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Everything posted by SkyRex94

  1. You need Kopernicus and KSCSwitcher, but they are inlcuded in the SKY download
  2. As far as I've tested, it seems to work fine now. Great work regex!
  3. I just pushed an Update with the fixed KSCSwitcher included and by the way I rotated the main KSC. The freezing bugs seem to be fixed, so you can play career mode safely with SKY now.
  4. - The remote tech settings for both launch sites arein the OP. I will reorient the KSC too with next release (as soon as the Kopernicus-KSCSwitcher interference is fixed) , probably with a North-South Runway, so you can freely start to the east but it still feels different to stock
  5. 1: 12h 2: 3.7 scale. Its better because it has more mass this way and can be intercepted easier since its in solar Orbit now. I might fiddle with the PQS when Kopernicus fully allows it and I find some time The atmos are stock scale. And thats intentional and not by accident: I find for planets 1/3 size of real life an 70km atmo is already pretty big if you consider the real one( first orbits around 160km, 'border' at 100-120km, even just 80km by NASA definition) And I like the feeling of a low orbit in 75km, as it lets the planet seem even bigger. I never really got this 'scaled correctly' thing in terms of atmo, as if it would be scaled correctly in the first place the atmosphere of Kerbin should go into space at 10-20km in stock.
  6. I've tested the new Verion of KSCSwitcher: There is a good thing and a bad thing, bad thing first: It doesn't actually switch the KSC anymore, its at its default location and you can't change that, although you see all the launch locations in tracking station. Good thing: As far as a quick test goes it seems that the contract-freezing bug of Kopernicus+KSCSwitcher is gone. Haven't tested the 70km-contract yet but you can decline as many as you want again, so good work here for finding the issue so fast +1
  7. also @RoverDude , DeltaV to orbit with current Aero is around 5600-5800dv IF you have enough TWR to not lose any energy on the way up. But with 6000dv you are always safe and will certainly go to space. For the Mun numbers: LMO speed is 1050m/s so I'm not totally sure how you manage to land with 800m/s ?! But with 10000-10500dv total you should be able to do Apollo. For the bug: maybe stupid question but you didn't delete the Kopernicus folder when uninstalling the mods? the SKY folder is just config and textures. Apart from that I'm not sure whats causing it. I'm also running stockbugfixmodules and it works fine. For the second bug, the freezing one: Is this in career? I've recently discovered that KSCSwitcher and Kopernicus don't play nice on the contract system and cause freezes related to contract denial/completion etc. . Until thats fixed I can only suggest that you play without KSCSwitcher in career and handle a KSC floating over the ocean. (Thats what I do in my career right now) Cheers
  8. Thanks that you liked it For your changes: I intentionally moved Minmus out of Kerbins SOI and made it a Trojan, since I wanted career to be harder. Mun is your first challenge and minmus later since now ots harder to get to. Dres was moved to Syterion cause of its high contrast surface making it a fitting analouge for Iapetus. And Laythe WAS actually a Syterion moon in 0.90 version, as a Titan-analouge with 300km atmosphere. But that can now be done with a custom one through Kopernicus and Laythe moved back. That means right now Syterion is kinda empty but that will change along the road.
  9. Great change for the electrical ones! Now usable on Eve and Duna. Although I think they are massivley overpowered in terms of electricity consumption. I can constantly fly Mach 0.7 with just 3-6 OX-STAT panels with no drawbacks. IMO they should consume way more energy The new model is great, but I think you might base the performance on real life (so way less powerful, or way more power consumtion) , as you've done with the Sramjets. Here's the closest real life counterpart I think: Airbus_E-Fan EDIT: As a followup: A fuel cell is more efficient than burning fuel, so running that electrical fan with LFO and fuel cells should be more efficient than using rockets, but a lot less thrusty (TWR). I would suggest balancing it around that E-Fan i linked. An electric plane shouldn't be able to easily go fast, but it can fly long because its efficient. So an electric high altitude glider delivering a rocket to high altitudes on eve is what I imagine.
  10. What was wrong? is this the wrong place to report a bug or have I forgot some important data? The log just stops, no crash logs in there , and I've experienced it on 32bit windows version. And yes the dev version of Kopernicus, not sure which version since the dev builds get updated without version change afaik, but I think its the latest version. Or do u meant the reproduction step: Install Kop and KSCSwitcher, start career , get to the point where you get non-hardcoded contracts, and just decline contracts one after another, after 5-10 the game freezes. 2nd option, try hitting space (that triggers the 70km record) and the game freezes (not sure if related, only seen twice,but suspected it due to it being contract related)
  11. I've found a serious issue. The KSCSwitcher is interfering with Kopernicus: Both of them work fine on their own, but when together there appear freezes connected to the contract system, for example you can only decline 5-7 contracts in a row before the game freezes. Or the accomplishment of the Hit 70km contract will freeze the game ( freeze, not crash). I went through all my mods and the combination of Kopernicus and KSCSwitcher is the cause of it. Kopernicus alone runs fine, KSCSwitcher alone runs fine too, but together (and no other mods) they start to cause these freezing issues. That reders the combination useless right now, which is especially frustating since you'll need both for senseful planet upscaling as in my SKY mod.
