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Everything posted by goldenpsp

  1. As long as I can throw my junk in the trunk. (wait that came out wrong).
  2. I would venture it is intended. This is an area where you are dealing with a bit of abstraction, much like how wireless logistics shows no wires. There isn't a way to show it but you would essentially have kerbals digging with the shovel and dumping it into the sifter, which is in turn well, sifting it into the stuff you want. As others have said, you have Kerbals to generate mulch.
  3. He already stated it does or will soon be configured so if big brother is installed the MKS-L parts will be hidden.
  4. How about asking the CKAN people. CKAN is their "mod" afterall.
  5. From a gameplay standpoint, I have honestly found little difference between the two. Yes TAC-LS has 3 resources, but if you fill the container with full food/water/oxygen they go down at the same rate, so it is about the same as one bar of supplies. That being said, USI-LS was also made by Roverdude and is far better integrated into his mods.
  6. Can't please everyone. MKS-L does not have LS built in if that is what you are asking (somewhat unclear) so you will need to install some sort of LS mod if you want to play with that capability. Also you will want KIS in order to assemble viaEVA
  7. Well it is essentially what I actually use even though I run the full UKS mod, when I'm sending a small orbital base somewhere.
  8. No I get what you are trying to achieve. I just don't know how it would generally be feasible. If you reused the OKS parts but "lightened" them up then there is little incentive to even bother "upgrading" them. Even now in the full UKS world, a "lite" station would really just be utilizing the USI-LS greenhouse instead of the OKS parts. In my mind a "lite" OKS base is a cupola, Hitchhiker, Stock science lab, large USI-LS greenhouse, some solar panels and batteries. Ultimately since I'm not going to downgrade to UKS lite anyhow any decision doesn't really affect me directly.
  9. Yea obviously your mod and your decision, but I don't see where an OKS lite fits in. Unlike the MK-V inflatables of UKS, there aren't any "lite" versions of OKS parts. Lite OKS life support in orbit? Use the built in recyclers. USI-LS greenhouses or TAC-LS recyclers. Manufacturing? I don't see how this works in a lite orbital deployment. I don't see a small inflatable base mining to the point of feeding an orbital manufacturing piece. At this point you are beyond "lite" Orbital EPL? EPL already has an orbital workshop etc, just use that. Just my 2 funds.
  10. True, but USI-LS was also designed as a perfectly usable Standalone LS mod. And there are plenty of people using it without MKS, as they don't want the complexity of MKS. I guess it just seemed odd that Angel-125 previously made a great and popular parts pack that worked specifically with MKS, and now there seems to be a great bit of animosity towards all things USI.
  11. Ok I'm gonna have that stupid question, but if we are already UKS users we don't really need this as we have this portable base functionality etc? 99% sure I know the answer but just making sure.
  12. It's not a glitch, it is highly likely you installed it wrong. Picture of your gamedata folder would help to start. I'd suggest watching the streams (the many hours of streams) of that IVA being created. For the amount of work that IVA took I think it's pretty amazing.
  13. I might be missing something but I don't recall Karbonite ever supporting TAC-LS. MKS does but it is not really comparable to kethane.
  14. I guess I would be more curious why you have resisted adding support for it to begin with. It functions extremely well and it probably the second most popular LS mod available at the moment.
  15. Still WIP in the development forum. Doesn't even have a github setup yet. My guess is he'll get to it eventually, especially after a formal release.
  16. Nothing yet has been abandonded as far as I know. long overdue for an update maybe...
  17. I'm guessing he is referencing at least this:https://github.com/BobPalmer/USI-LS/pull/27 @araym. If you are going to go to the trouble of actually tracking down the commits. Checking dates helps. 0.1.5 was released July 1 and the above commit was merged July 29. So I imagine all these fixes are just waiting on a release.
  18. On your own, balance better (it's tricky). Modded solution, Throttle controlled avionics (amazing).
  19. Id imagine in the same way other parts packs like B9 etc do.
  20. with the legs? I have with legs. My guess is slight variations with the colliders on the various feet. Even with just the karibou pod legs in front and say a multi hub legs at the back it will slide sometimes.
  21. And I was saying you can peruse the thread because there were lengthy discussions of the resouces and values so you could see how they got to the numbers they did
  22. I would honestly just dig through the thread, its only 65 pages and many of them have everyones discussions on how they defined all the resource densities
  23. Hey everyone. Was at Goddard Space flight center today for their annual'ish explore Goddard day. Saw these and had to snap some pics. SOUNDING ROCKETS! Actual Sounding Rocket battery pack And module to fit science experiments
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