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Everything posted by moogoob

  1. Im better at things like landing when I'm using an analog stick compared to the keyboard. Personally, I use an Xbox 360 controller, and while many controls still need the keyboard/mouse, 95% of the piloting (anything that doesn't need clicking) is done with a controller.
  2. Yup. Pretty much that, Mechjeb and Asteroid day are my entire mod list.
  3. Yeah, the settings menus are... strange. Some menus (like personalization) are suspiciously windows 7 looking.
  4. I just bit the bullet and upgraded my desktop PC from Windows 7 to Windows 10. So far, so good. KSP runs, and my other games seem to be OK too. I kind of like the interface. Tiles are growing on me. Microtransactions in flipping Solitaire isn't. So, who's upgraded? Have you seen any performance hit in KSP? Anyone downgrade back to 7 or 8? Other weird thoughts?
  5. Most of my rovers, for testing, have a single-seat pod bolted on by a decoupler to carry the pilot. I find it amusing, perhaps they need to spend their budget doing space things, and testing what is clearly actually just a fancy automobile wouldn't fit into that, thus needing a pod at the very least to be included in the whole shebang. Loopholes, you know? So SpaceM Automotive (our cheekily-named rover division) has a single, old, defective size-1 pod they drag out each round of testing to appease the government paper-pushers
  6. Doom v1.666 would like a word... Yes, i'm an old gamer.
  7. Also consider your capture burn. What you have are several things conspiring to make very-low-thrust approaches to Moho difficult: 1. Moho is very close to the sun, so it's SOI is small (low gravity world deep in the massive Kerbolar gravity well) 2. You're going very very fast when you get to Moho, so your burn will be long These two things mean that: 3. If your thrust is too low, you won't have enough time to do a proper capture burn before either getting flung out of Moho's space again OR hitting Moho because you started burning too early. Things to consider. You CAN do something like burning to slow down before you hit the soi, but that starts getting really complicated. Like, MESSENGER probe levels of complicated.
  8. I went straight to the full version of the game. Didn't even know there was a demo.
  9. Nice idea. Alt-f4 works but I'd like assurance the game is saving. I'd love the ability to load into other saves from the Space Center window too, while we're at it. Without having to load the main menu again.
  10. I deorbit everything that's not sent interplanetary-wards, if possible. I have no such compunctions about firing the Nerva in-atmo.
  11. This must be what caused my (otherwise successful) prototype Cargobird to lose its vertical stabilizers in LKO yesterday. It was OK, I got to field a rescue mission but suddenly losing bits of wing parts is disconcerting.
  12. I love the "squid staging" but have one question: how much do all those decouplers weigh? If you recall history, fuel tanks with low dry mass have the benefit of being able to be held onto longer without staging it off. As an example, see the Atlas - it had a single fuel tank in its launch stage and just flung off 2/3rds of its engines when TWR got too high. Maybe using fewer decouplers (if any) might give you higher delta-v and lower part counts? Just have arrays of static size-0 fuel tanks that all get ejected at the same time, or if decouplers are too heavy then just stick with the craft.
  13. As said before in their thread by others I advise the use of Mechjeb (though Kerbal Engineer Redux is just as good) to figure out delta-v values and TWR for staging - takes most of the guesswork out of it, leaving the rest of the mess-ups to either insufficient planning or insufficient piloting skill.
  14. I used to quite a bit. Even still have an orbiter install. I learned how to ascend and orbit with the Delta Glider and Titan. Then KSP came out and the rest's history.
  15. The abort button does nothing by default - this means you can make it do anything you'd like! Personally I use it to pop fairings/nosecones etc.
  16. Yup. Mechjeb can do porkchop plots, which give you a graph of delta-v against departure time and travel time for your selected target planet, then plot you a course there based on where in the graph you click. It still makes mistakes, floating point errors and such (plotting a delicate maneuver years in the future tends to get bouncing indicators) forcing you to learn do mid-course correction burns, but that's part of the learning. I could look up transfer windows and departure angles on a site somewhere to get places (and have!) but find that tedious.
  17. I love Pol! It's my favourite Joolian moon, for its low gravity and hilarious, Dr. Seussian surface scatter. Here's a mission I did back in.. 0.90.0? I think. The nukes using LF+O should date it.
  18. Mechjeb is the first mod I search for when a new version of KSP comes out. I prefer MJ's ascent autopilot over manual for many reasons, predictability being one of the most important. One less variable when trying to figure out why my payload detached from the transfer stage at 500m above the pad. (It was insufficient struts, if anyone wants to know) The customizable readout windows are great, too. I display odd but sometimes useful things like vehicle cost (so you know how much you're costing the company when you crash) and local gravity alongside always useful stuff (especially when flying manual, like early in career mode) like Time to Apoapsis and Ap/Pe altitudes. I even cheat and display True Altitude so I know how far until I crash, not hit sea level (which is not really useful below orbital flight paths unless you actually ARE aiming for the sea).
  19. What's the shielded port like aerodynamically? IIRC it's pretty draggy, or at least was when I tried using it on a tiny shuttle. The fairings might have a benefit there if you make them nice and pointy.
  20. I suppose the reason you can do this on a spaceplane and not a capsule is that the spaceplane, when pancaked, has much greater drag, correct?
  21. As an aside to this discussion, it may not be useful in career due to cost and late arrival, but has anyone tried making their own engine clusters using (say) the size-3 to mk3 adapter as a tank butt? Twenty-one of them firing at the same time (with gimbal limits, of course) is very impressive on a three-core launcher. Managed to bring 160-something tons of payload to orbit in one go. TWR for the win!
  22. Back up your rover wheels with engines (even RCS jets) and you'll be fine. It's easy to go flying on Minmus so best be prepared!
  23. I read the thread title and got excited. I though it was "no parts bigger than size zero" and though I have no screen shots, I've done (in 1.02 or somesuch) a size 0 single-stage to orbit rocket. It's a nose cone, reaction wheel, battery, five or seven Oscar-b's, a little orange engine, some fins and about six separatrons to get the thing off the ground. Just makes it with to 71km orbit. Of course, it carries no crew or payload so...
  24. I play mostly sandbox, and don't run any mods other than Mechjeb and cosmetic things like EVE and Chatterer. When I do play career, I tend to go towards roleplay, taking inefficient craft or mission profiles in exchange for... well... jollies. *shrugs* That said, I refuse to cheat fuel in. The fuel/thrust balance is one of the main balancing factors of the game.
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