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Everything posted by THX1138

  1. The struts automatically disengage whenever decouplers or docking ports necessitate it.
  2. In my opinion SRBs are the appropriate first stage and most people using liquid-fuelled rockets have failed to adapt to the introduction of cost as an aspect of KSP rocket design.
  3. I got censored when I raised the topic of Kerbal reproduction once! (they reproduce by budding)
  4. Nah, I didn't realise you could transfer through the claw. That's not what I thought.
  5. Could you upload the save and everyone can try to save them and give the save back? Edit: oh right, nvm.
  6. The only parts that are, according to the descriptions, designed to dissipate heat are some of the solar panels but their temperature seems to trail far behind that of the parts they are connected to. If the thermal connection was improved the panels would compete better with the wings many are using instead to dissipate heat.
  7. Smaller?? I need a larger one so I don't have to use so many Kickbacks! Won't someone think of the part counts!
  8. I've reported a few bugs but don't get replies to the threads so I'm not sure whether anyone has looked at them or not and it discourages me from bothering to report others. It might also reduce the number of duplicated reports if there was a bug tracking system in use.
  9. That doesn't help much with aligning docking ports. The VAB/SPH does need some way to align parts between crafts IMO.
  10. The wings might be a bit more effective at radiating heat but that's all they do. The solar panels have two purposes while the wings just have one.
  11. The gigantor (I think they're called) and the panels in white casing have radiators on the reverse, according to their descriptions. The OX-4L 1x6 do not have radiators.
  12. The error says: KSP 1.0.2 Mod: Kerbal Alarm Clock Output log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/14jm76kd86wdpvu/output_log.txt?dl=0
  13. I get this a lot but I hate jumping through those bug-reporting hoops. I've no idea how to reproduce it either.
  14. OX-4L 1x6 are the wrong solar panels. You need to use the ones that come in a white casing or the gigantic ones.
  15. What if the wheel we see is actually in the physics four Unity "wheels" at right angles - then the wheels would work in four orientations.
  16. Driving like a maniac? I was doing all I could yesterday to stay below 4 m/s going down a Duna slope. I had to keep zig zagging to make the descent as gentle as possible but I also had to be very careful turning, especially because I was on a slope. The brakes were on the whole time. I'm not trying to drive like a maniac. Is there any reason the line can't pivot like thereaverofdarkness suggests?
  17. The same thing happens with root set to the docking port (it was previously the central tank which itself has no involvement (it doesn't contain oxidiser)).
  18. There's nothing just fine about a rover on it's back or side that can't move or right itself. Don't act like "most people" haven't had their rovers fall over and become useless so they need to keep reloading saves. Moving ~40 meters per day like Curiosity isn't an option either.
  19. I don't know which part is the root. I think it might be the central fuel tank (empty in the video) but I can change it to anything you think it should be. The only mod I have is Kerbal Alarm Clock.
  20. I display the thrust limits (both set to 100%) in the video and there's no fuel line in the craft. I've uploaded the craft file.
  21. What is causing the uneven fuel drainage in this video (you might want to mute - I forget that Fraps records the music I'm listening to)?
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