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Everything posted by Frozen_Heart

  1. The advantage of a feature being stock compared to staying as a mod is simply ease of use. Players don't want to have to update the mod each version of KSP as it is extra work. On top of that there is always the risk of the mod creator going dark and it no longer working in the future. Also the new console versions likely won't have mods. Moving a feature to stock means that they get access to it.
  2. Love the new style of craft you've been building. They look really practical as motherships.
  3. I'm actually using the Co-102E atm I think. I just haven't had the time to upload any new craft for a long time. I've made a few modifications to make it function much better as a mothership rather than as a pure combat ship. Redone the back end as well to make it look much sleeker than before and due to having to move the antennae down to make room for a front docking port it has a distinctive 'chin'. Pic pending as imgur is broken right now. Won't let me log in.
  4. Eurofighter. It is already used by numerous countries so has proven to be easily adaptable to different needs, and is much better than the Super Hornet. We don't even mention the F-35... *shudders
  5. If you want a realistic military spacecraft, it will be a normal satellite with larger fuel reserves and a rack of missiles. Stick it in polar orbit and cause as much havoc as possible before it is shot down.
  6. November 2012 for me. Sometimes I think I'm an veteran former and then a thread like this pops up to remind me I'm still a newb
  7. Depends what kind of extinction level event. Any of the previous mass extinctions humans could survive. However it could also be taken to mean a black hole flying through the system and sucking up earth. We wouldn't survive that.
  8. Down in Devon. On the moors we have very little infrastructure. Even our water has to be pumped up from a nearby stream.
  9. And then there is me with 400kb/s internet that hasn't been updated since it was first installed. The companies are less and less interested in supplying us so if this breaks it might not even be replaced.
  10. I don't think that they plan to slow rocket production down even if they do start reusing them. I wouldn't be surprised if they want several going at once to get through the launch manifest quicker, which they are massively behind on. I doubt that they will be reusing stages soon enough to help with that though. Even so I'm still not convinced that the 1st stage booster is much of the launch cost as a whole. Though even getting $10million dollars off the launch would be pretty huge. Also is SpaceX still working on the space internet idea? I heard somewhere that it has taken a back seat as wasn't really being worked on anymore.
  11. Looks like Airbrakes have been changed in 1.0.5 so they no longer interact with their own ship. I was messing around with them trying to glitch parts and now they just phase through. Not sure why this was implemented.
  12. It doesn't stick where the LOX is. As the LOX tank is at the top but half empty when it separates, only the middle bit stays clean.
  13. Wow. congrats to SpaceX! An absolutely amazing achievement.
  14. I reckon the 2100-2150 estimate. Our technology is increasing faster and faster so I don't think it would be too long to wait. If it is even possible that is. There is a good chance it isn't.
  15. So this rocket is already crazy big... but could they do a Falcon Heavy and stick three together! I think that would be something like 700 tons to orbit!
  16. I agree with Nibb here as I just don't see how this can be funded. $50 million per flight is no where close enough for such a monster spacecraft, and the payload just isn't big enough to fit so many comfortably for so long. Though the fact that on orbit refuelling is planning suggests that it may be launched empty.
  17. Early 2016 is the new date. It got delayed due to the CRS-7 failure.
  18. What don't you like about this effort? If it was NASA I would understand, as it is your tax dollars, but SpaceX is a private company. Besides I think a Mars mission could be pretty useful.
  19. Not going to trust those numbers until SpaceX officially announces them. Something being rumoured on a forum isn't a good source.
  20. Caught inside a K-drive when he went out to repair it. Krakens were summoned.
  21. Not entirely sure I understand the point of cloning humans.
  22. Have you guys got any links to pusher designs? All mine no longer work.
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