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Everything posted by THX1138

  1. This brings its own problems (see my other recent threads!). I'm exploring both avenues at the moment.
  2. That's more or less what I'm trying to do. Right now I'm stuck at this stage (picture below) because I can't figure out how to detach the massive fuel tank with both ports attached (depending on what I make the root, I can have either one attached).
  3. I'm pretty sure that's not what happens. You build planes bottom-side down in the hangar and they appear bottom-side down on the runway. It might screw up all the controls though?
  4. Is it possible to have eight-symmetry in the spaceplane hangar?
  5. That won't work. They have to be a specific distance apart - the distance apart they'd be if they were attached to these things:
  6. I haven't already placed the docking port. I just explained it in past tense for simplicity. I'm trying to consolidate a method to achieve something more complex than stated in the OP. - - - Updated - - - I think that still requires me to eyeball the alignment though, right? I'd like it more precise than that. I'd like the precision absolute in-fact.
  7. And the answer is because you can assemble wider constructs in the spaceplane hangar. The VAB is restricted to assemblies that are not wide enough to direct the plume outside a class E asteroid without angling the rockets in a way that reduces their efficiency. I have pictures here of the widest structure the VAB can accommodate and it's not wide enough. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/108839-Need-advice-on-why-I-can-t-control-attitude-during-asteroid-ejection
  8. I notice you can open and assemble rockets in the spaceplane hangar so I was wondering if there isn't any reason why I couldn't launch short, wide rockets from the run way?
  9. I have a plan which involves assembling a craft in orbit. You can see the eight arms of the craft in the picture below, side by side. They are intended to be undocked from one another and then attached radially to a large fuel tank, each arm using two docking ports. I'm now wondering, since aligning one docking port is already pretty tricky, is this going to be near impossible? (the fuel tank does not yet have the eight docking ports in position - that's a separate problem)
  10. I have a docking port in a precise location on a tank and I don't want that location to change at all, not even the tinniest amount. I want the docking port to be copied into eight-symmetry but I can't do this in the normal way of changing the symmetry mode to eight and then clicking on the part because this causes the part to move. Is there a way that doesn't make the part move?
  11. What are you talking about? All it needs to do is remove the one part. If it has no problem adding the part, why should removing the part be a big deal? No, I won't be being a new PC for this game that is coded to only use a fraction of its capabilities. How about coding more efficiently? I could have an large file open in Photoshop and that doesn't mean it has to take 30 seconds to undo an edit I made because efficient coding. Buy a new PC? Yeah right.
  12. I can't select any of the existing structure in the VAB. The problem applies only to this specific structure. If I load a different structure, it doesn't have this problem. Reloading the game and reloading this structure, the problem persists. I can add things to the structure but I cannot select anything to move it or delete it. Normally a part highlights green if you mass the cursor over it but that isn't happening. What's going on? I uploaded the structure in case my description is unclear. Edit - the problem was resolved by entering 'Action Groups' and then returning to . Also, there's no way for me to stop this hyperlink formatting extending beyond its originally-intended bounds. The girders still can't be clicked/edited though. This should probably be handled as a bug.
  13. The current method of undoing a change in the VAB needs to be changed so I don't have to go and make a cup of tea to keep occupied while it does whatever it's doing.
  14. You can determine who is who by entering the map mode while focussed on a vessel containing crew. Then on the right hand side there are two buttons, on of which tells you the names and specialities of the crew members.
  15. Unfortunately that only seems to work in the up-down axis.
  16. It's not snapping. Maybe I hit a button that accidentally turned off snapping. (it's a monstrous Class E asteroid ejector that I'm building. It's too big to build in the VAB so I'm forced to assemble it properly in orbit)
  17. I'd like to align these docking ports but without the special trick that I hope you're about to tell me I can only judge it by eye which isn't satisfactory. Thanks!
  18. It's always the same! Every time I try to place a rocket onto a radial decoupler it ignores the decoupler and sinks into whatever the decoupler is attached to. It takes many attempts to get the desired result. Why does this happen?
  19. I'm trying to assemble something for launch which will be rearranged in orbit. It's too large to assemble in the VAB in the form I want it to ultimately take so I'm forced to do it this way. In the picture you can see two units of which I want a total of eight. I want them to be connected side by side using the four docking ports (one at each corner) but it won't let me connect them. Is there a way to do this or is it forbidden to connect things with four docking ports simultaneously? Edit - it seems to have something to do with the limited number of green balls you get when you copy a collection of components. Is there a way to specify where I want the green connection balls to be?
  20. Thanks. It's a shame the software can't simply take into account the positions of the components. I have a computer core at the very front of the whole mess so I could just use that if it weren't for the asteroid partially blocking some of my engine plumes.
  21. I tried that but it's still unstable. I think I know what the problem is now. I think I'm going to have to shut down six of the eight engines because three of them are partially blocked by the asteroid. I knew this was a risk when I launched but I couldn't build the craft any larger within the confines of the VAB, otherwise I would have. If I was starting over, I guess I'd build something which I'd construct in orbit but geewhiz, that's a going to be a kerfuffle if it comes to that. - - - Updated - - - Sigh. It's an irredeemable failure.
  22. I'm having a problem moving a class E asteroid. It had no problems ejecting a class C asteroid from solar orbit using a similarly-designed craft but with this asteroid, I can't maintain control of the attitude. There are a total of three craft attached to the asteroid. One is at the back (failed attempt one which holds most of the fuel) and two are at the front - the two at the front are attached to each other by a claw. There are a total of six large reaction wheels on the two craft on front of the asteroid and three on the craft at the back. There are four vernor engines on the front-most craft and there are eight nuclear engines around the outside of the circular frame. All the other engines are shut down (edit - the four at the back are not shut down but I've tried shutting them down and I'm not sure whether it helps). No matter where I select to "control from here", the damn thing just starts spinning when I attempt to apply thrust. The goal is to move it out of solar orbit, or at least try. Could someone tell me whether the three reaction wheels at the back are helping or hindering me? I don't know if the software has them working against the others. I uploaded the save file in case anyone wanted to investigate the situation more closely.
  23. I would like bigger, more powerful SRBs so my computer doesn't slow to a crawl during heavy launches where I have as many as 80 SRBs firing at once and 10 seconds in real life translate to one second in-game.
  24. Currently, whilst in flight, thrust limiters for each engine have to be set individually using a slider. It's very difficult to get all engines to have the same limit. This could be resolved by allowing to select multiple engines to be set simultaneously and/or allowing settings to be typed in.
  25. I have many fuel tanks that I'd like to transfer fuel to and from (from 12 tanks on one vessel to 24 tanks on another vessel). Is there a quicker way to select them than holding Alt and clicking each individually? With that method, if I accidentally click on object which isn't a fuel tank the option to transfer fuel disappears and I have to clear the selection and start again.
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