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Everything posted by AetherGoddess

  1. So i was a little unsatisfied that i couldn't pick up and attach some of the science instruments, RCS blocks, and other small parts provided by various mods, and a related MOD that attempted to retrofit KAS modules onto other mods got me thinking about ways to generate KAS modules. couple of evenings of knocking about in powershell and i got this: PowerShell Procedural Mechanic Training this script searches the current directory for .Cfg files and procedurally generates module Manager Configs to enable KAS for small Parts. Potentially asked questions: OH GOD! WHY DOESN'T THIS WORK ANYMORE? ​The specific module this script creates, KASModuleGrab, was deprecated from KAS in version 5, as part of the move to KIS, the Kerbal Inventory System. there doesn't seem to be a direct analog in the KIS modules, and i'm trying to understand the new modules and looking at exactly how to rework this functionality. more to come. Wait; what does this thing do? ​it search the current folder looking for parts that aren't enabled for KAS, and then creates a ModuleManager patch to enable them. I'm a player, how do i use this? The easiest way would be to drop it into your GameData folder, open powershell, Change directory to your GameData folder, set the script execution policy to enable unsigned scripts, and run it. PS C:\Users\Sarah> cd 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData' PS C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData> Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -scope Process Execution Policy Change The execution policy helps protect you from scripts that you do not trust. Changing the execution policy might expose you to the security risks described in the about_Execution_Policies help topic. Do you want to change the execution policy? [Y] Yes [N] No [S] Suspend [?] Help (default is "Y"): y PS C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData> .\ProceduralMechanicTraning.cfg Command line options? That's not really a question, but here are the supported switches: [-Verbose] Show a lot more about what is being done. mostly useless. [-OutputFile <Filespec>] Specify a different file name to write. mainly for mod makers who want to use this to quickly generate configs for their parts, or people who really care about organization of their MM patches. WHAT!?! allow unsigned scripts?!? you'd have me be VULNERABLE!? why are you so LAZY! I am exactly as anonymous as I wish to be right now; I'm not about to go getting certificates and signing things, then publishing those things on the internet. Leave a girl a little privacy? use "-scope process" like in the example, then close that PowerShell process. everything's perfectly all right now. We're fine. We're all fine here now, thank you. How are you? This thing made <Giant Part> grabbable. that's so unrealistic. ya, i'm using part mass as a proxy for stored size. some of the aerospace parts are super light for their size. Balsa wood and canvas, who knew? don't like this anymore. how do undo? Delete the config file that was created. if you didn't specify a specific file name, then it would be ProceduralMechanicTraning.cfg in the root of your GameData folder. I'm a mod maker, and i don't want my parts grabable. don't make a KAS module for it. This script is for players who like and use your mod, but disagree about KAS grabability. I'm a mod maker, and my mod is already grabbable. don't mess up my stuff. I've tried very hard to ignore parts that already have KAS modules, but i might have messed something up. if you find an instance of this script replacing a KAS module, or making something game-breaking grabable (i.e. default struts) let me know and i'll add it to the list of static exceptions, or find a better way to exclude it. I'm a mod maker, and i want to use this to generate my KAS modules that's fine. just run this script on your mod's main folder, and let it walk through your mod, and then distribute the resulting config file with the license block intact. you might want to edit the resulting files because this script isn't very smart, and it might make 40 giant parts storable in a small KAS box. OK, why write it in PowerShell? I'm on Mac stroke Linux stroke Windows 95 left paren delete as appropriate right paren. Sorry, i did this in about three hours over a weekend, and i write fastest in PowerShell. it's released under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0, so feel free to port. Pretties: Version History Initial release. Added state checking. ToDo: Better sizes: current version uses part mass as a proxy for size. Find a way to read .MU files and get basic dimensions and multiply by part's rescale factor to compute size. Better procedural decisions for KASModuleGrab. current version uses lots of static values. figure out what each property of the KASModuleGrab does and make per part procedural decisions. looked through http://github.com/KospY/KAS/wiki/KASModuleGrab. none of these options are really required, or are useful for generic parts. i added a check for stateless. DOWNLOAD: DROPBOX: Version 1.1, with states License: This file, and any derivatives, are released under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) License details are available at http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/
  2. consider the releases page: the Basic version is marked, the other version is aggressive. Aggressive uses more aggressive methods to shrink memory footprint. to quote from the main page: the aggressive version is preferred, unless you have visual quality problems, then you should try the basic version and see if it gets better or not.
