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Everything posted by THX1138

  1. Has anyone encountered a bug wherein the control-from-here point changes during in launch when pressing M to switch to map-view?
  2. That should probably read "Heading to Minmus?"
  3. Because when those ships were launched the NERV required oxidiser. NERVs only started to run on LF alone after a particular update which occurred after all these were launched.
  4. I think you're both right, depending on the situation. It depends what you need to accomplish.
  5. I've noticed that the SAS is frequently applying yaw in the wrong direction. This is very frustrating.
  6. Of course. A misunderstanding. The cursor is visible on my screen but not captured in the screenshot.
  7. A long time ago I regrettably accepted a contract to eject a class E asteroid from the solar system. I've sent a total of four different vessels to the same asteroid. I cannot control the attitude of the craft/asteroid - no matter what I do, I have oscillations that increase in intensity until something explodes. I need to eject this asteroid to break even on the contract! I've made the save file available via my Dropbox. In the screenshot below everything looks fine but in actually, it's just passing through prograde. I've tried disabling reaction wheels on some of the vessels in case they're doing something stupid. I've detached the final craft (the one with the greatest diameter) and attached it to the asteroid directly). A bug has given all the craft except the final one full fuel. I've no idea how or why but I'm not upset about it; it makes up for the useless oxidiser I've been stuck with since NERVs stopped using it. How can I control what I have without sending any more vessels? What I have should be just fine in my opinion.
  8. Mine has crashed three times in about the same amount of time (eight hours).
  9. I noticed it and tried to wipe it off my monitor and was at first excited and then disappointed when I realised it was nothing of interest and has no part to play in the game (I visited it via a rover). It's an eyesore!
  10. I don't like that I can now see a monolith from my view of the KSC.
  11. I'm hovering the mouse cursor over the blue orbit in this screenshot. The screenshot does not include the mouse cursor but it's there. There is supposed to be a blue ball that appears under the mouse cursor when I hover it over the orbit and when I right click I should then get an option to either warp there or create a maneuver node. The ball appears when the mouse cursor hovers over the purple and orange orbits/lines. What's going on? I need to create a manoeuver node where my ship is now and for some reason I can't.
  12. Hi. I want to send a vessel from Kerbin to Jool using the Mun for a gravity assist and thrusting at the best time to benefit from the Oberth effect. I made an image to demonstrate when I think I should be trying to encounter the Mun on the basis of angles given by http://ksp.olex.biz/ and when I should burn for the Oberth effect assuming that I only do one pass around the Mun (I'll actually do two). In order to determine what direction to burn, I made a manoeuvre node at a location after Kerbin escape and pulled the prograde thing on that node. Then I set the SAS to hold the attitude at the blue target marker and started the burn five days early. Is that right?
  13. Thanks. I really appreciate knowing that I'm not alone and even more that it's a known issue.
  14. I keep experiencing a bug where my trajectory keeps changing even though there are no forces being applied to my vessel. Often closing the game and re-opening it would clear the bug but now I have a save where the bug persists after reopening the save. I provided a link to the save below. To observe the bug in action load the save and then go to map view. Change focus to the Mun and watch the periapsis continually change and never stop changing. Forever. If you warp time, the force stops of course. https://www.dropbox.com/s/vmhxmths56515fw/Phantom force bug.sfs?dl=0
  15. I've never noticed this problem with any of the other markers (prograde, anti-normal etc); only target. At least I know it's not just me.
  16. I support this. I'd like a thing to tell me when my next window to any planet (don't care which) is.
  17. Will this tell me what the next window is if I don't care to specify a planet? i.e. the next window to any planet?
  18. I'd be annoyed if I spent funds on it and then found it did/added nothing to the game.
  19. Often my craft do not hold their target correctly but position some distance below the target on the navball. Please see the screenshot for clarification. Why might this happen?
  20. I had problems with docking port orientation when I was first learning to play the game. I think it could be made more obvious with a written sign painted on the back indicating that it's the back. This would be in keeping with the style of the game.
  21. I like the idea. I think it would also be cool to discover a moon or planet that you weren't aware of/wasn't in the tracking station at the beginning of the game.
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