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Everything posted by MaverickSawyer

  1. Because that cuts into the payload fraction, and there's currently no incentive to do so with Dragon Cargo available. The station needs a garbage disposal system more than it needs recoverable downmass capacity.
  2. Yeah, it's not the easiest to make out, due to the fact that I have a terrible camera on my phone and I had to take the picture from a ways out, otherwise you'd have seen nothing due to it blocking the light.
  3. Pretty much my though process. Tensile strength would be much lower, but still there. Enough to pull a drogue unit behind it. So, if we use my example from a while ago as a baseline for how I envision this working... The hose reel/winch remains attached to the "tanker", and spools out the RTS hose. Attached (but NOT DOCKED) to the end of the hose is a "drogue", which in this case was a BDB drogue docking port from the LEM that comes with the pack, a 50% scaled 0.625m-1.25m structural adaptor, and a tweakscaled hose end. (This is probably not going to be the case for future missions. I just wanted something that looked good and functioned largely like I wanted.) You can then happily dock to the drogue unit with the receiver aircraft, as it's not docked to the hose unit, and then use the RTS GUI to pump fuel across as normal. Undock from the drogue, back off, and reel in the droge, making sure to dock it to the hose end when done to avoid summoning the Kraken or similar disasters. The benefit of the RTS you implemented is the fact that you don't need to dock the two craft together to transfer fuel, which means the two aircraft can fly on their own in close formation, and no crashes ensue. I hope this helps you understand what I am looking at for the system. Had I paid any attention to the presence of the beta, I absolutely would have tried this again with the winch and brought it up earlier. If you need a field tester for this, absolutely hit me up. I'll happily test it, as I'm... kinda responsible for throwing this at you now.
  4. Soooo... Little later than I'd planned, but hey, better late than never: EDIT: Much better!
  5. There's a MM patch someone threw together floating around that does the trick quite handily.
  6. I had zero issues, but I dialed the suspension all the way up. Can't vouch h for the automatic settings.
  7. Cockpit's from Airplanes Plus, airlock, probe core, antenna and docking port are from Bluedog Design Bureau, and the RCS, engine, and fuel tanks are from Tantares.
  8. Got a heck of a facepalm for y'all today... Built myself a gorgeous little 4-seat lander for Minmus to shuttle crew from the station I have in orbit to the surface and back. Checked the balance, CoM shifts, thruster placements, everything looked great. So, I send it on its way... I make it all the way to the station before I find the one fatal flaw of the design... Can you guys see what it is? I put on thruster blocks without any way to slow it down when docking.
  9. D'awww... Cute little lander. It actually looks good, compared to my usual "form follows function" aesthetic...
  10. There's the deployable struts for stabilizing a vehicle/structure. If you design them in from the outset, they look fantastic.
  11. Absolutely. Like I said upthread, I've got a pretty good handle on my (for lack of a better word) symptoms, and most people don't realize the difference. It's not related to learning at all.
  12. Orc has a darn good point on teacher quality. I didn't really notice it until I hit the community college level, but there seemed to be two types of teachers: those who were there because they liked to teach, and those who were there because they couldn't get a job anywhere else in their field. Math, however, added a third type: those who were there because they didn't care where they worked so long as they got to play with numbers. Those were depressingly common at calculus and above.
  13. The docking ports are from Bluedog Design Bureau, but that particular set of ports has been acting... oddly as of late. If you're willing to take on making a new docking ports set up, a probe and drogue pairing dedicated to fuel transfer would be excellent. Probes could be both fixed and retractable, but the drogue should be common to both probes. I think it'd see use outside of refueling work, but this *is* KSP, where folks have zero qualms about using a bunch of thermometers as a bearing race. As for how the new mode could work... I'd say make it have a limited tensile strength before it fails, and limit the retraction power of the winch motor to prevent it from being used as a winch for hoisting stuff.
  14. As someone who has a clinical diagnosis of Aspergers, I second Snark's post. There's precisely ZERO correlation between the two. There is, however, a very well documented link between Asperger's/Autisim spectrum disorders and social interactions. Personally, I have enormous difficulty in catching the nuances of communications like body language and the subtle shifts in voice tones that people use to convey a surprisingly large amount of contextual information, which leads me to taking things literally on a rather frequent basis. It also means I often send conflicting messages, as I don't really know what messages I'm sending using the same nuances. Combine that with a susceptibility to sensory overload when I'm stressed, and things can quickly become overwhelming, ad I don't handle those situations well. That said, I've been able to adapt to it, and most of the time you can't even tell that I'm not neurotypical. But there are times where it does rear its head, and it can make life miserable for me. Good example would be two days ago in lab. My group was assigned to perform a particular maintenance procedure on an aircraft, and I fully understood what was involved. However, my teammates were confused by it, and I had a great deal of difficulty communicating with them, simply because my brain is wired differently, which when combined with my very different experiences, meant that I simply lacked the ability to express myself in a way they could understand. I wound up getting the instructor involved to help me by, for lack of a better term, translating for me.
  15. I.E. propellant to tank weight ratios are comparable, engine thrust to weight ratios are comparable, stuff like that. After all, it's been proven repeatedly that stock parts are OP for the stock scale solar system, and are fairly believable at 3.2x scale, so that's what CobaltWolf tuned BDB to match.
  16. Carefully. All joking aside, I'd say you're having controllability at low speeds? Try larger control surfaces, or a higher approach speed. 10 m/s faster across the threshold doesn't change your stopping distance all that much, and it will significantly improve control response.
  17. Down, boys. Let's leave the non-nitrox atmosphere stuff out of here, please. It's volatile enough in here as it is.
  18. Well, that Muo V 53x worked like a treat... And it is quite the photogenic rocket: I think that the Delta II has a new stablemate in my "go-to boosters" roster. Currently putting together a Muo V 401 to launch a replacement Minmus lander for my station... Having to remove ~30% of the first stage fuel due to the light payload, but I'm not complaining... she looks gorgeous, doesn't she?
  19. Launched two TKS missions, one TKS-Lite to Salyut 1 for a crew swap, and one TKS-ER to Minmus Station to bring it up to full staff... Jeb, Bill, and Bob depart from Salyut 1 after an extended stay shaking the station out. TKS-ER departing for Minmus. Also launched the supply ship for the station with some extra parts and a host of experiments for the crew to perform. Finally Val took Mossie down to visit the sample return lander and to gather samples of the surroundings for reference. Regrettably, Mossie had to be scuttled after a critical failure of its docking port. Val managed to retrieve the samples and manually transfer them to the TKS that brought her, Maucal, and Stelgun to the station, then boarded the station via the airlock. Mossie will be missed, but not heavily... Discussions are already underway on a heavy lander, and this incident will simply encourage the R&D team to be swift... lest Stelgun gets the idea in her head to perform an extreme EVA down to the surface on her own.
  20. Some kind soul uploaded the entirety of the Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown soundtrack not just to YouTube, but also as a pack of MP3s (which I shamelessly downloaded)... There's a couple of gems lurking in there, like: Dual Wielder ADFX-10 Siren's Song Faceless Soldier Daredevil And, perhaps the one most recognizable from one of the first trailers... Sol Squadron The whole soundtrack runs for better than 3 1/2 hours, and it's fantastic for making yourself feel like a relentless badS hot on the six of a bandit. 10/10, highly recommend the whole soundtrack.
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