  3. the critical thing here is making sure your center of mass is balanced in line with of your center of thrust. for better stability, you want your center of thrust to be above your center of mass, so that any downward pull that isn't countered will tend to turn the craft closer to where it would be balanced. this has it's limits. RCS build Aid is a useful tool here, since it will let you see what happens if your centers are off-balance, and will help you plan for fuel usage with the average and dry centers of mass. MechJeb is a big mod with lots of other things in it. Throttle avionics is really helpful thou, as it will adjust the various fans to keep center of mass and thrust aligned automatically. i don't think it's been updated for .24 yet, but reports in the thread say it's working as intended, so....
  4. i'm not sure what you mean here, so i'm going to theorize wildly and hope i hit. both KSPi and KSPilite are based on the same core, that is, KSPi .11 for .23.5, so they share lots of the same parts and resources. KSPilite went down the path of play-ability, and as such there are pretty dramatic changes to the way it operates, and there is a lot less game-play impacting complexity. a good example of this is the simplified reactor design: where KSPi is concerned with getting the reactor design as close to real as possible, KSPilite takes the tact that reactors are a game mechanic for converting nuclear fuels into power, and removes the complex fuel cycles and unclear part interactions that often causes unfun activities, like having to revert to editor because your space plane can't start it's reactor without it's reactor running. i didn't realize what a problem for usability this was until recently, but way back in .22, i had to redo a complex space station servicing mission because i had chosen the wrong fuel mode for my fission-based station power module, and couldn't run the reactor i had just spent and hour ascending, orbiting, intercepting and docking with my station. after having messed with KSPi for more then a year now, i think i have a good understanding of the various nuclear fuels and their cycles, but i was NOT happy at the time. hopefully this answered your question?
  5. ya, i'm going to start quoting Alice in wonderland, and then you'll know who's queen around here.
  6. everyone guesses this wrong. all well. This might be obvious, but you do need to manually start the research process from the right click menu. that menu should show you how much science per day you will be getting. the further from kerbin the situation is, the faster it'll produce science, but it's never super fast.
  7. yes. I have two of them generating science in my save right now. I've not tried the reprocess or antimatter function, but i use the PB reactor, preferentially, which i don't think is serviceable, and i'm not using Antimatter yet.
  8. Yes, the KSPi science lab operates exactly the same way as it did before.
  9. yes, you're right, i have carried this too far. it was never my intention to try to drive Fractal, or anyone else, off and i hope that's not how i was coming across. i'm sorry if it seemed like it. it was Scott Manley's video on KSPi that started me downloading mods, and i have received several hundred hours of enjoyment because of KSPi. without ORS, Karbonite would probably never have been possible, or at least would have spent a lot longer on the runway. I started using KAS because I wanted to take full advantage of the reactors in KSPi. i started using B9 because of the possibility of antimatter spaceplanes, and FAR because of B9. you'll have to forgive me, this started as a lament of an future that had missed it's chance. i didn't intend it as a blamefest, and i'm sorry for any offense I've caused.
  10. i think i'm still failing to make my point. Yes, the use of ORS that was occurring in Karbonite was not in your API standard, but the usage and API had progressed since the last release you were involved in, and made no attempt to understand that progression before releasing your new version, and as a consequence there was a regression. since i seem to be very hyperbolic right now, let's throw analogies around too: The garden grows even when the gardener isn't looking, and it is the height of arrogance to assume the plants are going to follow the plans while the gardener is away.
  11. yes, i probably am being unfair; i'm sorry, i don't know how to make the point more courteously. in the end, this is your sandbox. thank you for letting me play in it. however, i think your comments here reinforce my point. yes, you released a new version that should have been of academic interest only, but the major unstated assumption here (and in your comment, as highlighted in the quote) is that you were the only one doing anything with it. Wave has done a lot of work, and yes, a lot of that work is NOT the way you would have taken KSPi, but i think it's disrespectful to ignore his work to keep your creation working at a critical time when you were not available. fortunately, Wave and Rover are the only major mods that are pulling from ORS as extensively as they are, so the regression of Wave's work only had affect on those two things. in corporate software, it doesn't take much of a breaking change to invalidate the trust that developers invest in an API. if Linux Torvalds were to release a new version of the linux kernal with minor academic changes from the last version he had total control over, then it would be wholly within his rights to do so, but you can guarantee Redhat and Novel would be very upset and would probably start forking as fast as they could rather then step back to 1998. again, this is almost excessively hyperbolic, but i hope the point is clear and minimally offensive. i'm sorry if it's not.
