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Everything posted by nightingale

  1. I did a pretty huge pass at some performance cleanup some time back, much of it around preventing contract generation from even occurring during flight. Although there's plenty of things that I'd like to clean up (lots of string concat garbage, the expression parsing stuff is a huge mess), most of the really bad stuff has been fixed. The statement of Contract Configurator creating lots of garbage is something that gets thrown around every now and then, but very rarely with useful supporting evidence, and never with a pull request to fix anything. I have very limited time for modding these days (and there's a reason I almost completely disappeared from the KSP community for over a year). I'm happy to look into performance issues as I have time, and with appropriate priority. But not based on heresay from previous versions of the mod, or simply based on the fact that garbage collection is running. The other thing to keep in mind is that Contract Configurator is (to some degree) a scripting engine - someone can come along and write a really bad contract (performance-wise). I've done what I can to limit the impact of that (ie. limiting it to the space center scene), but there's only so much I can do without significant re-writes. So yeah, in short - show me where it's having a meaningful performance impact outside of the space center, and tell me what contract packs are installed, what contracts are active - then I have something to go off of. (@leatherneck6017 - please don't take this as an attack on you personally, my comments on this are meant to be more general and not directed at anyone in particular)
  2. Visual Studio (or the mono compiler) is all you need. Start by accepting the Jool contract, and then figure out what needs to be changed in code and/or the part config to make the <redacted> spawn correctly (and be visible at a distance). I can't really provide any more guidance than that (if I could, then I would've found & fixed the problems by now).
  3. I implemented a (hacky) workaround in Contract Configurator. It's ugly and brute force (it just deletes the messages as they appear), but it works for stock and CC contracts.
  4. I have no idea why updating a mod would do that, so I'm going to go ahead and say that we need @sarbian's expertise on this.
  5. Got it, thanks @Tivec & @LatiMacciato. My original fix was fine - and then I went and added extra checks that broke it (the version thing that was pointed out and the funds/science/rep checks were wrong). So here it is! Contract Configurator 1.24.4 Properly work around stock bug.
  6. No objections. Took a quick look and this one should be possible with no code changes. Use something like ImpactorProbes as a general guide to what your strategy would need to look like. For the contract side there's likely to be lots and lots of examples out there. I put some of my initial brainstorming thoughts on #56, so please go ahead and use that to keep track of progress/ask questions if you decide to take this on.
  7. I unfortunately didn't have time to look at this tonight, but should be able to tomorrow. I'm guessing that the messages don't just fire for completed parameters (which is what I'm checking for). Or it's duplicates for some other reason. TBH I could probably do a hack right now and not even test... EDIT: Okay, hack complete with zero testing. Download the DLL here and replace in GameData/ContractConfigurator. Please let me know if this works (or causes bad side effects or anything).
  8. Hmmmm, could you post screenshots of both the message text and the parameter text? I'm just doing a simple message.Contains(parameter) as the check - so not sure what's throwing out off in your case. Unless one parameter is causing more than one message? That could do it too...
  9. Yup, that's what I get for adding the version check at the last minute and not testing it. Will get a fixed release out ASAP. EDIT: And here it is! Contract Configurator 1.24.3 Proper fix for last release (thanks Warezcrawler).
  10. @MistaJunior - that one was a bug introduced in 1.7.0. So new release time, download here! Strategia 1.7.1 Fixed some issues with the kerbal portraits not refreshing properly when the level is dynamically changed (thanks zwinst). Fixed error handling when tech tree can't be loaded (thanks zwinst). Fixed the astronaut training strategy that was broken in 1.7.1 (thanks MistaJunior). Fixed ugly number format in some places.
  11. Annoying enough that you need a release of CC with a workaround (that covers even stock contracts? Look no further, download is here. Contract Configurator 1.24.2 Workaround for stock bug #18267 (contract parameters creating extra messages on completion). Note that the above workaround is a bit of a performance hog if you have lots of messages (it has to search all the messages to find the ones to remove). Best bet is to make sure to clear out your messages if you've got hundreds from ignoring this bug. The fix is version locked to KSP 1.4.2 (so if 1.4.3 comes out with a fix the above logic won't fire anymore).
  12. Yes, it's buried a bit thought. <ESC => Settings => Difficulty Options> will get you to the same settings menu you see at game start.
  13. For those who want to keep track the bug is #18267. I'll keep an eye on it since Contract Configurator is especially prone to trigger this bug. I may look at a workaround (but if I do it's likely to be Contract Configurator only).
  14. The bug is #18267. I'll keep an eye on it and hopefully we'll get a resolution in stock in the next release (assuming we have a next release coming). Meanwhile I'll take a look to see if there's any workarounds I can do, as the way Contract Configurator is set up it can do a lot of parameter state changes (meaning it'll really exercise this bug like crazy.
  15. That's from Contract Configurator... or was it Waypoint Manager? One of those, it's been some time.
  16. I'll have to take a look at this, haven't tested in a while so it's possible that something in stock broke. Meanwhile it may be useful if you provide a log in case there's some kind of exception that is preventing them from getting the XP.
  17. Could you show me what you mean? Are you talking about the messages in the top right corner? Those should only fire when there's a reward tied to it (anything else would be a stock bug, presumably).
  18. Re-release time, with the Jool contract disabled (for now). Download here. ContractPack-AnomalySurveyor 1.7.1 Disabled Jool contract (temporary). Added loading tip. Changed Moho orbit requirement to a flyby.
  19. Release time! Download here. Contract Configurator 1.24.1 Recompile against KSP 1.4.2 Re-enabled RemoteTech and Kerbal Konstructs integration for KSP 1.4.x. Fix error message when despawning spawned Kerbals (thanks steve_v). Added a warning message when validation errors prevent a DATA_EXPAND node from being parsed (thanks gyf1214). Fixed NRE when checking progress nodes (thanks DocMop). Fixed issue with duplicate assembly warning showing up when it shouldn't (thanks Gordon Dry). Fixed some issues with handling of newlines in config nodes (thanks inigma). Use case insensitive string comparison when loading celestial bodies in saved expressions (thanks gyf214).
  20. The navball flashing should be a stock thing - so no way that I am aware of.
  21. @CaptKordite - Thanks! I've added those to github for others to pick them up (although I really need a better system for loading them).
  22. Just give @severedsolo a quick courtesy ping since he's still around these days. Hypothetically, since it's a non-code mod stuff should "just work" regardless of KSP version, but it's entirely possible there's bugs in Contract Configurator from changes in KSP, or bugs in the contract config itself. If you do find issues, feel free to report them on the CC thread or tracker.
  23. Exactly. It's meant to be a check so that if there were less than 4 experiments available the contract is not valid/available.
  24. Still the case, but that was before the new UI where all contracts are always available. So it's less of an issue, since it won't block you from receiving another contract. Yup, you can delete that file or change the 4 to a different number and it'll break the contract and make it unavailable. Bonus points if you do something clever with Module Manager so upgrades don't break your change.
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