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Everything posted by Scientia1423

  1. Rest in peace. I play this game on Roblox where you had to fly a plane to get a reward and I press S then wonder why I can't pull up.
  2. There are some games that aren't completely flight based that have a section where you fly a plane.
  3. To summarise, I load plane, a message pops-up and says "physics easing in progress" or something like that, then goes kaboom or the wing detaches. I have parts connected to the plane that clip through and this issue hasn't happened before as I've been doing this with other planes with no explosive results. Is it just a bug or something?
  4. Kevin? Or do you mean Kerbin? I think the network is slightly OP as the signal can clip though planets which kind-of sucks.
  5. I try to load a plane I had landed which I tested many times with promising results only to see it turn into a nuke and turn my runway into a mess. I doubt the Kraken is helping my kerbals, it just has severe disinterest in them and wants to end them.
  6. Finally landing on Duna after many attempts.
  7. I think it's to be expected when fandoms meet. When this happens you get this kind of stuff. There might also be a Kerbal version of Undertale which wouldn't really surprise me. For example, here is this thread:
  8. By the title, I meant this: In KSP you usually press "S" to go up and "W" to go down And if you've played it for so long and have adapted to its controls, that by playing another game that uses "regular" WASD controls, you use the kerbal controls and immediately go into a dive. Just asking if this has ever happened to you.
  9. If you need to deal with a Deep Space Kraken then send a Deep Space Whale to hunt it. No big squid can survive a whale so why not try it with a Deep Space Whale.
  10. What do you do to chemists when they die? Barium.
  11. Seems like an interesting idea, however I think the runway might need to have an inwards slope like a bowl so it might be easier to control? idk. EDIT: ok I'm stupid enough to not watch the video but it looks practical...
  12. I feel sorry for you... Safe travels, @sal_vager!
  13. It isn't your fault you came in late. However this really isn't a challenge otherwise I would say how fast the community would be able to build a station. Besides I can't really trust anyone to take the torch because it might die and then no one will have the save file to reboot it back up again. If I'm motivated enough I might reboot it but I don't know anymore. I'll think about it late but for now, my job is to complete all the mission tasks and have it ready.
  14. @HebaruSan, Thanks for the save, as the last one to ever send anything into space.
  15. I have made it public and the saves have been posted on this thread but i'll take the advice. I will hand you the save and extend it for you until monday. https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BxtbwCF0ikkBWnNSS0FRYldtaTg Sorry for the late response.
  16. I am closing down the project for good. So yeah, it's finally come to an end. I tried to keep it going from march but it seemed people weren't interested. I was very enthusiastic about the project when it first started because I moved on from the original Modded community space program and I thought it could bring something new. The Stock community space program started in August as an attempt to build a community station, like that of the original SCSS by zekes before it died. Eventually the leader needed to pass the role on due to personal reasons and I took over. I was able to keep it up for nearly 3 months before no one else volunteered. Seeing the project rot didn't do well for me as I had no more requests for time slots. I tried to restart the project in the middle of March and so far since then, only two people completed their turns. Then the thread went silent again and I had lost hope in it. So the 7th-8th of April will be the last turn before I shut it down. I will finish what everyone has done and it will be ready for viewing and experimenting only. It's just something I had to do because beating a dead horse isn't what I like to do with threads. If you want the last turn, please comment underneath this comment and tag me like this (@Scientia1423) Observation save will be linked here after completion: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B9XSuS0-gok4X09hM2duTFFCbkk
  17. Tru tho I love how this turned from a comparison post into "how a pool on a plane is impossible" post.
  18. I just got it from a documentary tbh. Reference is at 27:10 Apparently that's what I heard with the swimming pool thing, might not be correct.
  19. Before the soviets died of budget cuts and debt it had plans to make an An-225 passenger plane with 3 decks and a swimming pool, like a cruise ship but in the air. That would automatically put any plans for double decker planes into the bin had it been mass manufactured. Shame it didn't get off the drawing board.
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