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Everything posted by Jagzeplin

  1. oh crap i installed .12 without reading the part about removing .11. well.... lets see what happens edit- aaaaaand it broke. im now in the process of nuking entire gamedata folder and redownloading every mod since a lot of mods used same name folders as kspi
  2. sorry i was making a reference to the "stepped in some feelings" meme as a joke to break the tension since passinglurker sounded upset edit- while were talking about logistics hubs can anyone direct me to a site or guide explaining how those work? i havent tried em out yet
  3. here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/91706-Freight-Transport-Technologies-PRE-RELEASE!-v0-1-1-2014-08-24?p=1373632#
  4. thankfully Roverdude has indicated that he will eventually put out a KAS rewrite at some point so this shouldnt be an issue much longer edit- maybe we can name it MMM (manual manipulates mod)? lol just spitballing here
  5. maybe the mod can check for whether a person is using TAC-LS or some other mod and if present the roids will convert at default rates but for guys like you who want greater fuel output the mod can move up that rate if they dont have tac-ls
  6. @passinglurker:whats wrong with KAS? aside from restrictive licensing that is... i understand your concern but im actually in the camp that hopes conversion rates stay inefficient as i do use TAC-LS and dont want roids to be just easy access to everything. challenge is fun
  7. im fairly sure he meant this mod (ART). @Roverdude: dont move TOO many nifty features to FTT as i havent decided to use that mod. i like to build my own transports
  8. Thanks very much thats exactly what i needed to know
  9. well when i first installed MKS i read that CLS was recommended for "efficiency extensions". now i gather that recent MKS versions have their own efficiency model but the guide still says that so i figured CLS must do something with efficiency but im starting to think i was way off
  10. thats true. it just seems kinda oversimplified though. like i can just turn any substance into any other substance edit- i suppose im just trying to say i dont feel like one drill on one spot on one resource should be able to manufacture every resource in the game without some complicated conversions or something. it should be very difficult to get, say water, from rock. if i sound critical i dont mean to as the mod as a whole still looks cool as hell
  11. ok im glad that you said rock will only convert into "trace amounts" of karbonite as frankly i find it kinda silly that you can pull like any resource out of rock. and speaking of silly the "mass driver" rock powered engine almost makes me not want to install this....but i will because it just looks so AWESOME!!! but seriously i hope you keep rock resource conversion inefficient and dial back the effectiveness of the rock powered engine cuz i get that its a game but i dont like when things get too easy.
  12. with the last version i used (the .9.0.10 prerelease) when a station isnt focused i noticed lifesupport conversions seem to stop taking place and i keep getting notified that my station is depleting oxygen or something until i refocus on it and let it replenish supplies for a while. now i just noticed the new version of TAC-LS this morning and so havent had a chance to test it with my OKS stations yet but my question is does this one add on-rails life support conversions or should i just overstock my station with life support if i wanna leave it unfocused for a while?
  13. the one you uploaded on 16th edit- oh i just realized you probably meant the pre-release. im using the mks.20/karb.3 prerelease
  14. i take it the "optional" folder still being alluded to in the readme is the "WombatConversions" folder?
  15. ok it would seem that something on mm makes my techs go unresearched and i have to manually click on each one and reresearch them one at a time. am i missing something? is there a button that will just do them all with one click cuz that'd be greeeeeeeat.
  16. oh yeah. lol i was just bein lazy and lettin others field test while i played with my volcano
  17. you gotta hover mouse over the little doorway thing or its vicinity till you see a kerbal name and then u should be able to EVA him out Edit- actually you may need to right click a bunch on it. been a bit since i used one of those and the mods were updated a lot since then
  18. well said bro. thanks for EPL. wouldnt ever play KSP without it
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