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Everything posted by Mahnarch

  1. Welcome back! I was gone about a year, myself, until recently. Getting the fire burnin' again.
  2. Ermahgerd! I just spent 2 hours building and taking "pictures" of Karl of Kerbin [hitting Ctrl+ PrtSc] and, for some reason, thinking it was auto saving the photos. I finally remembered that I had to paste and crop after I got into orbit. lol. Derka-derr! Anyway; always weary of the Kraken, the Kerbals have sent up another effigy of their legendary hero - Karl of Kerbin. It is said that he faced down his adversary, alone, with nothing but a stick and a handful of half eaten snacks! He lost his eye when the Kraken lashed out as the life was extinguished from the worthy foe! (Some say he lost it when he banged his eye on a sharp corner getting out of bed one morning. Those Kerbals have been excommunicated.) Victorious, Karl returned to Kerbin in a fiery wreck and bailed out right before the craft impacted the mountains. [Note: the Kerbal engineers didn't realize the circular solar panels were not retractable. Pretend it's a monocle that's half popping.] Night: Day:
  3. Since you just joined (also welcome!) I'm assuming you mean Duna and you're in the stock Kerbol system? There's a subway map for Delta V Here it is, from the KSP wiki:
  4. You would definitely have a FSDO agent knocking on your door. Maybe a couple.
  5. Welcome to the forums - and to the learning curve of KSP! If you haven't mastered rendezvous , yet, the GOAP method is your only bet but, beware that the smaller your craft the harder it'll be to maintain directional control. If would be nice if the Kerbals could jet whilst gripping the capsule - perhaps by the husk! You're about to become a master at EVA. Be patient.
  6. I use 'Z' for "Zero air between throttle and floor."
  7. Bob and Val had a picnic at the obelisk and tested small satellite set ups. Not photo worthy.
  8. That is one of the most hilarious things I've seen in a while. In an alternate universe this is how the Wright Flyer worked and how their modern 787s still fly. XD
  9. You talking about the box thingy on my desktop that opens a window like; I've been using this for almost a decade.
  10. You'll have to carve out time specificially for KSP. But, once you do that it starts to feel like a chore. That's why I can never succeed as a streamer (besides my lack of enthusiasm/hyperactivity). Once you put it on a schedule it's no longer fun.
  11. We had a previous thread but, it would probably be a necro to post there. Mine get named for their function using the 'SoHo' method. 2ManNoSciMunFrturn = 2 Kerbal (man) with no science aboard for a Free Return Mun trajectory. 4PassTAJSubOrb = 4 Passenger, Temp, Atmo and Science Jr, Sub orbital. Those are my early kerbuck earners.
  12. As an older person; I don't get it. Isn't this Discord thing just another forum? So, people on this forum would sign up for a second forum and people on that discord can sign up for this forum? That's just double the work - like having two wives. Who needs that mess?!
  13. It's been 20 hours... Where do I send the flowers to Halbo, Bill and Bob's funerals?
  14. It will be a new, from scratch game so, everything will be gone. You could copy your save file and paste it in but, you don't know if you'd be saving the corrupt file along with it. Sometimes the only solution is fire - and lots of it.
  15. Thank you, LG! I learned a lot of mods because of you and I would like to start making mods but, everything I can think of has already been made. Plus, I'd have to learn how. lol.
  16. Just make sure your boss isn't also taking time off to play KSP 2!
  17. Hi, mmiillmm! Your enthusiasm has made me want to open up the game. So, I'mma go do that, now.
  18. I found KSP on Google in 2014 when I was looking for a full-sized sim at local airports to keep my currency since my local FBO was closing down due to the owner getting sick (RIP ). The lack of realism in planes is infuriating so, I tend to skip the plane missions in Career starts. I look forward to KSP2 and hope to dust off the sim yoke if aero flight has been fixed.
  19. Awesome! I've been looking for a new screen capture, too. The Xbox capturererer that came with my computer will record good video/audio for about 20 minutes and, then, starts double layering the audio and lagging.
  20. Nice work on the find/fix! And, thanks for updating your fix. I hate when people don't return or just post "fixed!" without a solution.
  21. Welcome back! I took about a year off, myself. I got into the 'Hitman' series for a while.
  22. Nice work! And, thanks for following up with your solution.
  23. My deltaV map says a plane change in orbit is only 340 m/s. Easier than timing and/or eyeballing, if you ask me.
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