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Everything posted by THX1138

  1. I extended a radiator for one Nerv engine and left the others retracted to compare the temperatures and saw the opposite of what I expected. My guess is that the radiator actively draws the heat from all the Nervs and then some of it is conducted back to the nearest Nerv. Is that what's happened?
  2. I worked around the problem by leaving two parachutes undeployed and then deployed them as the craft was tipping over.
  3. When I splash down a tall structure and it's momentarily stable in the water, the parachutes disappear. Then it destabilises and smashes down on the water causing destruction of much of the equipment. If the parachutes remained in place, maybe they'd stop this from happening?
  4. In the screenshot, the orange fuel tank with heat shield has separated from the large docking port to which it was attached but it has left the heatshield shroud attached to the docking port. Can the docking port still be used?
  5. I was wondering whether I can attach a rover, via it's advanced grabbing unit, to draw heat away from an ore mining drill attached to another craft.
  6. Hi. I think this spaceplane used to work but now it flips over backwards shortly after take off. The centre of lift is behind the centre of mass. Any advice? https://youtu.be/OaLAgJtXMMQ
  7. Does mining and refining continue whilst I'm controlling other craft?
  8. If I save the game during sub-orbital flight does that mean I can no longer revert to launch/VAB?
  9. I have a craft saved. It loads but the craft title doesn't update and the parts all act as though they're not attached to a root part and they can't be selected. The root part should be the docking port. https://www.dropbox.com/s/ou4n6truknrx6rl/Tug%2C%20medium%2C%20liquid%20fuel.craft?dl=0 Game version: most up-to-date provided by Steam. Mods: StockBugFixPlus.v1.0.5a.3 Kerbal_Alarm_Clock-
  10. The screenshot shows an example of a window in the game GUI that is of insufficient width to display the contents properly. It has a horizontal slider which is impractical because the mouse must switch between the horizontal and vertical sliders constantly to view the contents of the window fully. The expected outcome is that the window will either resize automatically to allow the contents to be more easily viewed or the user will be able to resize the window manually.
  11. Validating the local game cache in Steam fixed the problem. Thanks!
  12. What am I meant to do when I can't load certain craft files with the following error: The only button says 'OK'. I took a short break from KSP for maybe 2-3 months.
  13. I don't know the answer to your question but I use the movement of stuff below to tell when the interface has hung or not. Without that movement, I don't think you'd be able to tell as easily when the interface is ready to accept input.
  14. I created this craft very early in my KSP career game (pre 0.9). I has no SAS and the engines are off. It does something odd. The motion increases in intensity until one of the tanks separates from the tri-connector (not shown in the video). https://youtu.be/3SVSps4HO88
  15. Right click on the tanks involved, holding the Alt key on the keyboard. The fuel transfer system isn't ideal as I guess you'll discover in time but that's all you really need to know.
  16. It looks like it should be docking. I'd switch of SAS since it won't be doing anything to help. The magnetism seems to force alignment on its own (which the SAS tries to fight).
  17. I think this design is wasteful because part of the thrust vector is cancelled out between engines. Instead of carrying heat shields around everywhere you go, why not leave some in LKO and dock to them prior to re-entry? (assuming you're not using it to enter the atmosphere of another planet) If you do need to carry it around, I'd still carry it on the front by docking port and then move it to the back prior to re-entry.
  18. Docking ports are intended to connect to another docking port of the same type on another craft. They are not doors that can be opened to the vacuum of space like the entrances to the various pods and containers.
  19. Since there are a great many parachutes, I'll go with the save file editing. Thanks!
  20. I thought I could repack a parachute deployed in space using an engineer but if I click on the parachutes while right next to them on EVA (orbiting), no option appears. Do I need to be landed to repack them? The engineer has four stars.
  21. Don't do it! It might just add yet more bugs which this game has plenty of already!
  22. Okay, thanks a lot. Since I already have a crap plane out there that I'm hoping to land, is there any advice for how to stop a spin when it happens? Are there different kinds of spin?
  23. This plane flies okay with two RAPIERS and two turbo jets but not with four turbo jets. What's going wrong? Video: When I re-enter with the RAPIER version it does the same thing and spins around and around. I need that to not happen because it destroys the cargo I have banging around inside.
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