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Everything posted by Drakenex

  1. Yup, we're go for launch Edit: The "Finch" verniers mentioned on the 1C engine mounting base are still in development?
  2. I now it kinda sucks, but since is the only submission to the daily BDB challenge what's my prize???
  3. yup, that's NASA fancy name for them, like the thermal compartment in my kitchen where I kept some aluminum cylinders with malted barley beverage. Will the camera be a separate part? Add KIS and KAS, + BDB = Apollo 12!!
  4. hehe I know! Tried to resize the tower but it seems "rescaleFactor" is not the way. My vote is for @legoclone09, those lines, curves, the black and white contrast, is feast for the senses!
  5. looking great! Other than the thermal compartments texture (may be less lines) the color is looking good. Can't wait to launch it! It will replace my own Surveyor:
  6. Great!!! Thanks a lot.
  7. I really hope you're not giving up! This is one of my favorite solar system mods.
  8. Come on woman! I was not using my glasses! now you owe me a keyboard, mouse and two screwdriver cocktails ...
  9. Beale made it for Mir, shuttle docking port or something like that, but yes, you're right, it might work
  10. Yup, also your plugin wont run on 1.1.3, at the end the only mod I'm missing is MJ . How's your Friday going? are you sober?
  11. You can edit all unsupported categories or use an MM patch (I have one but I'm sure CW will not approve posting it)
  12. +1 Although you can build reasonable accurate one using misc parts it will be nice to have a cobaltwofized one
  13. @CobaltWolfa little update, AJ-60A would be nice , I know, totally off topic, ignore if you want!
  14. yeah sorry, it's such a bad idea that no body bothered to make it hi-res. Well, there's a 480P video!
  15. Yeah, 1.1.3 for screens only, 1.2 for balance testing, there a lot of mods I depend on to make a proper mission so that's why I've used 1.1.3 for the gallery. @CobaltWolf may be is KVV, let me see how it displays on 1.2. Sorry if it was discussed before, but I can't see them on the roadmap, are rover wheels planned?
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