  12. Can't you set something up like 'requires Intake-Module', so there has to be at least one Intake Part on the craft, but internally it relies on airpressure, so it can work on Eve Duna and Jool ? Alternativley you could remodel the Engine, so it has one or two radial Intakes already sticking out (like on the former engine nacelle), so it still optically makes sense. But the whole point of this engine to me is that it should work in non-oxygen atmos, otherwise I could just use jets. And for the inline thing: Okay fun over realism, but you could maybe make the model as long as the Leech, so if nothing else it is slightly harder to mount than the normal Ramjet
  13. I like the Scramjets, that was really missing from KSP, especially useful for SSTOs with upscaled planets. But some suggestions: - Make the electrical engine independent from intake air and rely on air pressure. Reason is that Eve and Duna doesn't have Intake Air AFAIK and an electrical Fan doesn't really car what gas it moves so it should work there too. Especially for Eve. - The X-43 Scramjet is nice. The other one tho... I'm not sure about the inline idea. A Scramjet needs to be shaped like a tube, which means you can't place it anywhere. It is a really efficient engine and therefor a little more building restriction wouldn't be bad. Make the big one also surface attacheble and a model like a complete engine with intake , but no longer stackable.
  14. I just added a RemoteTech config to the OP so you can set the GroundStations to the two new locations. Whats next in the line: Waiting for Kopernicus, so Moho and Tylo can be brought into line too. And starting to create a Titan-like moon for Syterion, although I would like it to have big lakes which also relies on Kopernicus implementing custom oceans. @Bomoo: Well it is mainly an upscaling mod, like the former 64x Kerbin was. The only custom planet right now is Syterion and it is sized for this System size, so it would be massivly to big for the stock Player. If you also mean the movement of stock bodies to enhance the challenges (atm: Eeloo, Dres, Minmus, Gilly) , well do you want such an enhancement in stock size ? If the demand is high I could offer that too. If its just for you: go into the config and delete all the upsizing bits and adjust the semimajoraxis' to stock scale and there you go
  15. I can see what happens and I can confirm that I don't have this or could replicate it. Try troubleshooting if there is a mod interference with Kopernicus.
  16. 1.Oh yeah forgot to change that, since Syterion is its own planet now. 2. You have pictures or something? Never encountered this shimmer problem myself. You find them in the LaunchSites CFG from KSCSwitcher
  17. The update is online ! still called beta cause of the Bugs with Moho and Tylo and the missing custom objects. But you have an upscaled Solar System again, go start your careers!
  18. Well... the beta update is ready. Apparently Kerbalstuff doesn't want to upload at the moment. will try again tomorrow.
  19. would you like keeping Laythe as the Titan Analouge or would you prefer Laythe Back at Jool as a Water Moon and a custom made Titan-Analouge? besides: The update is likely to land soon after the KSCSwitcher is decoupled from RSS and released seperatly, so I can move the KSC away from its 30m-over-ocean-floating-position. Kopernicus itself doesnt have the capabilities to do so. But some hype to spread: Scaling up the Planets is waay faster with Kopernicus. You don't have the RSS loading in main screen anymore since Kop creates the planets like they shall be right from the beginning. So NO EXTRA LOADING TIME !!!!
  20. Its certainly not impossible. Physically at least, maybe your PC burns up at a certain part count but apart from that its possible. Go Youtube and search for Venus RSS mission. Manned mission to Venus and Back (real size) with KW Rocketry parts and without RO-config-tweaking, just RSS. Maybe a ONE-LAUNCH mission might be difficult, but its certainly possible, especially with Orbit assembly. EDIT: If your aiming at the tweaked engine configs: Yes OLD craft who were able to do it wont do it anymore, but there are still very efficient Atmospheric Engines with high TWR . The 4-Cluster SLS springs to mind ( dont know the Nickname, only the Rhino). With stock engines a Sea-Level Return might be difficult due to the high pressure on the engines, but a high level launch will be possible, I would bet on it.
  21. That has been fixed with 1.0 actually. Going over SOIs at high warp will barley affect your Trajectory.
  22. Maybe sometime a mod will come up to make them seperate in two parts?
  23. Well every craft I have tried in 1.0 still works in 1.0.2 . The drag is much higher down low (Which I don't really like) but still my crafts especially planes still fly like good planes, just a little different. So if your craft are designed right they should still work
  24. Hows your experience with that?
  25. So: the switch to Kopernicus is coming along, but Kopernicus still has some issues, waiting for a fix for Tylo and Bop, since they are bugged currently. @Lucius:- Yeah I will keep Minmus a Trojan, might move it closer tho, preferably quite close to the SOI borders. - The rescale factor will become 3.7 / 7 soon. So 7 for distances as before and 3.7 for Planets as I found that this is a better sweetspot for the tweaked down ISPs of most stock engines, and as I said in the OP: Stock craft shall be able to do things reasonbly here - For the inner planets: I always found Eve pretty interesting already cause it is very challenging and with EVE it looks Venusish in purple. For Moho though.. I might try to fiddle around with the suns heat: The new heating system allows conductive and radiation heat, so if the sun is quite hot there, Mohos daylight surface would heat up even more (maybe a thiiiin atmo is required), which could turn moho into a "Land only at night or at poles" planet. - Thanks Might take a few days though until Kopernicus runs fine and everything is set up and maybe even 1 - 2 custom moons. (Syterion is its own Planet already and looks very nice, proper atmosphere ligtning now) Cheers P.S. if the demand is really high I could already push out the current build, if you desperatly need an upsized solar System to start your game? Although the KSC is floating over the ocean since the KSCswitcher from RSS is needed first.
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