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Everything posted by moogoob

  1. Agreed re: solar panels. It's no longer just "stick OX_STATs all over every available surface and you'll be fine". For me, it would be some of the small tweaks to the starter engines, the LVT-30 and 45. They now differ by more than just weight and thrust - the 45 has worse sea level performance but is now better high-altitudes as an engine with a smaller-sized bell is aught to.
  2. People recover boosters? Even my otherwise fully-recoverable shuttle discards its boosters. Then again, I play primarily sandbox so...
  3. OOh rock thread! Don't have any pics, but I've got lots of rocks. I have a Nautiloid fossil I found in a flood plain - a local museum archeologist put it at 445 million years old. Several nice quartz samples - clear, Amethyst, Citrine. I also have a couple large mica crystals - a few biotite and a white muscovite. - - - Updated - - - A geologist would probably tell you "someone put it there". Brought some to the aforementioned museum's identification clinic, and a large, rounded suspected meteorite turned out to be most likely iron ore smelting leftovers used to pave railroads which have crisscrossed the area it was found in for hundreds of years.
  4. That's where most of my best sci-fi finds come from. I've found lots such as Arthur C. Clarke (including 2001, 2010 and... whatever the third one is called) as well as some bad but fun schlock that I love like the Doom novelizations and L. Ron Hubbard's insane Mission Earth series.
  5. I've had only a few problems. I turned off city lights and they stopped happening.
  6. I turned off hotrockets due to a few bugs that kept cropping up and because I couldn't stand the Poodle's effects. It's great if you like the effects though!
  7. I'll think about getting the craft file up once I do some more re-entry tests. Not sure whether or not to give it wings or just keep it as a 1-kerbed cockpit-fuel-thing that uses parachutes.
  8. I remember flying one of those in Orbiter. I too find the hoops you have to go through to launch planes on top of rockets both silly and highly entertaining.
  9. It's one of those cases where I've been calling it the Nastybird so long that I can't really remember why. It has something to do with its sister 1-Kerbal shuttle the Angrybird, but I have no idea where the nasty part came in.
  10. Since the Nastybird GL Rev. 4 was discontinued due to changes in aerodynamics, it has been a goal of SpaceM Skunkworks, a collaboration of the Launch Systems and Aeronautic Systems divisions of the company, to revamp the Nastybird concept for a new age. Today, we are proud to present to you the SpaceM Nastybird 2! Dropbox link for .craft files: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/xxb0paniythxpch/AABaZsOj8RnBRKwpe7kWOt_Ua?dl=0 Download the normal one if you have Mechjeb installed, otherwise use the one with "no mj" in the filename. Action groups: Lights: This turns the cabin lights on and off. Luxurious! Brakes: Toggles wheel and air brakes as default. Abort: Does nothing. Gear: Gear up and down. 1: Landing prep - toggles front gear lights and unlocks front gear steering 2: Open/close docking port 3. Open/close service bay. How to fly: Ascent: Ascend like any other rocket - do a normal gravity turn, in other words. Mechjeb has no problem with using the default curve. In flight: Firstly when you get to orbit it is essential to open your service bay and turn on one of the fuel cells as she has no solar power. Rendezvous and docking is pretty straightforward, though due to engine limitations of the inline docking port you'll have to eyeball the final approach. Deorbit and landing: IMPORTANT: drain any remaining fuel to the forward tank before deorbiting AND do not attempt re-entry with more than 1/3rd fuel remaining (burn it off if you have to). This is because the centre of mass is fairly daintily balanced on the centre of lift already and having fuel in the back tank (or too much in the front) makes it too rear-heavy. Deorbit as normal, aiming for a 25km or so periapsis. I use Mechjeb to help focus on a landing site. Point your nose into the airflow, and wait until your speed lowers to a sane value. Then engage SAS if you haven't already and glide towards the runway at KSC (if your're close) or a flat-looking piece of land (if you're not). Any remaining fuel can be used to boost your speed if you find yourself too far out. Use a combination of gentle gliding and airbrakes to get your speed down before touchdown and just land as normal. Typical mission: Fuel loadout is designed to ascend to 80km, circularize (boosters run out and have to be ejected before circularization finishes), rendezvous with a station or other craft in low or medium Kerbin orbit, and deorbit to land at the runway at KSC while transporting four Kerbal passengers, plus pilot and co-pilot. With orbital refueling I've taken it to Minmus, but fuel starts getting pretty low pretty quickly in this scenario. So have fun and please let me know what you think if you give it a try!
