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Everything posted by JPLRepo

  1. There has been a delay in Nils277 releasing the DeepFreeze parts for Kerbal Planetary Base System as there were some compatibility issues that we had to sort out. But that is now all done and I expect he will be releasing it in the next couple of days.
  2. I'll see what I can find and report back to you. EDIT: I have found a KerbalExpressionSystem class/object for both IVA/EVA. You can find it a number of ways: This class is an extension of MonoBehaviour so all instances can be found with: foreach (kerbalExpressionSystem kes in Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll<kerbalExpressionSystem>()) A single instance is instantiated per kerbal attached to their kerbal class. (kerbalref). So can be found with: foreach (kerbalExpressionSystem kes in kerbal.gameObject.GetComponentsInChildren<KerbalExpressionSystem>()) where kerbal is the Kerbal class/kerbalref attached to the protocrewmember, etc. So you could check if it's an EVA kerbal first, Get the crew protocrewmember.kerbalref from the vessel.GetVesselCrew() list, a number of ways you could do it. Within the class there a number of useful vars as well: Bool isIVAController is true if attached to IVA kerbal or false if attached to EVA kerbal. KerbalEVA kerbalEVA is null if on IVA kerbal or set to the kerbalEVA partmodule if on an EVA kerbal. Part evaPart contains the EVAPart when attached to a kerbal in EVA
  3. So certainly I could make a less fatal consequences optional. So if the part overheats it uses more EC. What haaens if EC runs out? How about they automatically thaw - but in a comatose state for a period of time. They start using LS supplies again obviously and then they become active again.. I'm waiting for any other ideas to be put forward... If part overheats ___ happens. If EC runs out ____ happens. Fill in the blanks. No one wants or has any other ideas?
  4. The expressions? on IVA kerbals appear to be embedded in the animations attached to the Unity Legacy Animator. If I turn off the Animator all movement stops including their faces, head, arms, legs. There are a couple of classes related to expressions AI, etc, but I thought they were only related to EVA kerbals. I will investigate further.
  5. It would be because Unity/KSP is rendering an external model and internal model at the same time... doing this for just one part usually isn't an issue. But if you line up five of them like I was doing last week you notice a big difference. There is also this issue with Unity: Props should not contain flat mesh colliders -- such objects when seen with a world-space camera cause Unity to spam error messages and cause a sharp drop in performance. I would also guess the pizzaoverhead IVA mod you are referring to is actually for moving the IVA cameras around, not making them visible from external/flight view. Unless I have missed some new updates to that mod (highly likely).
  6. I have made a discovery and found all the necessary pieces to the puzzle to also enable/replace IVA kerbal animations.
  7. Through lots of digging I have dug up and found a) the IVA Kerbal bones (although others had already found this before) the Unity Animator attached to the IVA kerbal's and their Animation clips (of which there are 58 defined). c) How to replace the animation clips in IVA, which I have successfully done. All that is left now is to maybe incorporate into MrHappyFace's Animation Suite (rather than building another one) for IVA kerbal animations and we can create our own IVA animations for kerbals.
  8. Sorry I don't think people are understanding this. no you can't just change stock parts to be transparent, or other mods parts to be transparent. It depends on how the model has been created. In order for RPM transparent pods to work (not sure about this mod) the windows must be separate pieces of the actual model. Then you can define transparent shaders to the windows. Let's take an example stock part: the copula. this model was created by squad with the windows and the body of the part all as one piece. Therefore you cannot make it transparent using RPM transparent pods. The model would have to be changed/re-created. Like I said, what you can do is contact the mod authors and ask them to look at making their parts transparent (where the part has an internal). But I doubt Squad will change the stock parts.
