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  1. Np, but i still get exceptions from singularity [EXC 18:23:31.005] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object Singularity.SceneRendererHook.OnPostRender () (at <9979393ee651429dad328b68f1d0ef0e>:0) UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object) ModuleManager.UnityLogHandle.InterceptLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.Camera:RenderToCubemap(Cubemap) Singularity.Singularity:SetupCubemap() Singularity.Singularity:Init() Singularity.<DelayedInit>d__0:MoveNext() Planets near the ring get a weird shader. Edit with lensingStacking = false i get exceptions and with lensingStacking = true i get visual errors. Edit 2 Only Iomena and onrefni get issue the rest is totally playable for linux users
  2. For fix accreation disk in linux you have to change in GameData/KcalbelohSystem/OtherFeatures/Singularity.cfg accretionDiskTexturePath = KcalbelohSystem\PluginData\disk.dds to accretionDiskTexturePath = KcalbelohSystem/PluginData/disk.dds Tanks for this great mod Regards
  3. I have some trouble with configurable containers, i get negative values when i recover part + resources Thanks for this great mod Regards
  4. Thanks, that is only the start for a complete revamp and i don't think i have enough time for another mod. Regards
  5. I have Started a revamp for this mod, here is a preview of the new engine model Download on Spacedock
  6. Not officially but after 1 year the issue still here, you can use the bug tracker or move your complains vs private division but the fact is that the joystick don't work in linux.
  7. Please help with informations about your system https://bugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com/issues/17984 for solve this issue. Thanks
  8. Probably it work, but i don't know if it have some issues with KSP 1.4, i'm waiting for a stable release for update the mod.
  9. CPU overheat ? Check CPU temperature with the game running and if that is the problem clean or change the fan.
  10. The problem is not that KSP forget the axis, axis are recognised and stored perfectly in setting.cfg, the problem is that KSP don't use them. I have already updated the issue, and i'm waiting for some news from squad
  11. Some news, following @luke-lukem advice i have set SDL_GAMECONTROLLERCONFIG variable, you can find a database with mappings for your device at https://github.com/gabomdq/SDL_GameControllerDB and after you can check with gamepadtool application if all work fine, now the joystick is found and the setting accept keybinding but don't store gamepad axis and probably is related at that old issue Now i'm going to update the issue on the bugtracker, if you can try that solution can be useful for solving this annoying bug
  12. Same here, if squad is able to fix the problem ok otherwise 1.3.1 is fine for me. @luke-lukem thanks for the info.
  13. I have open a bug if you have others information please send yours log or settings Regards Luca
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