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Everything posted by Clythoris

  1. This actually looks pretty amazing! A couple of questions. 1. Is sitting on Ernus's sun side gonna make my ship explode? If I can even get that close to the sun to land there. 2. Do you have any idea if it's going to work with nuFAR? Or if it worked with FAR in older versions? 3. I read somewhere that in 1.0 you can rename existing bodies [Kerbin, mun etc], maybe you could rename the stock ones to make it less confusing , if it's actually possible though. 4. How do asteroids spawn in this new solar system? In stock they only spawned around Kerbin and ?Dres?, how does it work here? 5. Resources. Did you manually set them in or are they randomly created? 6. Are missions gonna be impossibly hard at start? Telling me to go to Minmus right after Mun even though it's orbiting a far away body? 7. Is Leouch's name based on an anime character? 8. Can I somehow remove rings from planets without breaking the mod horribly? I don't like them, personally. [Arin, Titanus] Also you mistyped Arin's name into Astid in the Imgur gallery.
  2. I can't open the link, but I believe this is because of the crappy RAM usage build-up every time you revert that has been around forever.
  3. This has been happening to me for as long as I can remember, not sure if it's normal though. I never really bothered to ask.
  4. Is the insane fps drop caused by K+ parts fixed? Mainly the large fuel tanks.
  5. So, if my launch doesn't go as planned, I use this to get my crew to safety? Otherwise I have no idea what this all means .
  6. Read the question before answering... And I would also like to know what the "nu" in nuFAR stands for
  7. Joining the ferry. I can't even possibly think of playing KSP without his mod! It's great and essential to me. I hope you won't die or suffer an injury impairing your ability to work with computers in the upcoming days leaving this mod to rot. (I am terrible at praising) Same goes for Near future stuff!
  8. Thank you, I was completely lost with what Starwaster "said.
  9. I'd say Karbonite and MSI are unplayable without this mod, so yeah, I need an update . EDIT: Meant MKS [modular kolonization system], not MSI
  10. I am pretty sure they wanted to make it look "realistic" to our standards of atmospheric escape [rocket launches of today's world], the other thing could simply be to save fuel, both on the ranger and the station.
  11. Enjoy your meal, I'll just wait till tomorrow for everything to get up to speed.
  12. I need this mod! Playing without Remote Tech would probably feel like cheating after all the time I've spent with it. Take your time and don't abandon us!
  13. Steam fixed it and didn't mess anything up!
  14. Really? I didn't think it would be that big of a problem, haha. I must have deleted it a while ago, 20+years in my current game and I just now found out that I have no asteroids, so yeah it's not in my recycle bin. Is the Steam "Verify integrity" thingy gonna download it for me? And is it gonna mess with my current KSP setup?
  15. Hello, could someone please post here a download for the NASA Mission mod folder, I accidentally deleted it and I don't feel like reinstalling the KSP.
  16. Apparently, my friend has encountered this before and told me to play it off. It disappeared after a few minutes, but someone should really look into this!
  17. Damn, not even the all-eager KSP players do not know what is causing it? I guess I'll have to live without it =( .
  18. Hello, I am just gonna tell you to how it happened. I flew to Eeloo, got into stable orbit, left the ship there, returned to space centre, accepted two missions, Exploration - Ike and Exploration - Landing Laythe, returned to my ship and I could not click on any of the buttons in the top right of the screen. http://i.imgur.com/WrupieK.jpg I've done a bit of research and found out that people have had a similar problem with some orbit kerbal retrieval missions, which I have never done on this career. I went into the debug menu, artificially completed the missions and then deleted them from archive. But the bug is still persistent. Only this one ship suffers from it. I do not have any crash log. I still can kind of function without it, but it would be really nice to not have to . Here is my persistent.sfs http://s000.tinyupload.com/?file_id=31678831965744521201 The ship is called Karborundum Miner
  19. Thanks! That is exactly what I was looking for! And thanks to everyone who posted here, but this one is the easiest to understand! hehe Edit: How do I make this thread "Answered"? Or does a moderator do it?
  20. Oh! Upgraded to level Two and suddenly it's back! Thanks! I guess if there is no easy way to find out where it's gonna be in five hours, I can just use the prediction tool. Still, I am gonna keep this thread unanswered for a few hours and maybe someone will come up with something else.
  21. I wanted to calculate the distance because I always just pulled throttle in the direction of the body's orbit and after a while it would show me a prediction of when and where I would enter it's SOI. That handy tool suddenly disappeared on my new install and so I wanted to calculate it myself, I thought that by simply knowing the orbital altitude and velocity the calculation would be simple! Just some equation to fill up with my own numbers and voila! I am terrible at physics and math though :[.
  22. Hello, I've returned to KSP a few days ago and felt like learning some space math or whatever, so I wanted to calculate some things on my own, but the problem is I have no idea how to get a distance in space without some sort of a ruler. Currently I do it by taking a picture from above and measuring in in a 3rd party software [manga studio in this example]. Knowing that the distance from Mun to Kerbin is 11.400.000 I simply deduct the distance from the top of my head, so yeah, it's not very reliable. Is there a better way to do it? Obviously I want to know where the Mun is gonna be after a specific length of time.
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