  9. To detect if in iva mode: [COLOR=blue]public[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]static[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]bool[/COLOR] IsInIVA() { [COLOR=blue]return[/COLOR] [COLOR=#2b91af]CameraManager[/COLOR].Instance.currentCameraMode == [COLOR=#2b91af]CameraManager[/COLOR].[COLOR=#2b91af]CameraMode[/COLOR].IVA || [COLOR=#2b91af]CameraManager[/COLOR].Instance.currentCameraMode == [COLOR=#2b91af]CameraManager[/COLOR].[COLOR=#2b91af]CameraMode[/COLOR].Internal; } To switch to flight mode: [COLOR=#2B91AF]CameraManager[/COLOR].Instance.SetCameraFlight(); To switch to previous camera mode: [COLOR=#2B91AF]CameraManager[/COLOR].Instance.PreviousCameraMode(); Anyway, it's all in the CameraManager class.
  10. No and Yes. The model maker has to create two sets of window shaders, one transparent and one opaque and then configure to use RPM in the part config file. You can of course just have ONE window shader (say the stock one) and then just change the config file, but then it looks like there is no window/glass at all, but it doesn't always work. A more realistic and working window needs a window shader to be generated with low opacity. Like I also said, having lots of internalmodels being rendered as well as external part models... does hit on performance. Which is probably why it is not stock. As per RPM it was noticed also that the more internal props you have configured the more performance hit there is as well.
  11. RasterPRopMonitor mod already does transparent pods/parts and IVAs. And before RPM, a mod called sfr command pods did it, which was abandoned and Mihara rebuilt it in RPM. Beware it is heavy on performance which is probably why it's not stock. I just finished updating the RPM module so you will be able to turn transparent pods on and off per part in the editor or in flight. MOARdV should be putting out a new version of RPM this weekend with this feature.
  12. The door opening on the CRY-300 is only active if you have RasterPropMonitor mod installed if that is what you mean. If you do not have RPM installed you cannot open the doors or see inside from the outside. As per the install instructions and optional mods list in the OP
  13. With regards to bug reports, please follow the instructions in the OP. I require description of the problem, steps to reproduce the error, a full debug log (not the Ksp.log). I am not following what you mean by "i see a picture with open chambers but i cant open the chambers". You need to describe the problem and how to reproduce the problem. IE: "I see a picture" - what picture? "I cant open the chambers" - there is no function in DeepFreeze to "open the chambers"? What do other people think? If the kerbals don't die because of overheat or if EC runs out - what should happen? I'm looking for ideas and suggestions of what people would like to see happen.
  14. I can certainly make it optional that they don't die... but what is supposed to happen to them if they don't die? What is "trown"?
  15. Yes it works in the VAB/SPH and in flight. Description in the pull request. https://github.com/Mihara/RasterPropMonitor/pull/369 The WIKI page will need to be updated. It's important to note that a part using JSITransparentPod should specify transparentTransforms field in the MODULE config so that when toggling JSITransparentPod OFF any window/transforms specified will be changed to opaque. If this is not specified for the part the internal will be turned off, but the window will remain transparent and you will see inside an empty part.
  16. So I have been tinkering today and I coded up a simple part menu toggle button for TransparentPods functionality. It has three settings: ON, OFF, AUTO. It defaults to ON, which means any part that has TransParentPod module will be transparent. If you toggle it to off, then you guessed it, it turns off transparentpod functionality for that part. and Auto will be off unless you set that part to be the "control from here" part or you hover the mouse over the part whereby it will turn transparentpod functionality on for that part. In testing with 5 parts all with transparentpod module assigned to them I got: 35FPS with them all set to ON. 52FPS with them all set to AUTO and 93FPS with them all set to off. Does anyone feel this would actually be a useful feature for TransparentPods?
  17. Internals do not need colliders. Kerbals can't move around in them. If you use props the props need colliders. Or internal cameras to say look out a window. Anything that you want to click (a prop) needs one but nothing else does.
  18. No Probs. Sorry I was thinking internalmodel. Yes your change to this.part.FindModelAnimators would be correct. Internalmodel would be if animating the internal IVA model which is what I have been doing a lot of lately. Also I put active = false in the KPSEvent, which is why they didn't appear in the menu. you should make at least one of them true for it to appear (so raisecover if the part starts with the cover closed). I put the KSPEvent code there because I thought you wanted the cover player controlled which is what KSPEvent's allow (by adding to the part right click menu). Told you it probably had a few bugs. As for multiple clips on one animation. I have done this and it works just fine. AS well as changing the speed. So not sure why you couldn't get that to work. the Anim array will have each clip in it. anim [0] = the first clip. anim[1] the second clip and so on. Anyway, as long as you have it working now that's great! well done!