  11. They're still useful for small parts (like landing gear & pylon assemblies), boosters and launchers, stuff you wouldn't want (or couldn't make due to lack of command pod) a separate save for anyways.
  12. Really? I like that inside every parachute container is a tiny, shrunken parachute.
  13. I'll do a career mode playthrough from time to time but my heart is in Sandbox.
  14. I for one like the new aero. Launch times are no longer boring - they are often now chaotic and exciting. Sometimes it's a minor oscillation that can be corrected by shutting down a gimbal or something (a similar problem was experienced by the Saturn V on a few launches), sometimes you really bork up the aerodynamics and your rocket snaps in half. Payloads now have to be designed such that they're either aerodynamic or have to fit under a reasonable fairing. I can go on. I like the engineering challenge!
  15. I proudly present, a product of SpaceM Munar Systems, the Minmus-Area Natural resource Gathering Independent Apparatus, or MANGIA. Its duty: to realize the ancient Kerbal dream of eating Minmus. Also, I completed getting the Nastybird shuttle up to post-1.0 spec, and its been going well!
  16. AH, so that's what that mysterious jettison button I've been seeing on and off since 0.23.5 was about. Wondered why it did nothing.
  17. Those really big launchers that can space 85 or more tons I tend to use for fuel depots.
  18. Yeah, the latest stable build from Github (there's a link on the MJ thread for "latest development builds" or something like that) will get rid of the message, but otherwise the message isn't anything other than a slight annoyance - the mod works fine.
  19. I don't normally do challenges (and am all thumbs when it comes to Kerbo-stationary orbits) but I like the idea of this challenge. There's a real challenge in building efficient little lifters. If I may ask, what's the purpose behind the time penalty? To discourage ion drives and slow (but efficient) placement at KSO?
  20. When working on my latest shuttle (rocket ascent, gliding landing) back in the 0.90.0 what I did was try to go for the runway, and if I didn't feel confident I just turned and took my time with a gentle field landing (to the west or south of KSC). Four or so of those behind my belt and I made a a successful orbit-to-runway landing. The next one was good too. So was the one after that. Then 1.0/1.02 came out and my first flight landed at the runway, first try. So what I'm saying is: practice. Practice and airbrakes. One of my new favourite parts. EDIT: If you want more technique, when I do a gliding landing I generally just choose a glide path after slowing down from re-entry. Turn on SAS, point nose at runway, make sure that prograde marker is slightly downwards (so I am gliding as opposed to stalling ) and glide on in. As I approach, I use my roll and yaw controls to keep centred, adjusting so as to hit the runway straight on rather than at an angle. Then as you get close (depending on design) you either hit your airbrakes, drogues or flaps (or all three, you rebel) until you're under 70m/s and from there just try to let your wheels hit gently before you either run out of velocity and stall or out of runway and splash. Apply brakes and taxi over to the hangar for a photo op. EDIT AGAIN: If you overshoot KSC, just wait until your speed is sane and pull a 180 so you're heading back west and land that way. No biggie.
  21. It used to do this for me all the time back in 0.90.0, but with capsules. Land, hop out, game froze and had to wait for it to get back to desktop. I did a clean install for 1.0, so haven't experienced it since.
  22. Sometimes all a rocket needs is four or eight of the tiny new aluminum fins at the bottom to take it from "impossible to fly" to "stable as an arrow." That's part of the challenge.
  23. Planning my first post-1.0 Jool mission and was hoping to use Pol as a fuel mining depot (as ore is easier to lift from low-gravity bodies, of course). I'll have to keep this bug in mind.
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