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Everything posted by SkyRex94

  1. Forgive me if not reading through 500 pages, (search resulted nothing) IS it possible to create an actual visible atmosphere on a body that doesn't had one before, or is this AtmosphereFromGround just affecting the ones that already have one??
  2. So about the RSS question: I couldn't decide, but decided to do my own config, based on latest WinterOwl Video, 3.2x and 5x Configs and my own wishes for an Improved Stock System. (like a GP2) If its viewable I will make a post in mod section
  3. For the Cargo bay: just strut your payload into the bay. Its not like real world things are just hanging at one connection point in a bay. Although there is a problem with picking up cargo later, I have to admit.
  4. I want to start a new and my final Career before 1.0 drops. And I'm currently thinking about which mods I will include. And on some of them I'm still really undecided, so what would you choose to play with? To me: You can see my signature and I can tell you that I am able to do a moon landing etc. in full Realism Overhaul. But I don't want to go full Realism for some reasons: I don't want it to be overcomplicated and overtedious, its still a game. I don't need RealFuels or procedural tanks and I don't want to spent 10 min just to get into orbit in a full career game. But I want some kind of Realism like FAR and DRE just to let the spaceflight still be difficult and give me engineering-challenges, just not overly long. And I like KSP to look somewhat good, which also rules out full RO since the ground is kinda flat. Additionally I definetly need some kind of RSS, since stock KSP became waay to easy for me and I really hate the high look from LKO. Here the mods I will definitely use: FAR DRE KER KJR AJE Chatterer KWRocketry NavBallDockingAlignementIndicator (Better Boyancy) OPT Spaceplane Parts (Atomic Age) Adjustable Landing Gear some RSS config The RSS config will either be 3.2xRSS or 5xRSS, this is where I'm most undecided: 5xRSS has really nice LKO's, has a challenging amount of DeltaV needed to Orbit (ca. 7km/s) and the Orbital manevers require a challenging amount to. 3.2xRSS has less from all just said (5.6km/s to Orbit), but It just looks A lot nicer on the ground, although the LKO looks a little less good(although miles better than stock). SO basically it comes down to: More Challenge and nicer looking space ----- compared against ---- a lot nicer looking ground (on all bodies), quicker gameplay, but less challenging to play. What would you choose from this? About better boyancy: I still have to test further. Has somebody a video with a boat and/or waterplane comparison between this and stock? About Atomic Age: The Lightbulb is really efficient, so might be OP, especially with 3.2xRSS, but it's today-technology with realisitc values, so I think I might use it anyways. Additional: If you are running a Career currently: which mods are you using with it and whats your experience compared to what you aimed for when choosing the mods at the beginning? Share your modlists.
  5. look at my Jool-5 Log in my Signature. I've done exactly what you are planning, and I've taken pics
  6. Update on the green lines: Not an RSS Issue it seems. Seems to come from Kopernicus. So no bug there... But now I definitly found a bug: It is impossible to reach Minmus, because its Orbit is outside Kerbins SOI or in other Words, Kerbins SOI is too small. Will this get a release with scaled down Gilly Pol and Bop too?
  7. That may be true for the Dark Engine, but the ARIE is an air-augmented Rocket, that is pretty old technology. The russians had one of these on one of their first ICBM's. And the ISP and Thrust of such an Engine is related to how much air it has, which is related to height AND speed. Sadly that can't be modelled with stock engine module, but I would still change it to something like: Pressure: 1 - ISP:1500 , Pressure:0 - ISP: 380 and no middle value, that would get rid of the ISP3000 spike at 7km height. And thrust is not so easy, should be high in atmo and normal in space, but that can't be expressed through the velocity, so I would set a fixed value.