  19. Why don't you just animate the cover in your partmodule? [[COLOR=#2B91AF]KSPEvent[/COLOR](active = [COLOR=blue]false[/COLOR], guiActive = [COLOR=blue]true[/COLOR], guiActiveUnfocused = [COLOR=blue]true[/COLOR], guiActiveEditor = [COLOR=blue]true[/COLOR], unfocusedRange = 5f, name = [COLOR=#A31515]"[/COLOR][COLOR=#3E3E3E]Raise_Cover[/COLOR][COLOR=#A31515]"[/COLOR], guiName = [COLOR=#A31515]"[/COLOR][COLOR=#3E3E3E]Raise Cover[/COLOR][COLOR=#A31515]"[/COLOR])] [COLOR=blue]public[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]void[/COLOR] [COLOR=#3E3E3E]Raise_Cover[/COLOR]() { Events[[COLOR=#A31515]"[/COLOR][COLOR=#3E3E3E]Raise_Cover[/COLOR][COLOR=#A31515]"[/COLOR]].active = [COLOR=blue]false[/COLOR]; [COLOR=blue]try[/COLOR] { [COLOR=#2B91AF]Animation[/COLOR] anim; [COLOR=#2B91AF]Animation[/COLOR][] animators = [COLOR=blue]this[/COLOR].part.internalModel.FindModelAnimators([COLOR=#A31515]"[/COLOR][COLOR=#3E3E3E]coverAnim[/COLOR][COLOR=#A31515]"[/COLOR]); [COLOR=blue]if[/COLOR] (animators.Length > 0) { anim = animators[0]; anim[[COLOR=#A31515]"[/COLOR][COLOR=#3E3E3E]coverAnim[/COLOR][COLOR=#A31515]"[/COLOR]].speed = [COLOR=#0000ff]1f[/COLOR]; anim[[COLOR=#A31515]"[/COLOR][COLOR=#3E3E3E]coverAnim[/COLOR][COLOR=#A31515]"[/COLOR]].normalizedTime = 0; anim.Play([COLOR=#A31515]"[/COLOR][COLOR=#3E3E3E]coverAnim[/COLOR][COLOR=#A31515]"[/COLOR]); Events[[COLOR=#A31515]"[/COLOR][COLOR=#3E3E3E]Lower_Cover[/COLOR][COLOR=#A31515]"[/COLOR]].active = [COLOR=blue]true[/COLOR]; } } [COLOR=blue]catch[/COLOR] ([COLOR=#2B91AF]Exception[/COLOR] ex) { Events[[COLOR=#A31515]"[/COLOR][COLOR=#3E3E3E]Raise_Cover[/COLOR][COLOR=#A31515]"[/COLOR]].active = [COLOR=blue]true[/COLOR]; [COLOR=#2B91AF] Debug[/COLOR].Log([COLOR=#A31515]"Exception trying to run the Raise_Cover animation"[/COLOR]); [COLOR=#2B91AF]Debug[/COLOR].Log([COLOR=#A31515]"Err: "[/COLOR] + ex); } } [COLOR=black][[COLOR=#2b91af]KSPEvent[/COLOR](active = [COLOR=blue]false[/COLOR], guiActive = [COLOR=blue]true[/COLOR], guiActiveUnfocused = [COLOR=blue]true[/COLOR], guiActiveEditor = [COLOR=blue]true[/COLOR], unfocusedRange = 5f, name = [COLOR=#a31515]"Lower_Cover"[/COLOR], guiName = [COLOR=#a31515]"Lower Cover"[/COLOR])] [COLOR=blue]public[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]void[/COLOR] Lower_Cover() { Events[[COLOR=#a31515]"[/COLOR]Lower_Cover[COLOR=#A31515]"[/COLOR]].active = [COLOR=blue]false[/COLOR]; [COLOR=blue]try[/COLOR] { [COLOR=#2b91af]Animation[/COLOR] anim; [COLOR=#2b91af]Animation[/COLOR][] animators = [COLOR=blue]this[/COLOR].part.internalModel.FindModelAnimators([COLOR=#a31515]"[/COLOR][COLOR=#3E3E3E][FONT=Verdana]coverAnim[/FONT][/COLOR][COLOR=#a31515]"[/COLOR]); [COLOR=blue]if[/COLOR] (animators.Length > 0) { anim = animators[0]; anim[[COLOR=#a31515]"[/COLOR][COLOR=#3E3E3E][FONT=Verdana]coverAnim[/FONT][/COLOR][COLOR=#a31515]"[/COLOR]].speed = [/COLOR][COLOR=#0000ff]-1f[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]; anim[[/COLOR][COLOR=#A31515]"[/COLOR][COLOR=#3E3E3E][FONT=Verdana]coverAnim[/FONT][/COLOR][COLOR=#A31515]"[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]].normalizedTime = 1; anim.Play([/COLOR][COLOR=#A31515]"[/COLOR][COLOR=#3E3E3E][FONT=Verdana]coverAnim[/FONT][/COLOR][COLOR=#A31515]"[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]); [/COLOR] Events[[COLOR=#A31515]"[/COLOR][COLOR=#3E3E3E]Raise_Cover[/COLOR][COLOR=#A31515]"[/COLOR]].active = [COLOR=blue]true[/COLOR]; [COLOR=#000000] } } [/COLOR][COLOR=blue]catch[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000] ([/COLOR][COLOR=#2B91AF]Exception[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000] ex) { [/COLOR]Events[[COLOR=#A31515]"[/COLOR][COLOR=#3E3E3E]Lower_Cover[/COLOR][COLOR=#A31515]"[/COLOR]].active = [COLOR=blue]true[/COLOR]; [COLOR=#000000] [/COLOR][COLOR=#2B91AF] Debug[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000].Log([/COLOR][COLOR=#A31515]"Exception trying to run the Lower_Cover animation"[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]); [/COLOR][COLOR=#2B91AF]Debug[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000].Log([/COLOR][COLOR=#A31515]"Err: "[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000] + ex); } } [/COLOR] I just hand typed this code.. so it may have a bug or two.. anyway, KSPEvent's allow you to have part right click events to animate the cover.. which I assume is the only reason you are using moduleanimategeneric. IF you add this to your partmodule you don't need moduleanimategeneric in your config any more. Just keep the MPanimEngine and add the above to that partmodule code. EDIT: I added a couple of lines to the code, you have to enable the opposite event - so when Raise_Cover runs you must turn the Lower_Cover event on and vice versa.
  20. I've just finished making two parts using RPM transparency and submitted two updates that MOARdV has applied to the transparent pod code. It works great. The GitHub instructions are correct and complete. If you have questions PM me. cheers.
  21. It's a bit hard to follow your issue. So you have an animation (clip?) that you animate via a plug-in and another animation (clip?) using moduleanimategeneric. Are they separate animations on separate parts? I have no issue running multiple animations at the same time in my mod. I do recall something flaky about moduleanimategeneric before. You could look at Starwaster's layered animations which layers multiple moduleanimategeneric's on a single part. Or ask him if he knows of this problem. Failing that you could try firespitter's animation module which is much better (just the animation module, not the parts). Which can be re-distributed as part of your mod with appropriate license reference, etc. Perhaps that will help.
  22. http://wiki.blender.org/index.php/Doc:2.4/Manual/Textures/Mapping/UV/Unwrapping http://blender.stackexchange.com/questions/6755/how-to-properly-unwrap-my-mesh
  23. That will be up to Nils277, but if he doesn't change it the CRY-2300 (10 kerbal) is 5.25 (dry weight) and the CRY-5000 (KPBS 4 kerbal part) will be 2.7 (dry weight).
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