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Everything posted by MaverickSawyer

  1. I had zero issues with the last full release of NF Spacecraft in 1.5.1... And the dev branch is working quite well atm, too.
  2. Y'know... I've not tinkered with the Mission builder much myself, but that could be an interesting option. Set up a scoring system and whoever posts the highest score wins. I like your style.
  3. Count me in! I love me a good airlifter. That... could prove difficult. Someone will likely produce a Whackjobian VTVL SSTA cargo rocket. Well, Airplanes Plus! is certainly on the list, but beyond that... *shrugs* Yep. You can create formulas in the cells and filter based off of certain criteria. So, for example, you could have the entries provide certain details to determine "effectiveness" and have the formula solve for that figure, then filter by lowest to highest. Should sort itself out automatically.
  4. Does this have to be stock, or can I use Community Resource Pack? Because there are some seriously expensive resources there. Also, some mods allow you to collect Xenon. Are those allowed if CRP isn't?
  5. So, now that it's released, what's the next step?
  6. If it was posted anytime in the last six months or so... you're going to be waiting a while. XD
  7. Yep, issue resolved. Docking ports now sit properly when docked.
  8. I've often used well-designed IVAs for docking. The BDB Gemini, anything with RPM or ASET interiors, and a handful of others over the years that I have since forgotten.
  9. Will do. May be a few hours before I can report back, but I'll let you know what I find.
  10. Furthermore, the approach with the Venus gravity assists gives more frequent frybys, and more time spent in science gathering regions than a Jovian assist flight plan would have.
  11. It's a name I chose when I first started setting up internet accounts nearly 15 years ago. For the sake of a cohesive internet presence, I've kept it the same whenever possible.
  12. What's KSP to me? The best US $10 I ever spent online.
  13. Yeesh, I KNOW I don't have pics of my first landing on the Mun. That was nearly 7 years ago, back in the TRUE Old Days of 0.13.2, when the only guidance for TMI burns was "The Munway Opens at Munrise." This was before MechJeb, before maneuver nodes, before you could even tell if you were actually going to cross SoI boundaries, before you could even run more than one mission. Heck, i don't even think we had the landing legs that @Vanamonde was so gloriously modeling for us there. (thanks for the trip on the wayback machine with that pic, btw. ) I DO have my latest Munar landing, taken just hours before 1.5.0 dropped. I hope this shall suffice as an acceptable offering... Bill and Bob went down to the surface to set up the science outpost, collect the not-transmittable data, and do the customary "flags, footprints, photos, and surface sample" bit that accompanies every science and career save mission.
  14. Didn't say you had to. In fact, I've been using ~50 meters on my last few rendezvous, simply to keep from striking the (rather large) solar arrays of the ship I'm tanking. But it is possible. And yeah, MechJeb docking AP is garbage. Honestly, not sure why it's even still in the software package anymore. I've not used it in, oh, four years? Probably more. I'm faster, more accurate, and less MP-intensive than any machine.
  15. Are there any plugins or mods that, in the past, have conflicted with docking ports? If there are, I'll check to see if I have any installed and see if that's the cause. Otherwise, it's repeatable on my end, and ONLY with that particular port. I know @Tyko was possibly going to look into it as well... Also, consider this to be an all-hands call: Can anyone else reproduce the crooked docking port from the Launch Vehicles pack?
  16. On that note... the new version of the Mk. 3-9 pod has some sort of mesh artifact in the upper right RCS cluster. There's some semi-conical things stuck in the nozzles. Still functions just fine, but... might want to look into that.
  17. 100-200 meters accuracy for the planner? Pffft. Quit using the stock settinng. Be bold! Try 10 meters! Yes, it is THAT accurate if used properly.
  18. As others have noted, the only benefit to going to Minmus is for ISRU fueling. That way, you're burning a fraction of the fuel you would have to perform the eject burn to get to the orbital altitude of Minmus. Otherwise, it's pretty much worthless.
  19. A little late to the show, but hey. I almost always run my stations in slightly higher orbits than my typical insertion orbit (125km for the station, 100km for insertion.). I wait until the target is 45-60* above the west horizon, then launch. Get to the parking orbit, wait a few minutes until the proper time for the Hohmann transfer, then burn to intercept. Correct for any inclination errors and drift during the first burn about 6-8 minutes later, then match velocities at closest approach. Usually I only need ~60 m/s to pull this all off, and I'm happily docked to the station in ~30 minutes or so. I have actually pulled as short as 20ish minutes, but that was rare.
  20. Eh. The few times I've run a rock grabbing mission, I've waited until I get one that swings deep into Kerbin's gravity well, then use a chemical-fuel kick stage for the inclination change and the high dV transfer out to the incoming asteroid. Rendezvous under nuclear or electric propulsion, then nudge the orbit until it's just above the atmosphere. Ride down to PeA, burn enough to capture, and then worry about how to circularize and zero the inclination.
  21. So, further testing earlier today turned up the following... When using the 5m ports that come with the Construction pack, they work flawlessly: Switch to the ports from the Launch Vehicles pack, and, well... Soooo... yeah. Those ports are legit bugged.
  22. Well, it's happened... Dawn has missed the last two days of scheduled check-in transmissions. NASA has declared end of the mission as a result.
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