  8. Not sure yet: Could be from RSS, Kopernicus or a bug in Squads ground scatter module. was the first time happening to me. If you have it: Have you RSS installed? If not that would rule out one possibility
  9. @GregroxMun might you take a look into your 5xRSS Thread? I might have found a bug, and I took some more pictures;)
  10. Amazing new parts, love the new K adapter, makes it more streamlined. Now I can build Craft like this new Prototype (Still in R&D phase, pictures from first flight): BUT: A bug: None of your Landing gear has working brakes, or working motors. Lead to a hairy landing and nearly a RUD on first flight. Came to final stop with some Nose-Litho-Braking... And I think the ARIE is a little overpowered with jumping to 3000s ISP. Sadly the stock engine module doesn't allow ISP and Thrust made related to Atmo AND Velocity.Than you could make a proper Ramrocket. Maybe its possible with AJE but I don't really understand the AJE engine configs.... And the Dark Engine...yeah...meh...cheaty.....but it looks cool though
  11. I've made some screenshots during my first flight of a new prototype. Here they are for you. You (OP) are allowed to add some of these to the OP if you like. You can see the scale of 5xRSS and how the mountains on 'Kafrika' look like when upscaled here. Also I've possibly found an issue with RSS: During the flight these weird green sticks start to show up and did'nt dissappear again until closing Ksp.exe . Either its an RSS bug or a bug in Squads Ground Scatter Module, not sure but was a little unimmersive to see these.
  12. I would like to create at least a second Gas Giant for this with a Titan-like moon. I think you've implemented Outer Planets into 32x right? SO a question: Is it better to create a new planet in stock scale with Kopernicus and scale it up with RSS, or creating it directly in the desired size with Kopernicus? Issues with one of the ways and what gives better results?
  13. This hole 45 Degree stuff is just for rockets, and is totally false anyway. But it's easy enough to understand for a new player I guess. Anyway: Spaceplanes are a different thing. You want to build up as much speed as possible while still in the Atmosphere. Climb up as fast as possible to a ceiling height(start experiment with around 15000m), there you level your flight and manitain a climb of around 10 degrees. You should gain a lot of speed during this phase but climb very slowly. As soon as you lose the Air to run jet engines (you should've reached minimum 1500m/s now) you switch to your rocket engine (-mode) to push up to a good apoapsis (75km) (if even needed), coast there and circularize your orbit. For the AtariMk3: I don't tested it yet, I don't even know if it has a vacuum engine, and you'll need one for space. But the Turbo-Ram-Jet your speaking of is just a multi mode Jet Engine, and it switches automatic if it runs out of the one air and needs the other. So no need to do anything for a new player. Like the stock RAPIER engine, you know? Except that the rapier has a rocket mode which can be used in vaccuum. For youtube just search for 'SSTO' , the general idea of how to fly is the same anywhere, just the precise execution matters on craft design. For the Flipping: Two options: Either you have made a to large command input on your plane at high speed , causing it to stall. Or the Craft is poorly built and shifts its center of mass to far back while burning fuel, causing the craft to flip engines-first. Edit: anyway, I don't know how new of new you are, but you already should be able to land on the mun (with a rocket) before attempting to build an SSTO. In Kerbal terms the moon landing is easier and gives you a lot of learning about orbital mechanics while doing it. THen you can build a spaceplane, or go interplanetary Edit2: Test flown the Thing, and I can assure you it is more than capable of getting into orbit in stock. I flew it in 5xRSS and got 3600m/s at Apoapsis. try an Acent of 20 to 30 degrees once your over 15000m , and turn RCS on over 40000m cause you'll have less aero control. So very capable that craft. Although the reentry behaviour is a little 'backwards'... Edit3: Tested with FAR of course. Use it in stock aero at your own risk...
  14. You mean LFO+Air like it's becoming an Air-augmented Rocket again? That would be really nice, I'm really looking for a good Air-augmented rocket part (aka RamRocket) to use with missions heading to Eve in RSS 5x.
  15. I started a new project to develope a reusable launch system in RSS, with AJE and probably real fuels. Idea is to be more efficient than SpaceX's F9R and as reusable as an SSTO would be. First Prototype Flights went partly succesful. The First Stage Prototype was pretty stable, carrying a 2nd stage dummy to some altitude. Have to attach more engines for full scale test, some liftoff refining and some serious refining of that stage seperation. The Seperation of the First stage is the biggest problem as of now. But overall i'm surprised how well it performed. Don't have pictures yet, put if it gets to a full scale prototype I will log a flight. Development will continue tommorow. Some data of my idea, leaving some relevant points purposely unmentioned as of now. some secret developement... It will be a 3-Stage Vehicle. Every Stage will be fully reusable. It won't use non-existing technology, no SABRE's, no RAPIERS, no Fusion Drive. Additionally it probably won't use electrical or nuclear propulsion either. It will hopefully need less fuel-per-payloadweight than the F9R, while having at least the same payload-mass and volume capabilities. Maybe the Payload Fairings will also be reusable, but i'm still undecided about that.
