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Everything posted by nightingale

  1. Err... I swapped my replies. Stagnated Research is a definite bug, is what I meant to say.
  2. @Stratickus - That would be a sensible change, let me look at that for the next release. @Norcalplanner - Definite bug, fixing for the next release.
  3. @BureauJaeger - mind raising it on GitHub for me? I don't think it's actually broken - just terribly overpowered.
  4. It's pretty planet pack friendly, so even with diverging like Galileo it should still work. The planet icons will use defaults (Dres because it's boring), and there may be questionable balance issues, buy otherwise I think it should be good to go.
  5. @Noname115 - generally speaking, it works with planet packs, although I do realize Galileo is more extreme. Is there something specific that you are looking for or that is missing for compatibility?
  6. @Levv - check the second post of this thread, it should be mostly up to date. If I remember there was a basic one for highest/lowest points in the solar system, and one or two maritime ones, which may have dependencies on mods that aren't supported on current KSP versions.
  7. @Phoenixwi - I think that's the same as #601. @hargn - raise the issue on GitHub, and I'll try to get it in the next release.
  8. Yup, there's some sort of incompatibility with 1.8.1, but I haven't had a chance to investigate yet.
  9. @muppet9876 - mind raising that on GitHub and I'll take a look next time I'm doing a refresh of this contract pack?
  10. @hargn - relatively easy, but the reason it's not there is I'm concerned that the argument of periapsis is hard to understand for the average user, and difficult to visualize. If I were to add a "time of day" parameter, you could have it so the orbit needs to be over a specific waypoint at a specific time of day. Would that work for you?
  11. Contract Configurator gives the ability to add loading tips, and I'm pretty sure the latter is from Strategia.
  12. Just a heads up to all, I'm going on vacation tomorrow. Expect support to be non-existent for the next 8 days or so.
  13. Just a heads up to all, I'm going on vacation tomorrow. Expect support to be non-existent for the next 8 days or so.
  14. @Stratickus & @monstah - Hmmm... I thought I'd fixed that part in the UI to make it say 1 and not 2. Actually, I think it's that I made a change in stock to allow me to override the text, but forgot to take advantage of it in the mod. Will have to take a look at that soon (although if you can raise it on GitHub monstah, that would help me out). As to why it's 2,3,4 in the config files it's because of the upgrade system. I need an extra free slot to allow you to take the 2nd/3rd level strategies when you already have the 1st level strategy of the same type (it then cancels the 1st level one automatically). That way you don't necessarily have to pay certain one-time costs twice (or in some cases it's a reduced cost).
  15. It's Strategia being cruel to you (by design) - only one strategy on the level 1 building.
  16. @Stratickus - Yes, that's a Strategia feature. Some of the strategies add modifiers to various things like research, and in the stock game it's really, really hard to know why the costs are what they are (also it used to be that the tooltips showed the wrong costs, but that's been fixed in recent KSP versions).
  17. Yup, safe to add at any point in a career.
  18. KSP 1.2.x compatible release incoming, download here! Strategia 1.4.0 Rebuild for KSP 1.2.x.
  19. @paul23 - no, this mod can only create new ones (although creating stock-alike rescue contracts would be relatively simple with Contract Configurator).
  20. @tjsnh - At this point I don't have a better suggestion than what @severedsolo has shown you.
  21. @katateochi - The investor tour was changed recently to be repeatable - so you can do either choice multiple times (or both choices).
  22. @thrandisher - The missing context line is the one right before the stack trace you posted: ContractConfigurator.Behaviour.OrbitGeneratorFactory: CONTRACT_TYPE 'CleverSatConstellationShift', BEHAVIOUR '' of type 'OrbitGenerator: Error parsing inclinationFactor So it's an incompatibility between @Galileo's planet pack and @severedsolo's Clever Sats Contract Pack. Likely solution would be for the contract pack to use the IsSun() method to "find" the Sun (I assume it gets renamed to something different in the planet pack).
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