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Everything posted by THX1138

  1. This ambiguity should really be fixed. I noticed it but couldn't be bothered to start a thread.
  2. I don't want to add more batteries because that will reduce the range of my satellites. I'll just try to remember not to use full thrust.
  3. I only have major issues when launching heavy payloads. If the Research and Development tree was modified to provide bigger SRBs than the S1 SRB-KD25k then I could use fewer and launch a craft with a smaller part-count. This would go some way towards permitting the current code to provide acceptable performance.
  4. But the KR-2L only provides a bit less than four KD25ks worth of thrust even though it costs over 11 times as much. This is before taking into account the cost of fuel and mass but I don't know how to do that without setting up a spreadsheet. I'm still inclined to say that, at least in atmosphere, the KD25ks come out on top in terms of cost per unit of delta v.
  5. I've never used the S3 KS-25x4 Engine Cluster because it costs 32 400 credits for which I could buy 18 S1 SRB-KD25ks at 1 800 credits each. Am I making the right choice? The problem I'm having is that my payload is virtually unlaunchable due to the performance of my computer with the high part-count. It runs fine once I've shed the first two stages but I can't correct the lean if it runs like that. I'm sure that launching separate parts and assembling them in orbit is much more expensive and very time consuming. Will some future update give me bigger SRBs? I have 2 000 science points but nothing to spend them on.
  6. So the force comes from the engine, not the rotating solar panels? Would you still say this is a bug? I'm not sure... maybe there are situations where you'd want thrust to stay on when power runs out (using liquid fuel engines).
  7. You can't turn SAS on. SAS turns off because there's no power. Also, loading the save won't precipitate the bug. You have to drain the battery (e.g. by applying full thrust) first.
  8. Make sure you deploy the solar panels before the batteries run out of power. If the batteries run out of power you'll never be able to deploy the solar panels (unless you dock a vessel which does have power).
  9. I didn't delete the other craft because there are so many and you have to do each one by one. I actually have about 10 of these identical satellites but you could use the one called "Satellite, destination: Eelo", for example. It's easy to recreate the problem. Just apply full thrust and leave it like that until the power runs out. Then you'll have a satellite spinning out of control. The thrust automatically drops to zero. If the tracking does indeed not use power (not very realistic!) then maybe the small bursts of exposure are insufficient to cover the baseline load of the Probodobodyne HECS. I think the tracking of the panels overwhelms the SAS even though the reaction wheel is plenty powerful enough to manually control the orientation manually. http://www.filedropper.com/spinningsatellitetroubleshoot1
  10. The only option (for this panel at least) is to retract the panels but even that isn't available without power in the battery, not that I'd want to use it. I made a quicksave and then reloaded that quick save which stopped the thing spinning. The panels are still flawed IMO, at least in stock KSP.
  11. It's not evident though, because the shrouds covered the engines in the VAB. I launched this craft a long time ago, so I don't remember assembling it. That's the madness of multiple simultaneous contracts with their own deadlines - you end up taking on many missions at once and can't remember the details as you go back and forth.
  12. Here's a satellite I have. You can't tell because it's a screenshot but it's actually spinning around and around. I can't stop it because there's no power to use the reaction wheel. The solar panels are deployed and in direct sunlight but they use all the power the get trying to track the sun and their constant tracking seems to be causing the damn satellite to keep spinning around and around. I can't swtich to another craft because this one is "under acceleration". Previously I've recovered from this situation by holding the buttons (W, A, S, or D) as necessary to counter the spin and waiting for it to slowly stop at which point the panels function properly and the battery begins to charge. Would you call this a bug? It's a pretty stupid situation and if the damn panels would just stop tracking and wait for a moment, I'd collect enough light to power the reaction wheels but there's no such option to ever stop them tracking. They're not fit for purpose, I'd say.
  13. Why? Four nuclear engines at full thrust does not break the grabbing unit and it shouldn't matter what size the asteroid is. Keeping the thrust below about 95% seems to prevent them from overheating to the point of destruction. I'm intending to push a class E asteroid in this way after I've deal with a class C one.
  14. If you have rockets pointing outwards like that, you're wasting fuel.
  15. No I did not! Even NASA puts the engines on the wrong way sometimes!
  16. Ugh! If it's not one thing it's another! I don't suppose anyone knows what value to edit to change the orientation of the engines? They're LV-909 engines but they must be called something else in the save game code.
  17. I have a lander in space and it has shrouds over its engines. I tried jettisoning them but they didn't respond. I've eliminated unwanted items before by raising their temperature in my save file to the point that they were destroyed. Does anyone know what these might be called in the save file? The jettison option disappeared after clicking on it so I don't know what the game "thinks" is going on.
  18. I also want this. So will many future players. What's the point in that dang node if I can't do anything I want with it. There isn't enough support for building anything other than a long, unstable craft.
  19. Easy to find? There's nothing easy about moving your navball around to find a marker given that it simultaneously directs the thrust of your engines.
  20. I don't see how this can't be a known issue. It happens all the bloody time. It's so annoying having things clip into each other. Sometimes my radial decouplers don't function because the part clipped right through them and attached to structure directly. It's basically a different symptom of the same issue.
  21. I don't understand what you're saying. I don't understand why I can just put them together like every other piece. Here's another one that doesn't work. It's clearly bugged.
  22. I'm having a hard time in the VAB. Any idea why the green connection balls keep disappearing? Is it a known bug? See the small fuel tank in this screenshot? It used to have a connection ball and now it doesn't. Not cool.
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