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Everything posted by mattinoz

  1. So if Kerbals aren't aliens are you saying they are humans or monkeys evoled to suit the high density transfermation that wiped out all live in the solar system?
  2. KSP is built on idea that it's mod-able. So any stock multiplayer doesn't need to the "everyone happy timewarp handling" it just needs the simplest. As long as it doesn't exclude Mods adding other options. Once you concede that, Stock Multi-player only needs to handle peer-to-peer inside the same physics bubble (which does need strict timewarp rules) and a host that handles orbital mechanics to handle on-rails craft and determine when two users are in the same bubble. All the heavy calculation is going to happen on the players machines in peer-to-peer. All the methods to avoid paradox of different timewarp scales happens in the Host.
  3. When did the Dev's ever suggest a story mode for it to be revived? Might be before my time (so a fair while ago) but I can only recall an aim for Tycoon style mode that has clearly been left by the way side. Tycoon is very different to a story mode. Indeed Career is probably closer to a story mode (that lacks creative writing) than a Tycoon mode.
  4. The only problem I see with this is long missions without planning tools doesn’t work so well. I mean you either want plan them out in detail or play them out to conclusion. Still think part of the solution maybe let us play them out ahead Cannon timeline in effect pre recording them to play out in to the timeline as it progresses. Which sets up more opportunities for rewards over time. In effect we’ll plan by the seat of our pants.
  5. I think you'd need to add train pilots to fly routes themselves. Hey I'd support as DLC but think it would get a better treated as seperate game so it could throw away all assumptions of the current career mode and build a real Tycoon trade mechanic. Might also help to trim down the physics load by making it just about flight. Just my 2c.
  6. Or procedural planets that have a theme but seeded terrain generation. So even in the stock verse you’d need exploration sensors to scan the planets. Or at least send kerbal to look out the window.
  7. Spaceport port could be next to the quantum marshes with floating runway that is never at the same angle between two launches or landings.
  8. And now I realise somewhere in the wording of the mission goals there must have been lots of information I missed. Completed didn't even reach bronze and all my craft were half the size posted here.
  9. Sorry... yes looks more like a pipe run. In that case I'd guess the zig zag shape is to allow it to deal with expansion and contraction with extremes of dessert temperature.
  10. You don't happen to know the reason the crawler path zig zags like that?
  11. Pretty sure that was @RoverDude and also fairly sure he said that Kerbals could fit thru a 6.25 dock with their helmet on. From memory the comment was made the first time the LEM or Service module was previewed in a developer note in the early days of Making History previews. As far as I know. There is still on answer to how Kerbals remove there helmets with short arms.
  12. Should be a complete new title. More than DLC. Still i'd buy either way.
  13. USI life support works on roughly 10kg a day so similar to human requirements. And assumes 15 day period covered by stock capsules. So it only really becomes an issue if you want kerbal to stay active in space longer term. Adds to that simple recycling so you can reduce weight by taking more equipment. It’s a mission planning thing that feels like the right balance of having to think about an obvious requirement but not getting bogged down in lots of interactions.
  14. Yes, yes, yes,.... If they make missons a click frenzy of pointless dialogues then at least the return key should dismiss them.
  15. You are brave to say the Russian don't know what they are doing and should do it the American way.
  16. I'd love to see a trade mechanic in the career game to bring it in to a tycoon style game. So DLC set around current and near future space commercialization as a theme with competing entities chasing work and going after prizes like rare kerbin minerals in space. That to me would be a great next step.
  17. All the more reason to make the value stock reports indicative and rounded as guide . Keep it simple and if it has quirks then thats Kerbal. Leave acuracy for mods but give stock the tools it needs to draw players in.
  18. Subway map is only for ideal transfers which still leaves lot of room for error if you don't understand.
  19. How many players know the forums even exist? Steamspy and the stats here would suggest its less than 10%.
  20. Well following HebaruSan's rule of thumb at the top of the thread. What if each segment on the bar was a Kerbin Half Orbital (kHO)? Then a 4kHO craft should be able to make it anywhere if Orbit is half way to anywhere. As the player advances the bar get more marks for 1/2 and 1/4 kHO's. Or in interface could be a circle pip that fills up to show what part of kHO. Each stage could have a pip or two for it's Dv capacity and the Pips up and get a total for craft. Tracking station could markers on other bodies orbits to show kHO's needed, as station upgrades precision could increase to to 1/2, 1/4, even 1/8 kHO's
  21. Wouldn't this be something just built in to crewable parts by their manufactures and not be a separate part to attach. I'd assume a heat pump (as you point out there is always heat to get rid of or something to keep cold on a space craft) in each part as part of the provided bulk of the part would handle balancing the change in temp internally. In that case it isn't the bulk or the weight that is missing as these parts are heavy and bulky. The KSP magic here seems to be the lack of EC draw just to keep parts generally serviceable.
  22. Well if that was the offical multi-player and it handled all the peer to peer multi-player aspects then it would be great grounding. Allow mods to expand on that and concencrate purely on alternative paradox resolution schemes. While (some) players are synced base code handles it. Mod would not only have to provide the scheme to handle the paradox but also the interface to allow it to happen in the first place as base code would be locked to not allow it to happen. KSP is modable and that is a great thing, The best part of the game are those systems which seem to have been designed with that in mind. Treat the stock game is as a platform as much as it is a standalone adverture.
  23. Multi-player doesn't mean combat to be competitve. Well not offically anyway. It could offically be a game with with a trade economy. Lay the ground work for mods to take care of both combat and inter-body travel. It would be a great way to break problem in to pieces.
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