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Everything posted by AetherGoddess

  1. i hope rover or someone is downloading all these textures and making a giant MM patch for all these other resources.
  2. i was playing around with the stock airplanes in sandbox, replacing the standard jets with thermals and AM engines, just to see what i could do, and the Ravenspear is a stupid fast mover when you give it 4 thermal turbojets and 4 AM reactors. however, it ate through the reactors AM supply in about 30 seconds, so?
  3. the part looks like a little white (american) football, or an egg, cut in half. the white thing in the bottom center of the images on the first post. it's a multi spectrum analyzer that plugs into ScanSAT, but if you right click it, it also has a broad spectrum experiment.
  4. Remember, you need 2 kibbal per day just for maintenance to keep your creatures out of hibernation (or hypernation, because whatever), plus one kibbal per hour for each bioproduct you need. if you took a while assembling your station, you might be well out, which is why your creatures are hibernating.
  5. Fixed. and i can make my next network out of much simpler comms
  6. That's weird, all of my networks required multi omnis to have multiple concurrent connections. Maybe i missed something, but i thought you needed an omni to talk to the upstream relay, and a seperate to talk to the downstream target. i might be mistaken; Please let me know, some of those antenna are expensive.
  7. oh, please someone make this a thing: + http://coolwallpaperhd.us/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/Kerbal-Space-Program-1080p-1024x576.jpg
  8. we need a counter: "it has been FIVE posts since the difference question was answered." i'm afraid it would hover around zero too often. Damn you wave, for making something that works and making it stable. all of the interesting conversations are happening at fractals thread because of all the bees in the reactor code. someone find a bug so we can all complain about how much it's hurting our sense of realism and immersion.
  9. Cross linking for fun an profit, la♫
  10. yes. this is a thing i could find useful. Do a pull request into En's source (assuming you can find it, i can't), or, given that he's not been around since 12th August 2014, 21:04, it might just be time to take advantage of the WTF-ever pseudolicense and just make a new fork.
  11. so I've had to deal with this pretty extensively recently, as i upgraded from stock communications to RT2 in the middle of a late game, and had to deploy a lot of networks quickly, and I've come to some general guidance that might help: Create a relay network for the KSC: an ideal relay network is at Kerbo-synchronous height (2,868.75 km for stock), but can be anywhere provided the orbits are close enough to each other that they stay roughly equidistant from each other. I find half-synchronous height (1,508 km) is useful, because you can use the long extending omni (CommTech EXP-VR-2T) to communicate across the whole orbit. 3 satellites are the minimum, but i find 4 is easier, esp if you have shorter antennas. Each element in the relay network should have at least three, but preferably 4, antenna. one large omni for local communication, and a large dish for active vessel. if your network is large or sparse, you might add two small dishes to connect to the previous and next satellites in the network. For each satellite, point one dish at the KSC, one at the next satellite in orbital order, one at the previous, and if possible, one at the active vessel. omnis with good range are best for the other satellites and KSC downlink, since omnis will support multiple connections over short ranges, but a big long range dish like the Reflectron GX-128 is best for the active vessel. each sat should be 360/N degrees away from the others. 360/3=120 deg for 3 sat networks , 360/4=90 deg for 4 sats, 360/5 = 72 deg for 5, etc. When positioning satellites, target the next or previous satellite in the network, and raise your apoapsis until it just touches the orbit, and look at position of the next intersect. if you are starting from a lower circular orbit, like a standard 100 km parking orbit, you can drag the maneuver around your current orbit till it lines up. Alternatively, you can set a maneuver node at the AP where your current orbit intersects the target orbit and adjust the periapsis (with prograde and retrograde) until the "target position at intersect" is at the right angle. burn this maneuver and orbit around till your in the right position, and circularize into your final orbit. This is a great trick for deploying multiple sats from one craft, since you can release a sat, target it, lower your PE till the positioning is right, burn, orbit, and re-circularize to release the next. When you are ready to connect to other planets or muns (or if you need to add more satellites for active vessel because you didn't have enough dishes before), add two more satellites to the KSC network, orbiting opposite each other. they will be added to the relay network in-between other sats, but don't move any other sats around. this is where omni's for in-network relay helps, because otherwise you need to repoint 4 dishes per added satellite. these new relay satellites should have a longer range dish pointed at the target mun or planet (or vessel). Set up a 3 or 4 comsat network orbiting the target body, with one omni for local communication, two antenna (omnis or dishes) for network relay, and one longer range dish pointed at kerbin, not KSC, so they also hit the relay network. any vessels that want to use the relay network just need to point to Kerbin and use the Active vessel uplinks, or point to a local relay and use the local communication omni. Two fun things to watch: , and .ONE MORE THING: if you use ScanSAT, communications satellites make great mapping satellites. set them up in a polar orbit and watch the map collect.
  12. Also for clarity, i was referring to the KSPiLITE inline refineries ability to extract water.
  13. So let me go through the prerequisites: The experiment itself is necessary The experiment requires eurekas and bioproducts Eurekas are produced the Thnkr lab, but not the squad science lab Bioproducts are produced by the creature comfort lab, but not any other lab the Thnkr lab requires three crew and electric charge to produce one eureka Per Hour The Creature lab requires one crew, Electric charge, and one Kibbal to produce one bioproduct per hour, plus 2 kibbal per day Neither the Creature or Thnkr labs will operate below Low Kerbin Orbit (i.e. 70 Km) Therefore, the Creature Comfort experiment requires: The Experiment itself a Thnkr lab a creature lab 30 hours, or 5 kerbin days Sufficient electric charge to run all labs for at least this long at least 40 kibbal 4 total crew all in Low Kerbin orbit or higher
  14. Believe it or not, this mod started as an out-of-game tool. the out of game tool is now long since deprecated, so it would have to be recreated from scratch.
  15. Those look like graphics errors. this mod shouldn't be doing anything with texture mapping. are you seeing UI issues? what other behavior are you seeing?
  16. Kinda? there are certain parts that only work out past the stock tree locations (specifically fusion, antimatter, White-Alcubierre drives) and there are upgrades that look for those trees to be unlocked (like Quantum Vacuum fuel mode on electric thrusters). without the tree adjustments, those things will either be inaccessible or fail to function. in short: go carefully: unsupported grey zone,
  17. with ORSX, uranium works, but water appears to be broken. Haber seems to work. this is double unfortunate, however, since the water and ore drills in karbonite seem busted right now.
  18. So that's a bit of a unsolved question right now. Wave was using a CRP compatable version of ORS before the fractal regression & rover forking, so, theoretically, it should work OK, but Wave is the only one who could be sure, and he's not around recently. i just updated to rover's ORSX versions, and 1'm trying it right now. will report.
  19. Pretty sure he was just suggesting trolling people. why not just cut out the middle Kerbal and put in a new "scamjet" part that directly causes DRE heating instead of thrust.
  20. guess today is "update all the things" day. please wait while i download the universe plus scansat.
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