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Everything posted by nightingale

  1. Can confirm that QA testing KSP involves many explosions, but very few are the fun kind.
  2. Oh right, forgot about that. Assuming it's still the case (I think I raised a bug eons ago, but may still be open), It's only partially true. What happens is that KSP will take the logo and try to rescale it to 1/4 size. Because the way the DDS files are loaded, this will cause an exception. The way to get it to not choke is to have two logos - one full sized DDS, and one 1/4 size PNG. Example: https://github.com/jrossignol/ContractPack-FieldResearch/tree/master/GameData/ContractPacks/FieldResearch/Agencies The PNG file has an extension of .truecolor, which I'm pretty sure is just historical and is completely unnecessary (it's still like this in stock KSP). It is handy though, because if you do a mass PNG => DDS conversion you won't accidentally pick them up.
  3. Best is always to convert to DDS - can reduce load times a lot (otherwise Unity ends up doing the conversion to DDS on the fly).
  4. Yup, right now that's the only option available until someone takes over this contract pack.
  5. @Mark Kerbin - I've posted the details of the fix on the existing Kerbal Academy thread - at least that way others may see it.
  6. I've broken this contract pack with a recent change to Contract Configurator - the fix is to remove the quotes around "Pilot", "Engineer" and "Scientist" in the various contracts.
  7. In the config - it would've been more obvious if I'd included the context: DATA { type = double requiredValue = true CrewSpace = Max(@/targetVessel1.EmptyCrewSpace(), 1) }
  8. Yup, pretty much it: CrewSpace = Max(@/targetVessel1.EmptyCrewSpace(), 1) It probably should have a type of int instead of double as well.
  9. @Mark Kerbin - See above. By fixing the localisation issue I exposed another less fixable bug with the parser. The fix is to stop casting the traits to strings (since as of the latest version that is no longer required).
  10. @Warezcrawler - So good new/bad news. Good news: I found a bug in the parsing of the ExperienceTrait. Bad News: that doesn't fix the contract. Bad News: I can't/won't fix what is essentially a bug in the parser around strings because it's a huge mess and would require rewriting a large part of the parser. Good News: The fix to the contract pack is really, really easy - just remove the quotes around "Pilot", "Engineer" and "Scientist". So @Mark Kerbin - not sure if you're still looking at taking over the the Kerbin Academy Contract Pack from @severedsolo, but now would be a great time since I just broke it.
  11. @Warezcrawler - That looks to be a bug with one of the changes in 1.25.0 that isn't quite as backwards compatible as I expected. I'll see if there's a change i can do to make that one work properly. Raised #661 and will see if I can get a patch out tonight. @Gordon Dry - That exception's being thrown by a stock method that is called by Module Manager. The patch looks to be a Kerbalism MM patch to allow Contract Configurator contracts to work on Kerbalism due to some modules being renamed. So I'd start with Module Manager on this one (calling @sarbian).
  12. Release time, too many people bugging me about RemoteTech. Download here! Contract Configurator 1.25.0 Added ExperienceTrait to parser. Kerbal.ExperienceTrait now returns an ExperienceTrait instead of a localised string. Increased max active contract multiplier slider maximum from 2.0 to 8.0. Support for RemoteTech (thanks wraithan).
  13. The latest update to RemoteTech broke this. There's a workaround DLL posted in the Contract Configurator thread - but otherwise it'll be fixed once I do the new release.
  14. Really late to the party here, but in case you're unaware of KSPAssembly and KSPAssemblyDependency I figured I'd pipe in. If you add this to you AssemblyInfo.cs: [assembly: KSPAssembly("ToolbarController", 1, 0)] Others can then do a: [assembly: KSPAssemblyDependency("ToolbarController", 1, 0)] ... which will guarantee the load order. One benefit is that KSP will output a warning and won't load an assembly if it's dependencies aren't met (which may be better than puking out a bunch of exceptions). The only other real problem with the forced to the top of the sort list method is that technically there's a couple characters before zero ('~', '!', '@', etc.) and dlls directly in GameData come first too. Of course someone pretty much has to be trying to break things if you have to worry about this particular case.
  15. Negative advances build character. (Updated the issue, will look into it)
  16. @Maxsimal - What you're proposing sounds more like a mod to itself with light Contract Configurator integration - as opposed to a feature of CC itself. Or maybe even several mods. A mod with the ability to give recurring payouts, and the ability (via a behaviour) for Contract Configurator to add/remove a recurring payment/reward. A mod that can do the tracking of the vessel original costs. As you've mentioned, this really doesn't fit easily into the persistent data store in Contract Configurator very well - but doing it standalone wouldn't be terribly difficult. Although there are ugly edge cases that you may already be considering (what's the cost of a vessel that was constructed through multiple launches? What's the cost of the resulting vessels if you undock and split it? These answers may be different for a station constructed in orbit versus something that docked to re-fuel, which aren't necessarily easy to tell apart. Regardless, if you can solve the above problem, you can have one behaviour that looks at both of these mods (or components of a mod) to do the rewarding. But as far as something in Contract Configurator itself, I don't see an easy/generic solution.
  17. No need - doesn't sound like there's anything special needed to reproduce. Raised #74
  18. Should be the same, just bigger variance ranges (and bigger potential benefit).
  19. As @Kwebib said, you can find older versions on the releases page, anything newer won't support 1.4.x. Easiest for this kind of thing is always CKAN, though.
  20. Sounds like a bug, raised #54. Right now the text has an offset calculated from the altimeter (so that it slides down with the altimeter). I'm guessing the fact that there's no altimeter in IVA is what's breaking this.
  21. @KspUser - Raised jrossignol/ContractConfigurator#657. Right now Contract Configurator doesn't support localization (lots of work to support it in the internals, but it's a way bigger effort to make stuff like this work properly). Hopefully one day I'll get to it, but in the meantime the fix will probably be closer to having it return the English string always. @Mark Kerbin - Not sure if you're still looking at taking this over, but if you are then I'm considering a better fix to this that would break this contract pack. If you are then keep an eye on the linked issue above and I'll put all the fix details in there once they are availble.
  22. I should show up in IVA. Although there's an extremely long-standing bug where the markers are drawn stupidly (and so they show up over top of the IVA stuff). What is it exactly that you're seeing (or not seeing)?
  23. Heh - there's a workaround built into Contract Configurator - so if you install it (even without contract packs) you'll get rid of the notification spam.
  24. Most of these are to make sure that the strategies are available at the right time in a player's progress (otherwise they are just easy funds). Are you able to provide a screenshot of what you mean? I'm not clear if you're saying that you accepted the strategy, and it later failed/was removed when you no longer me the prerequisites? If so that is a bug - the pre-requisites should only be checked on accepting the strategy. Sure - edit the .cfg files - just keep in mind that I can't support a modified installation.
  25. I have confidence that the people on the current team (most of whom I've worked with) would be able to make it work, if given the opportunity. I had a look myself back when I had access and it didn't look too bad (keep in mind that looking and doing are two very different things). The worst part looked to be the day/night cycle stuff, not the actual axial tilt itself. I've always been of the opinion that if it gets added it should be tied to difficulty settings rather than fixed (ie. easy mode has no axial tilt as it is today, versus the other modes having a different tilt). Same thing with the location of KSC - it shouldn't be right on the equator in anything but easy mode. These would be good changes. Who knows, this could all be stuff for expansion #2 (note: I have no idea about this stuff anymore, so don't read into anything I say).
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