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Everything posted by shdwlrd

  1. I agree with the "is a mod, let is slide" sentiment. There are a few things that MJ does that I would like to see being stock. The statement that no one wants flight automation is objective false.
  2. Lol... the old MJ argument. Any talk about autopilots will start an argument between the purists and those who like the convenience that autopilots provides.
  3. I do the parking lot or tarmac parking for the crafts I want to save. But to save physics overhead I can live with a storage garage/hanger. The garage/hanger itself would have a defined square meters of storage and a defined footprint. Crafts that are physically too large to fit, can't but you can still use it for several small crafts. When recovering a craft, you have a choice to either park it or scrap it for resources.
  4. I would like to see non contact resource sharing around colonies and bases. Something akin to Pathfinder, MKS, or simple resource transfers(?).
  5. The economy part, yes, that is in the works. As for territories and controlling of them, that would be up to the individual player hosting the server.
  6. It's a possibility. Don't know if funds will be a part of the game, but resources can be used for trade.
  7. If you're asking if there will be persistent rotation, then yes. Well maybe. The devs have hinted for this, but they haven't said anything or have we seen anything to prove anything either way.
  8. It doesn't matter, the Nates were very adamant, no wormholes. Even as an easter egg, it wouldn't be in the game. If they want to add a model for a stargate as an easter egg, I wouldn't have a problem with that. The only thing that the crashed UFO's implies is that some aliens visited the Kerbin system.
  9. Not going to happen. KSP2 won't have warp drives, jump drives, wormholes, star gates basically no scifi future tech.
  10. We don't know. All the speculation that has been done on the minimum/recommended specs subject hasn't helped much with narrowing it down.
  11. Awesome hearing about fixes and enhancements from what we are use to in KSP1. This means that objects can collide at orbital velocities. Guess we will have to pay attention to any crossing orbits.
  12. Good possibility. There were a bunch of parts that didn't look like stock parts in KSP1 or USI themed parts.
  13. I would have to guess because of the complaints they get. The flight UI is different from KSP1 and people don't like it. (They can call it WIP, and people still complain. )
  14. I wouldn't mind seeing a random spot on Kerbin with full details.
  15. Ain't that the truth. I'm sure there are plenty of people in this forum that have bought a game because of an awesome trailer just to realize how much the game sucks after playing it for awhile.
  16. None of this sounds like fun to me. It sounds like a massive headache and multiple launch and reverts scenario just because you forgot something small and stupid to the regular player.
  17. There won't be an EA period. (They don't need it.) The game will be released as a 1.0. I'm expecting bugs, but I don't see them being long lived like in KSP1. (Especially the more egregious ones.)
  18. That wouldn't surprise me. But stopping the lazy "I must be first to report that I found this" user is what I think is intended here. (The same premise that locks only stop the lazy or inexperienced thieves.) There are the more code savy players in this forum will have the info in short order. But most of these users (in my opinion) wouldn't publish it for a reasonable amount of time so they don't ruin the other players joy of the discovery these star systems themselves.
  19. For the people who are wanting no barriers or limitations in sandbox box should prepare themselves for a genies version of your wish. Nate has specifically said that they don't want people in sandbox spoiling the discovery of new star systems and planets for other players. So on initial release you shouldn't expect to see or or pull up any information on the new star systems and planets. (That doesn't mean you can't discover and travel to them. You just won't have info on them initially.) Hopefully some time after the release and players have started discovering the new star systems and planets, they will patch out the block and you can have the free reign to look at everything.
  20. If the devs are stumped for a name, sure, throw it to the community and let us have a crack at it.
  21. An extremely over engineered lander with the rover barely hanging on? Or is the rover stuffed into a service module?
  22. I couldn't agree more. Unfortunately we don't know if any of the BG parts will make it into KSP2. Even if they initially do prop and rotor engines using the original method, (the same way as the turbine engines but with a ton of animations) would be worth while in the beginning stages of the game and possibly later on depending on what planets you're on. KSP1 has some good autopilots other than MJ. But I understand what you are getting at. It can be tedious flying a slow prop plane around, even worse with a helicopter since you have to keep on fussing with it. The lack of variation in fuselage profiles and cockpits has always drove me nuts. I do understand the reasons why they were never added. You don't need anymore redundant parts. The addition of switchable cockpit configurations would help with that some. It's not the end all solution, but it could help. One thing KSP doesn't like is light craft with high lift. This will trigger the infini-glide issue which isn't ideal when learning to control planes in KSP. Since larger, heavier crafts will behave closer to how you expect them to.
  23. Yes and no. There was an incompatibility between Unity and PhysX that started the whole ball rolling with the wheels. Harvester explains in this post what happened to the wheels and using a custom, unreleased version of VPP to "fix" the issue and other physics problems caused by this incompatibility. This is when they updated VPP help with the wheel problems The whole wheel mess was a combination of Unity, PhysX, VPP, and Squad.
  24. Intercept has said that not all the parts from KSP1 will make it into KSP2. There has been speculation whether or not the robotic parts will make it into KSP2. So making rotary based craft isn't a guaranteed thing.
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