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Everything posted by MaverickSawyer

  1. I seem to recall a quip about "not only is the universe stranger than we imagine, it's stranger than we can imagine."
  2. I never went myself, but I learned the name from someone who did. And yeah, annoying little rascals they are, they attempted to gnaw through a polycarbonate bear canister to get at the food inside one backpacking trip. It was a great example to the new scouts of why you stow your food.
  3. In the more heavily trafficked areas, they're a lot less skittish, and hell of a lot more bold. One tried to climb my boot one time in Yosemite... Only the fact that there were bystanders who wouldn't understand kept me from giving that minibear a flying lesson. >_>
  4. Those are chipmunks, not squirrels... and there's a reason I've always referred to them as "minibears".
  5. Field testing report with a bug... Was tinkering with Nertea's new NearFuture Spacecraft pack, and slapped a pair of strakes onto the "skirt" section of the Elara biconic capsule. Upon Launch, they moved around the skirt, and one promptly exploded. The movement persists when I revert to the VAB. Disabling the AnimatedAttachment function promptly clears the issue.
  6. No, I have AnimatedAttachment installed. Upon disabling the function of that mod on the pod, the issue promptly vanished. I'm taking it up with the dev of the mod in question. It does work... but it's awfully close to not. Perhaps it's just the entry approach I took. I'm running a second attempt now to see if it performs better.
  7. Well, finally got around to testing the biconic capsule... A proper lifting reentry tends to push the internal temperatures awfully close to the limits. But, it's astonishingly manueverable, so I think I may have found my new Crew Transfer Vehicle capsule... I've gotten tired of horribly inaccurate landings with capsules, and this is capable of some mighty accurate descents. EDIT: Further experiments have revealed a bug: If you radially attach a pair of fins to the outer surface of the pod, in the aft "skirt" zone, using g mirror symmetry, then launch, the fins will shift around on the ship to a different location. The shift stays after reverting to the VAB. Currently getting some screenshots for evidence. Scratch that, mod conflict. Will bring up with the appropriate party.
  8. It may be on my computer. I only have 8GB of RAM, and when running KSP, I'm usually using 92% or more of that.
  9. Just for the sake of completeness, went back and reinstalled from scratch with a clean download of yesterday's GitHub release (Just noticed that there is a new one today). Seems to have cleared the problem with the patches... but now the textures for the Delta II upper stage are all mixed up.
  10. It's using the same code under the hood as a Klaw, meaning you have to approach VERY SLOWLY, i.e. under 0.1 m/s, iirc. Slamming into it won't make it work.
  11. Negative, first thing I checked. Completely deleted the old install, and replaced it with a fresh one just this morning. That's when the issue cropped up.
  12. Welp, after more than an hour, it appears that I've managed to overload my computer and crashed KSP. Too much awesomeness installed, I suspect, and therefore time to prune back my install. But, there is a log that I've looked through and found this showing up for the affected parts: [ERR 22:24:56.646] [ERROR] [Part bluedog.Agena.ResupplyContainer] [ModuleB9PartSwitch 'cargoSwitch'] Duplicate subtype names detected: System.String[] That's just a typical one of the errors being thrown.
  13. Well, this cropped up during loading earlier today. I am using the latest version as of, oh, 12 hours ago? I kinda ran out of time to finish loading the game and had to kill it via task manager, so I'm running the load again to get the log for you.
  14. Whooo, talk about a blast from the past... I've certainly racked up a number of these encounters over the last four years. Mostly with LES towers or nosecones ejected partway through the ascent making one last wave goodbye to my crew.
  15. Hmm. I know that there's been significant under-the-hood changes for KAS in V1.0 and later. I wonder if that's partially to blame? Speaking of which, there may need to be some changes made to the electrical cables to reflect the new features of KAS.
  16. There is no such thing as squirrel proof... merely highly squirrel resistant. Nature will always evolve a better squirrel. ... Hmm. Same statement applies to idiots, too.
  17. Having had some time to dwell on it... the bird feeder out back keeps getting raided by squirrels. I mean, an electric fence transformer would probably be more than adequate to make the squirrels thing twice (or thrice, or more...) before raiding the feeder again, buuuut... A coilgun just sounds so much cooler.
  18. 24V. I did the math upon finding it and quickly realized that the cap could store energy to probably start a car.
  19. I know someone mentioned Rocheworld already, and I second that for a darn good reason... Big Bloop. That'd keep everyone away from the inner poles.
  20. Hmmm. Found a 2 Farad capacitor (yes, you read that right) at the rummage sale store downtown for US$30. Was sorely tempted to buy it, but I'm not sure quite what I'd need it for, other than the sheer "what??!?" factor.
  21. Again, I can only speak to American media outlets. YMMV. That's... kinda to be expected. The engine core is one of the strongest parts of the aircraft, with only the wing box and the landing gear struts being comparable.
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