  16. He has said he will offer a version without spinny dres ( At least for 3.2x so I assume here too) , but if you'd like to get rid of it, you just have to change one number in the config file, it's not that hard.
  17. I suggested that months ago. around .23.5 Not so many people seemed to like it. But maybe not many look in the suggestions thread
  18. Adding to this: Who I am: I'm using FAR and DRE. I started with stock and also used NEAR at some point. I'm able to build Rockets and SSTO's and Planes in any of those. What I think stock should get: something like NEAR. Most importantly: The shape and orientation has to affect the performance and behaviour in a plausible (=not neccesary equals realistic) way, if Squad is smart they could add Reentry Heat simultanously. Additionally the Aerodyn. should still be modable. What I think the people here should do: If you say 'No keep stock, FAR is too complicated' , install FAR and try it out, you don't need all the data, just build intuitive: If it looks like a Rocket it will fly like one. And after you tested FAR, then you can come back and say your opinion. If you say "FAR is the only way to go!!!" , keep in mind things like High Dyn. Pressure and Aerodynamic Failures will probably not happen in stock, and I think that should be that way: If something flips out of control, even a newbie can guess that this is related to the Aerodynamics, if something spontanously disassembles, a newbie could stand in the rain with no clue, because that isn't intuitive and there haven't been many news reports of "Plane crashed, cause it break apart in mid air due to bad design" in our real world.
  19. I recently started with some 3.2x RSS and 5x RSS playing. And i'm looking for some parts, that I would like to have, to have more advanced and specialized technology. Do you know any mods which have those parts, or even a mod focused exactly on them? - An Air-Augmented Rocket aka RamRocket - a 2.5 m RAPIER (apart from the B9 SABRE) - a Scramjet - a 2.5 m Intake - something like an electrical turbofan and bigger static solar panels to mount on wings. For high altutude gliders on Duna and Eve ( and someday a Titan-like GP2 moon)
  20. Porkjet has a new mod!! And again it has just the right stockalike look to it. I will try it. I'm looking for good engine technology mods anyway to enhance the stock variety without getting overpowered, just getting more specialized, and this seems to fit. Great new mod, and also changing the consumoption to only LF is super as making it finally more believable. If you (Porkjet)might think of making this a bigger propulsion technology pack some ideas: - Air-Augmented Rocket (really looking for a good one, could be useful for Big Eve missions in RSS, preferably with the intake not seperate, but directly at the part itslef, so no new ressource would be needed and it can run of air-pressure readings) - Scramjet - small Radioisotope engine (For small probes beyond Jool) - Fusion Engine ( but non-exisent in RL yet and probably overpowered, so meeh, might scratch that)
  21. are these distances hard-coded values? So if i'm playing with 3.2x RSS or 5xRSS is the height where PQS stops still 160km for Kerbin?
  22. Made a quick sandbox test of it: I like that it's even bigger than J32 but smaller than 64K. 64K is really hard with stock Parts if you (like I do) refuse to use Real Fuels and/or procedural Parts. I try not to use a lot of Mod Parts and mainly play with the stock ones, since I enjoy the design challenges of engineering your rocket and don't want ist to be super easy to just resize parts and take modded engines and slap anything together in a minute. I probably have to do some further testing if everything is still managable with the stock parts in 5x before I can consider using it on a constant basis. But some issues: I don't know if you can do something about it or if its an RSS thins: Swimming on EVA behaves really 'glitchy' and not fluid. And if you drive over the edges of terrain-tiles, the terrain likes to try to flip your craft. personal question: If you'd only use stock parts without rescale or reconfig, do you enjoy J32 or 5x more? EDIT: First!
  23. Hmm, now thats sounds interesting, will check it out
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