  12. this is something that has been orbiting around in my mind for a while now. i was initially skeptical of KSPilite (yes, i am going to continue using that italicSubscript notation until it catches on) but the more i use it, the more i appreciate the gameplay choices that Wave made. i'm still sad about some of the stronger tangential learning opportunities (like D/T/He3 and Fusion containment), but the tweakscale simplifications and reactor choice clarity are a huge improvement. honestly, after i got comfortable with it, i was hoping fractal would be occupied for a while so that when he returned, there wouldn't be this confusion over who's version was "authoritative". as it sits, we have the worst of both worlds, Fractal was gone just long enough for Wave to come out of the shadow and start making his own improvements, but not long enough for wave to have the kind inertia that would mean fractal and wave HAD to cooperate and divide labor for the next version. i was really hoping that Fractal's return would herald the type of cooperative powerhouse that the B9 team has become; we've seen BAC, Tav and K3 smoothly (at least superficially) integrate into a tight cooperative team, and B9 is better then it ever was. if the ORS 1.3 regression shows us anything, it's the fact that Fractal views KSPi and everything that comes from it has HIS, and woe betide those who would defy his vision. (i'm obviously overstating it hyperbolicly; i doubt there was any malice in Fractal's actions, just a casual unconcern for where everyone else was.) My ideal mix would be Fractal in the background concentrating on the things he clearly wants to concentrate on (Engine effects, reactor modeling, and everything he's put effort into since he got back) with Wave "out front" dealing with gameplay, balance and support issues. This plays to both of their strengths, and would seem to put the people who are most interested in certain aspects in charge of those aspects. There was a recent book that talks about this type of creative cooperative and how effective it can be. (I hate sports, but Mike Pesca deals with this extensively in his non-sports podcast with the author) Now, i'm idealistically ignoring ego, the opinions, and willingness of both parties in this example, as well as many many other factors, but i think this would be the best outcome; Pity it seems to be unlikely in the current climate.
  13. Oh Oh Oh! just adjust transparencies on the sides so we have a Kerbolnaught Popemobile. i bless this moon in the name of the booster, the SAS and the holy strut. be vigilant, the Kracken waits for us all.
  14. Wave ran into the exact same issue, and was part of the way through the conversion. not sure where he left it.
  15. you say that, but i spent few minutes staring at the little circles and i can't see anything except the slight deflection of the aerobrakes, but isn't that the connection order bug in Tav's signature?
  16. wouldn't that double memory requirements? these parts are already enough to crash KSP by themselves without management. let's no go making the problem worse.
  17. i think there are some bits which are dropped from Fractal's 1.3+ that KSPilite depends upon, but we might just wait to see what roverdude does in his next release for Karbonite. Wave and RoverDude seem to be playing from the same plans, but Fractal seems to be doing his own thing. it's kinda hard to tell right now until the release cycle progresses. nevermind. official answer above.
  18. that's funny. i have the opposite issue. alarms for destroyed safely recovered craft will sometimes persist even after the horrible explosion gentile touchdown. I've had similar issues with "revert to launch" sometimes reverting to the previous ballistics experiment spacecraft instead of the current disaster mission, even without mods, so i just assumed it was some bug in .24.
  19. Sooooooooo you have a lot of mods. i'm willing to be you are using Crowd Sourced Science Logs too. they sometimes break science experiments. look for rogue ScienceDefs.cfg files. also, ModStatistics is mostly deprecated and B9GearFix is for the old B9 4.0c, and causes LOTS of problems with the new B9 5.2.1.
  20. My Reactors work fine. is it possible you have parts left over for KSPi? KSPiLite (wave's version, in the Interstellar folder) is is a comprehensive replacement for KSPi (FractalUK's version, in the WarpPlugin folder). Make sure you delete the old one; having both makes a mess.
  21. CRP should be the same everywhere, and the latest version should be backwards compatible with everything, since that is the whole point of separating those resources out into a stand-alone community pack, but you could always go get the original distribution (Github deeplink), which should have everything (assuming modders are playing nicely). Considering RoverDude is the curator, this should definitely have his stuff in there.
  22. this was a bit of a "AHA!" moment for me. I never considered the fact that every part that is stack attached is going to have all of it's mass right over the center of rotation. this explains why even the supermassive 5 meter parts can be made to spin like a top by the slightest control input, but a minor imbalance in Universal Storage wedges causes huge torque. it's also a good reason to use radial tanks, like the B9 surface attached RSC tanks to give the physics system something to grab onto.
  23. that's because Twitch is silently redirecting you to the main page, because it can't find the linked video id 621444. thanks twitch, real helpful.
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