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Everything posted by Drakenex

  1. Any kind soul who can point me to a TAC MM patch for Tantares? Can't find anything good. Thanks!
  2. Hi hraban! Can't find Ariane 6 main engine, sorry! thanks Edit: oh! I guess I found it, it's "A5-V2Plus" ? how can I make the fairings or engine cover appear? Second Edit: is the plus version Sorry! Well, any advice in building the upper stage? (Well I have to ask something after being stupid hehe) Figured out that too.
  3. As you may know I'm a huge space history fan, not Amy Shira level but I know many hardware by its real name, so that helps a lot when browsing around stuff.
  4. Same here! I've done a lot already for personal use. @PART[*bluedog*] { @title ^= :Belle:Agena: @description ^= :Belle:Agena: @title ^= :"Hadar":Bell 8048: @title ^= :Muo:Atlas: @description ^= :Muo:Atlas: @title ^= :"Buzzard":XLR-89: @title ^= :"Vulture":XLR-1055: @title ^= :"Czar":RD-180: @title ^= :"Crow":LR-101: @title ^= :"Finch":LR-101S: @title ^= :Inon:Centaur: @title ^= :Inon-R-10A "Isor":Centaur RL-10A: @description ^= :Inon:Centaur: @title ^= :Daleth:Delta: @title ^= :Daleth-CGR-40 "Ruby":Delta GEM 40: @title ^= :Daleth-CGR-46 "Emerald":Delta GEM 46: @title ^= :Daleth-CGR-60 "Sapphire":Delta GEM 60: @description ^= :Daleth:Delta: @title ^= :Daleth-K-75 "Bahdal":Delta AJ10-118K: @title ^= :Daleth-SSR-27a "Darkah":Delta RS-27A: @title ^= :Rosuette:Diamant: @title ^= :Rosuette-64 "Snooky":Diamant Rubis: @title ^= :Rosuette-280 "Starlet":Diamant Rita: @title ^= :Rosuette-175 "Vixen":Diamant Vexin: @title ^= :HLR-ZAP:Ranger: @title ^= :"Rorat":Ranger: @title ^= :"Suomi":Explorer 7: @title ^= :Chryslus:Juno: @title ^= :HLR-EP:Pioneer 5: @title ^= :Hermes:Mercury: @title ^= :Prometheus:Titan: @title ^= :"Chiron":LR87: @title ^= :Fenris:Thor: @title ^= :Fenris-18 "Alphastar":AbleStar AJ-10-104D: @title ^= :Brun:Able: @title ^= :"Dioscuri":Castor: @title ^= :Discuri:Castor: @title ^= :Etoh:Redstone: @title ^= :Etoh-140 "Sandstone":Redstone A-6: @title ^= :Vicenza:Sergeant: @title ^= :"Alphastar":Ablestar: @title ^= :"Mafuni":Bell 8096: @title ^= :Sarnus:Saturn: @title ^= :Kane:Apollo: }
  5. @Tristonwilson12 how are you! I guess because @xxhansonmaxxretirement this was forgotten, I can try to make textures for them, please let me know if you have the files available. Thanks
  6. I know, but there isn't another Dragon capsule (1 or 2) who's even half as good as this one.
  7. It spams the log with "The hull has more than 255 polygons. This is invalid.", I'm using capsules, landing legs and fins only, Both pre-made .craft and from scratch.
  8. ohh Direct was revamped! I guess is @CobaltWolfand all his awesomeness distracted me from the scene! Thanks, I'll give it a try
  9. So.. what's your recommendation while he releases the stack? I've tried Direct but as you said is a pain to balance. Thanks! @PakGreat to see this mod growing! I've lost track of this long ago and now that I've found it again goes to thew most have list.
  10. 'Cos we're nerds who are going to recreate every single Apollo mission including the ones with boilerplates, mass simulators Etc... And a proper Block I is a must Thanks for listening!
  11. @CobaltWolf I know you've asked about extra Apollo parts long ago, but I forgot to ask at that time! Can you please make a simple cone replacing parachutes and dock port so we can build Apollo Block I? thanks!
  12. oh! OK, May be a someone with a big soul (Or may be I figure it out) could make it work using Infernal Robotics, like I did before Thanks!
  13. Dear Wolfy, how are you going to animate ATM's deployment from launch config to orbit config? Like Raidernick's version? There will be a fairing base between the airlock and the workshop? Thanks!
  14. All problems can be solved with the proper application of orange juice and vodka. Congrats on release! @CobaltWolf@Jso@VenomousRequiem@DiscoSlelge
  15. Same with screenshots, I'll add them to the gallery. I want to add upper stages in mid-flight, Capsules, new rockets still uncovered and probes. Thanks!
  16. Great! good to know. Well, though the alternate timeline is nice and all, it lacks a little tech details. quotes? Yeah, more than a lot is reused very old tech ... Oh yes! just found them! but no, they can't be used right now. Nice @CobaltWolfis remaking them.
  17. Can't find them, only the "Crow" ones, but they are kinda low tech to use them on the supposedly evolved Saturn 1C, IMHO at least.
  18. hehehe nothing, a lot of people here plays KSP, no one is active in the forums or care about the addons. They just ask me if the "wolf guy" updated and uploaded any new Saturn parts.
  19. By all means! RL comes first. Thanks for all the hard work and effort expend making this. You're famous here in my office :P!
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