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    Curious George
  1. I have the same issue. I just edited some part files to include them in other tanks. It is really easy, more simple than messing about with mods trying to find what is causing it,
  2. Bloody good mod. Actually encouraged me to build my first ever modular station in orbit. So cool. The IVAs are nice, paired with freeIVA too, wow, so cool being able to move around the whole interior from part to part.
  3. Hey. So the tanks that hold rocket parts can be changed to rocket parts, but they show no contents. Any idea why? Everything else works fine and like EL, there's no real need to hold huge amounts of them anyway. I've a work around by editing the configs to add a large amount to the science labs, so not a major issue really. So you've literally answered your own question while asking it. They're not compatible. It's one or the other.
  4. Hey I was watching one of Robaz's videos on YouTube the other day and he had a mod that added small aesthetic pieces like flowers and other little things like that, even a burger on a plate lol.....I can not remember which video it was as I watched a lot in a row and I have re watched a load again and still not found it. So was wondering if anyone hear had any idea what mod it could be?
  5. I know nothing about that particular mod as I have never used it. But this is where you want to be asking
  6. I think you would be much better off just asking in the remote tech thread, as they are the ones who will have the answer for you.
  7. So..is there any way to completely disable all the shadows in the game? If I have them on max they look okay but I do get a little lag, lowest settings look absolutely terrible but does allow me to max all other graphics settings. So id rather trade off shadows for everything else... that's if it's possible anyway?
  8. Thanks :-) First replica of a ship I have ever attempted haha, so I'm quite proud of it. The saucer is procedural parts... it is in two halves, top and bottom, really good for making saucers, used procedural parts for the nacelles too, as on the NX they get slightly more narrow toward the back.. so if it wasn't for procedural parts I would t even have attempted it :-D I made an attempt at a constellation class also last week. It looks okay I think, but it became more about functionality than looking exactly right, as I'm building these in my career game. That one I did weld and it reduced the lag a lot, that's why I was surprised the NX lagged ,more when welded haha. I'll show you the constellation after I get back home tomorrow. And try upload the screen properly as you described :-)
  9. I got that bit at least haha :-P Anyway just in case you were interested... https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0Bx2wRQ9mF1AITHZBSTBpOS1tSVE?usp=sharing I still don't know how to upload pictures on here :-D Anyway this adds less clutter to the thread haha
  10. Well that doesn't mean much to me haha, but I trust in your knowledge. And now for something I should maybe have thought about before hand, if the none welded ship is not lagging, why the hell am I even welding it :-D All that needs to be added is the engines and power plants really. As for the Akira class, how did I never notice that :-D Well Now my ship is kind of a 2 for the price of one :-P
  11. Hey I have been building a replica of the NX-01 enterprise and it is actually looking pretty good....it is about 150 parts pre weld, without the bits that can't be welded...I have found though that you can weld ANYTHING, as long as you only want the piece to be aesthetic and not functional as long as you remove the relevant modules in the part file....so I welded all these parts together, wiped out everything in the part file to basically make it a huge tank with xenon, electric charge, with built in radiators...deleted pretty much every node as that seems to make it load quicker? And I get that every texture is still loaded, even none visible parts.....But, can anyone explain why the welded part lags more than the un welded 150 parts? lol It has stumped me...seeing as un welded it is loading modules for animations, reactors, ISRUs, solar panels, command modules and many many others.....and welded it is essentially just a big tank and the textures obviously. I can't see it being the textures, as welded and un welded they are the same....anyone have any ideas? :-)
  12. Pretty certain the re root issue is nothing to do with PP. I've definitely had freezes when re rooting on ships with no procedural parts included.
  13. I have had issues with rerooting causing a perma freeze, but I couldn't say for sure that was anything to do with PP...After my last post about this I think I narrowed it down to turning on part clipping in the cheat menu, then attaching two things to the same node on a PP part, I have never done that since and never had another problem....so it wasn't exactly clipping parts into PP parts, it was attaching more than one thing to the PP nodes.
  14. Hey guys, does anyone know what is causing all this in my log? It's actually like 20 times longer than what you see in the screen, because it repeats over and over. It is only when the gamma ray spectrometer is on a ship. I am guessing it is probably a conflict with another mod, I have a lot. But this one part is the only issue I have noticed, https://drive.google.com/open?id=0Bx2wRQ9mF1AIQ2R5aGdDR1hzR1k
  15. Wow that is some lazy posting :-D I mean, it was literally the post before yours lol Thank youuuu. Will test the lander the moment I get home :-)
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