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Everything posted by shdwlrd

  1. I did apologize. Not everyone can stand Linus or LTT. But as for posting the video, you're welcome. Looks like my helpful posting of a video with real performance information did its job.
  2. Nate answered that question on the 1st page.
  3. It could just be a very bad phrasing (dad joke bad in this case.) for the creative process for the 1st quote. And the 2nd seems to be wishful with the prospect of what you can do. PD and Intercept has been good at not letting hints on their road map and what functionality the game will have slip out in written media. The best source is the interviews when someone says something out of place. AFAIK, no one has mentioned anything about planets outside of the general specifics.
  4. I just saw this and figured I would post it here. (Sorry if you find Linus annoying.)
  5. You don't build too big and keep your crafts as simple and efficient as possible. That's how you play on a low end machine.
  6. Just simply amazing. I may breakdown and get something that can actually run games at 2k or 4k.
  7. @Kapitalizing Every Word instead of stressing about what you should buy now. Wait and save money until a release date is announced. By then the minimum specs should be known and you may be surprised by the options available then.
  8. Some of the off hand comments Nate has said about playing multiplayer and having a blast, I believe multiplayer will be included upon release. No, I don't think it will be anything more complex than a simple peer to peer or invite only system through Steam or whatnot. At that point, the game will technically have multiplayer support. If they manage to release with full dedicated server support, I will be surprised. Of course they can throw everyone and have the game start as it's own private server that you can invite people into. (Valheim, Avorion)
  9. It's really a shame that the gaming industry has ended up like this. I miss the days you bought a completed game and the only bugs were outliers that you had to force. There was nothing you had to deal with in normal game play.
  10. You either have non-DLC players not see the parts or you replace them with something generic but similar. (MS flight) Or you don't allow the dlc and non dlc players to intermingle. Or you do like space engineers and the server controls the DLC and mods. Non dlc players can use the parts only on that server.
  11. I have to ask, in your view, does a veteran player have the ability to bypass the basics to do what they want to do right from the start? In KSP1 there was nothing to help the player fly their craft. Why does KSP2 have to follow that formula? Why do you think QoL and convenience functions in flight shouldn't be added?
  12. Never used the mod nor do I care to. KSP isn't about running around in a 1st person view with a kerbal with me. The only 1st person view I care about is landing a plane. If I want to float in space playing with space craft, I'll tear one apart in Hardspace: Shipbreakers.
  13. Agreed. I'm thinking that Valve is trying to push the ultra portable PC gaming here in the States. (It seems to follow their path of their past game streaming devices.) Since most of the AMD ultra book main boards are about the same size of the Deck. It would make sense to try it, considering that there are people who puy laptops just for gaming and nothing else.
  14. It's a fine wish, but it isn't happening. There is a ton of redundancy in the part lineup between the stock parts and MH. Intercept has said they will be removing the redundancy of parts when porting the KSP1 parts to KSP2. It would make sense to take the better of the redundant parts and port them. So we can possibly see some of the MH parts in KSP2, but not all of them.
  15. Yep, let's talk specifics. With rovers and walking Kerbals, I would like a cruise control. I don't want to be pressing W the whole time. For example in Valheim if you press Q the character will continue walking without any other input. I don't want to have to use a hacky trick to hold down the W key when I want to do a driving tour of the area. Waypoint guidance would be a nice addition, but not necessary. With aircraft I would like a basic hold function. So you don't have to have your hands on the keyboard or controller the whole time. Some automatic subsystems like spoilers and auto braking upon landing. Visual references near the craft when lining up to a runway or landing spot. Optional auto leveling of wings to help the keyboard users. Again waypoint guidance would be a nice plus, but not necessary. Something to help with hovering and pointing out the your horizontal movement. I would like auto execution of maneuver nodes. Not because I'm lazy, but because it's more accurate that I can be. Plus it would be helpful when you have an unfocused burn happening. Suggested time and orientation depending on craft type for deorbit burns to increase accuracy for pin point landings. Something to help with suicide burns taking TWR into account. I can't think of any useful suggestions for the background transfers without some idea of how it will work.
  16. Nothing will replace the old school hand helds. I'm truly excited about this. I'm waiting for a hands on review before ordering it. I'm really concerned about the battery life and replaceablity more than anything else. I'm not worried about the OS as much. If proton is a solid as Valve claims to be, I don't think it will matter if a game is made for Linux or Windows. If proton doesn't work as described, the larger storage sizes could support a multi boot system.
  17. This is a more elaborate version of the no contact resource sharing idea that I've thrown out there. I'm all for it.
  18. Surprisingly enough, MJ can't control a poorly designed rocket or plane. If the CoM and CoL is too far out whack, MJ will crash the craft faster than the player. Make a offset thrust rocket and you will see MJ fail almost every time. (It took me 6 months of tinkering to get my KSOS patches to work with MJ. And I still have to override MJ until it reaches 100m/s.) Set MJ to fly a multi engine plane and create an asymmetrical thrust situation and MJ will crash it. (PA will account for asymmetric thrust, MJ won't.)
  19. I've tried being fancy and use my X52 hotas. That was a disaster. I tried setting up my Xbox controller, that didn't work either. (Admittedly, this was pre 1.0.) Since all my planes mimic real world designs and have very low stall speeds. I can't pitch up more than 10 degrees without a tail strike. That causes a subdued version of the infinite glide bug to come out. No, it has to do with how KSP's aerodynamic model works. But that is for another thread.
  20. Outside of I wouldn't want to code MJ for KOS. The problem with KOS is the rate in which it processes the code. With DLL's, the processing rate is similar to the base game. KOS as current, processes the code about 1/3 slower. That leads to very twitchy flight performance. I can see KOS being used to setup and controlling the background resource transfers where the twitchyness isn't noticeable. But for a flight I'm controlling, I would prefer a dedicated autopilot.
  21. It has to do with how planes behave. I've noticed that planes don't like to decend while flaring. They have a tendency to float. You only have either air brakes or reverse thrust to force it to the ground, which in turn can force a bounce and your gear explode. The other issue is that the yaw, roll, and pitch controls are on top of each other when using a keyboard. It makes it very difficult to use yaw and control your roll while lining up to the runway. And God forbid that you need to start your flare too. All the planes I use have stall speeds between 30-40 m/s, and mimic real aircraft designs.
  22. Lol... not doing that with docking, but it does take me a little time to do so. You actually hit the runway from space?! I'm lucky if I can get within 50km of the KSC if I don't have atmo engines on my plane. Seriously though, landing a plane in KSP is a lot harder than it should be. In any other flight sim, I can land a plane in without a much of a problem. In KSP, I'm lucky if I don't crash.
  23. @Bej Kerman how come you always claim that MJ doesn't encourage someone to learn eventhough there are players who learned to play KSP because of MJ? Why do you consistently ignore that fact? I learned the basics of orbital mechanics because of MJ. I learned the proper way to do gravity turns because of MJ. I learned how TWR, DV, and mass are related because of MJ. I learned how to build rockets properly because of MJ. You keep suggesting that MJ is worthless and never should be used. But there are long-term players that swear by MJ. You seem to think because someone uses MJ regularly means that they don't know what they are doing. I personally can tell you how wrong you are. You believe that a player should never walk away while playing KSP or take their hands off the keyboard or controller. I believe that it's the players game and they can do whatever they want.
  24. Never do IVA except to just look at the interiors. Most IVA'S are non-functional even in the most basic forms. For me to use the IVA functions, they 1st have to correct the sight lines for the cockpits and improve the readability for the flight instruments. For standard crewed parts, ehh whatever, I can care less.
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