first mods I ever played with and I'm still partial to the green clouds coming off those drills.
  5. Hmm amazing how you forget old posts. That is kind of what I did at Eeloo. I guess maybe I accidentally figured out what he had told me to do months ago. I fail.
  6. I have been playing around a bit, trying to do the same thing with both modes to see what the difference is. Come to think of it my Eeloo thing might have been in the second mode. Cant remember now.
  7. LOL Any planet? I have had little success trying to follow the diagram. Part of the problem I run into is it often seems to require me getting so close to Kerbol that I overheat. I did have success once testing to Eeloo, but in that case I literally warped to eeloo and did some warps back and forth and suddenly I realized i was in a pretty decent orbit. But I honestly don't know how or could replicate it again. All of the videos I have found about warp drives in KSP (mostly old interstellar ones) only talk about the mechanics of using the drive, antimatter etc. None that I have found talk about navigating well with one.
  8. It's my asking for help night I guess. I know that the band around the sun was moved outwards a bit. But I am still having trouble trying to figure out how to successfully collect Karborundum. I have been playing around and the farthest away that I could still collect K+ was 176,000,000km Even at this distance I have yet to find any setup that can handle the heat. The Particle collector can't even hold up to the heat.
  9. So this is a plea for help. I am obviously not smart enough to use this drive on my own. I have studied the earlier post with a diagram showing how to do a decent transfer. I have tried in multiple scenarios to apply what that post is suggesting and I'm just not getting it. Does anyone know of a video that has navigation tips, or anything for someone too dumb to understand a simple picture? Thanks
  10. That's why it's generally better to bother the CKAN people in their thread rather than the modders.
  11. Maybe not. It just seemed to me that Yemo's post was a bit off the cuff for someone who is so serious about the game balance. His example was completely off the mark IMO. One last thing, to go back to his original statement, namely the MK 1-2 vs Hitchhiker + probe core. Mk1-2 command pod: 4 tons, 3 kerbals Hitchhiker + probe core: 2.5 tons, 4 kerbals This isn't even an apples to apples comparison I already pointed out the huge difference between crash tolerances. But in addition, the Mk1-2 has 150 charge built in, and 30 monoprop fuel. It also has 15.0 torque. The hitchhiker setup has 10 electric charge, no monoprop, and .3 torque. So to add some parts to make the hitchhiker closer to the MK1-2 in all of these values, (adding a reaction wheel, some monoprop and battery). brings me to about 3T. Yes it is still 1T lighter. But then I slapped a MK16-XL chute to the top, and yet my kerbals all died, as the chute only slowed the Hitchhiker to 7 m/s which is higher than it's crash tolerance. Now I'm not saying the game is perfect, but I do think Yemo chose very poorly when he posted his example of how unbalanced it is, which is what caused me to question his own balance process.
  12. Ok let me try and steer this back on track. First, I am not a balance expert, nor am I claiming to be. On the other hand, this thread and Yemo seem to be the defacto expert on balance. So, when I saw Yemo throwing out arguments of bad balance in post #1419 comparing only weight, which seemingly was ignoring that some of that weight difference is that the MK1-2 pod is 6 times more crash tolerant than the hitchhiker, it simply brought me to ask the question of how Yemo is coming to "balance". This is because if you are just going to base your balance on one set of parameters you are being fairly arbitrary and it ends up coming down to balance based on Yemo's arbitrary feeling of what's right, which isn't necessarily any "better" than Squads, just different. I used the RL numbers only that they tend to correlate to the game (not just weights but their comparable ratios, which is actually better for KSP) as they at least show that maybe squad tried to use some non-arbitrary baseline to start from. TLDR: Yemo's post #1419 caused me to ask for some insight into his balance "process".
  13. Also again looking at just weight. I'm not saying it is perfect, but I don't see it as far "all over the place" as I guess you guys do. The only last thing I will throw out there, is a comparison to RL (I know KSP isn't real life). But it is probably the "closest" comparison we can make based on things actually built. The Mercury capsule is probably the closest and likely what the MK1 pod is based on. The Mercury capsule came in at 1,355kg while the MK1 pod is 1,200 kg. Fairly close actually. The Apollo Command module is probably the closest analog to the MK1-2 pod. They even look pretty similar. The Apollo CM came in at 5,900kg while the Mk1-2 pod is 4,000kg. Excellent forum avatar btw.
  14. Just out of curiousity, since you brought it up in your example, how do you classify "balance"? It seems to me if you are only looking at the tons, as in your example, you are certainly not taking the whole picture into consideration. For example, yes the Mk1-2 pod is far heavier than a Hitchhiker+ probe core. But the Mk1-2 pod's crash tolerance is 45 vs 6 for the Hitchhiker. That is a significant difference, and I would suspect would account for the Mk1-2 pod's extra weight.
  15. Welcome to KSP physics. This has been an issue since well forever. The larger the base the greater the chance of a kraken visit. Best thing you can do honestly is take a little extra time and make a save before switching focus to your ground base. In these cases I have been able to try reloading the save a few times and get one where my base doesn't explode.
  16. telescoping piston? Sounds like infernal robotics...
  17. There is nothing majorly wrong with Alienware other than overpaying for the hardware. But there are plenty of people who are unwilling or unable to scratch build a rig.
  18. did you even read kaspervids post on the same page as yours? It basically sounds like the flying tiger devs have helped porting it to unity 5 so they can port it.
  19. there are packs that can be radially attached
  20. Honestly in a single player sandbox game, if someone wants to use this mod to make mad funds let them. I don't see it as the modders job to have to deal with players lack of self control.
  21. He already said the solution. It's called "there's a mod for that". Namely Kerbal attachment system or KAS.
  22. It is not a guarantee. But in the past I have had a Mun base bounce 100m into the air and land in an explosion. But it would not happen every time. So I would always make a save first just in case. The reload didn't always help on the first try. The bottom line (if you watch closely) is that you can see the various parts 'settle' as physics kicks in when the scene loads. The wider area that your base is,the greater chance that this loading happens not perfect and something decides it is clipped into the ground. The only thing really is to keep things connected to a minimum and don't go any wider than possible. Pretty much unless required I connect pipes, transfer what I need and disconnect before I switch away to something else.
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