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Everything posted by SkyRex94

  1. Ah well, just tested my SR-71 Research Plane at Mach3+ and was wondering why I had two game crashes in a row. That might be it, there were some heat gauges.... Nothing exploded tho, it can nearly cruise at max throttle, but the parts get hot
  2. Just tried this out for the very same reasons, and I really like it so far, great mod. Not so overloaded as KW is, without stupid tanks you already have the sizes in stock, but only the 5m ones you need I miss the Fairings too from KW, they seperated very realisticly. I saw in the imgur this had fairings before, so maybe something to expand: realistic fairings. Ones that are real parts (YES I WANT to deal with Kessler syndrome ) and seperate as two shells like the KW ones.
  3. Well just discovered 1.0.1 OR 1.0.2 changed the vaccum TWRs of all >=Terrier Engines back to its 0.90 value. So the only real balancing issue is now the reduced ISP... Not such a big issue anymore as it was before
  4. Hello Community, I'm in the process of updating my Rescale-Mod (SKRX), but I have something new to consider: 1.0 rebalanced a lot, especially the engines. My Mod aims for a realistic experience without any big reconfig mods, but with the stock parts. It shall feel like a real Challenge but with all the stock parts, Kerbalistic experience as I call it. So there is one thing that can be a benchmark for this: Something that should work is a classic Apollo mission. Now everybody has different building styles, so I thought I start a Thread on this. Build a Saturn V out of stock parts (5m tanks and adapters are allowed but stock engines only), and post here how it performs and what it is capable of. required would be: A command module and a lander, they dock together, only command returns to Kerbin. (Lander can but doesn't have to be 2 stage) A three stage Rocket. shall look roughly apollo like, try to get as much Delta-V out of it as you can while maintaining a Saturn V look. Whats interesting: TWR and DeltaV of the lander DeltaV of the command Module (with lander attached) DeltaV of the Saturn V launch stages. Some experience so far: the Poodle got extremly weak in terms of thrust... Not sure if general is right place, but did'nt really fit anywhere else... Not a mod request or tutorial or support question so... well if any Mod thinks another place is better feel free to move Cheers
  5. So, RSS will switch to Kopernicus, which means this will switch to Kopernicus too, that'll take some days but I might get an early build out in 1-2 days. Additional this means Syterion will become a proper 'own' planet and Ike might go back to Duna... well not sure yet bout the new 'additional' stuff besides the rescale. What will still be there for sure is Syterion, Eeloo in syterions orbit, a retrograde moon and a Titan analouge (now without oxygen) MAYBE the resizing factor will change, since 1.0 brought a huge rebalance of all engines, which might lead to a new sweetspot for 'Kerbalistic' experience... P.S. Questions to you: Do you like the Trojan moon approach for Minmus or shall it go back into an orbit of Kerbin? Anything else you want to say?
  6. Not sure if anybody noticed or posted here yet, but I just discovered that the cutting-chute mechanic no longer applies on touchdown, but only on full-stop (0m/s) . That means you can use drouge chutes on your planes now, with stock chutes (no RealChutes needed). SR-71 style, if someone doesn't know what i'm talking about. Just forgot to take a screen, but you'll see it just attach a drouge to a plane and activate it while rolling. Awesome, didn't knew that was fixed with 1.0, great Update
  7. Although I like the Explosion aproach and the freedom, I would still suggest SOME interdependencies where it is logical: example: Ions also dependant on electrics RAPIER needs rocket tech and jet engine tech Antennas also need electrics But you could lay the branches of combined technologies side by side, so explosion tree is still viable option
  8. That means RSS-reconfigs will no longer work i suppose? (Not now and not with 1.0 RSS) So... that means making a config with Kopernicus now, I think it has all options needed by now? Last time I checked the early dev version it wasn't quite capable yet... Well, exploration time, got to update SKRX 1/7/4
  9. That is thePrecooler isnt it? So its intention is to allow operation of jets at high mach numbers and it does exactly that with keeping heat away from the engine. Sure you can exploit this but from a gameplay-intuitive view that makes logic sense
  10. When is scott streaming? Where is a schedule of all preview streams?
  11. Hello and Moin, So in a DevTuseday some time ago there was a mentioning of a aero overlay in the SPH, similar to FAR but more user friendly easier and intuitive. Has anybody seen it in any of the streams? I'm currently thinking if I can reduce my Modload for 1.0 and FAR is a candidate to go if the new Aero is realisitc (enough) We get mach effects, check proper lift and shape calcs, check Flaps and airbrakes, check Well scott manley said its not fully realistic with a little 'easiness' in there, speaking of mainly high mach numbers and Aerodynamic stress, well I'm fine with that as long as it feels real (which the Beta Atmo doesn't) , but I have to test this myself P.S. -DRE will probably go for sure, I play with my own RSS config so I think a 4500m/s reentry might just feel right with the stock Reentry heat (and the difficulty slider) - I will probably still use KW fairings, because I like the way they seperate, AND I want to have to deal with the Debris and not having them magically dissappear - I think AJE and KIDS can go , now since the engines will work more realisticly (Thrust changing, basic jet engine not working at higher machs and so on) - Atomic Age will go to, since the NERVA finally only uses LF - Adjustable Landing gear MIGHT go to, if I can build good enogh planes with all the new gear so potentially shaving off 6 Mods with 1.0 Cheers
  12. Well it seems fine for me. Huge amounts of electricity are needed, you can adjust the amount in difficulties, and you can't just timewarp to infinity,because i'm sure asteroids willl be limited and on planets you have to have enough electricity to bridge the night as it seems the drill turns itself off as soon as it rans out of energy. Fine for me so far cheers
  13. you won't get an SSTO to liftoff there (assuming FAR or NEAR), but anything that has short take of capabilities can happily fly, like a motor-glider. Just make your wings bigger to have more lift and get of the ground faster. The runway can't be used with high speeds, but not every aircraft needs high speeds on the ground.
  14. Well Huge thanks to Starwaster for this, he fixed a bug in the RSS .dll which caused the heating to not work as intended. He also wanted to push it into the main RSS thread, so are you using the latest .dll ? If not, try the fixed .dll ( use the one that I distribute with SKRX ) and if that fixes it I will ask Starwaster if you might redistribute his fixed one too.
  15. I'm glad you like it, and yes i'm also in love with how Syterion (the second GP) turned out to look (Credit for the Texture goes to Felsmak)
  16. I want the challenge of big planets and I want to have awesome looking low orbits. But I also want to have nice looking ground. So I obvoiusly play with my own RSS config, a 1/7/4 Rescale. You find it linked in the official RSS thread
  17. So I thought it was a landing gear bug that my plane wasn't moving... until I retracted it on the runway and the plane didn't moved either, but floated in the air. Even under full thrust it wasn't moving, or falling, or doing anything Anybody ever seen such a thing?? Another plane just works fine in the same savegame, just seems to be this. (The other ones are all smaller though) Suggestions?
  18. Engines are free, I even have a 13th engine at the back of the main frame, if nothing else that ones definetly unblocked. TWR is around 0.7 for the whole craft. Flew planes with such a twr before. EDIT: It's not even slighly rolling or something, it's just glued to the runway. And you can actually see how force is applied to the craft when throttling up because the wings and frame are slightly vibrating
  19. Heyho, wanted to test my new Launch system, but it seems the brakes are not releasing on the Adjustable landing Gear... Full thrust still nothing moves. Checked several times if the brakes are off everywhere. A Bug or have i forgot something? I can't use the stock Gear because I need some clearance at the back to push the nose up.
  20. I play my RSS config in Career too. You just have to set the difficulty right and i like the challenge of having to think about costs. What I do is let the payouts on 100% , because the contracts pay enough to have a nice progression once going, without grind. BUT you'd should try giving you the max of starting funds(500k), that'll allow you especially upgrading the Pad and VAB early without grinding and thats the most grindingly bit about it. Try it it can be really fun to play RSS-career. By the way, since this is the 64k thread: I made my own RSS config especially since I wanted a hard challenge like 64k with stock parts(so no reconfigs needed), but it always bugged me how bad the Terrain looked... My config is 4x Planets and 7x Distances( to maintain difficulty but combine it with nice ground). Everybody who also is slightly bugged by the washed out elevations in bigger sizes might take a look into here: SKRX Anybody else, ignore this self-advertise. Just thought this would be the place where the people with a similar mindset will be and my config could become more known. Cheers
  21. I intended this to be as lightweight as possible, adjusting the messages requires another mod to do so. So probably not, but it's not that bad, most of them seem roughly to fit still (speaking of the changed planets) Are you still using 1.0? I've changed the rotation of Kerbin to exactly 12h, specifically to make this easier. Height is around 11kkm for KSO.
  22. I'm really happy you like it so far and you share my opinion of two different scales for distances and planets. For the rocket sizes I have to say I'm more on the other edge: I feel it's barely enough to make your stock rocket feel real but I can't go 5x because there the PQS starts to look unpleasant to me. I'm currently playing Career and have already done manned Mun and manned Minmus missions, all with one single launch per mission and without access to the high end tech. If you'd like I can post some screens of my designs and what they are capable of?
  23. v1.1 is up and ready! Huge thanks to Starwaster who found and fixed a bug in the RSS .dll, which bugged the heating of Pol. Now the super hot Atmo works as it should. Other changes you can read above. pictures are already up, View on imgur directly if the OP embeded hasn't updated yet Enjoy and post experiences! Cheers SkyRex94
  24. I know, the lowest I got on Pol was around 3500m during testing. But the Thermo read 1-2 degrees there. With my heatcurve it should've been 1000-1400 degrees at that ASL, which should trigger first overheats.
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