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Everything posted by blowfish

  1. Perhaps it's drag from the stuff inside the LES, which doesn't have the cargo bay module (and therefore doesn't shield anything).
  2. Nothing is missing, it's just structured oddly (2 parts in bdAdjustableLandingGear) E: Oh, and welcome to the forums
  3. Welcome to the forums Try reinstalling B9 and its dependencies. If that doesn't fix the problem, post your output log for us to look at - instructions on how to do that are in the first link in my signature.
  4. They've been moved to the legacy pack. You can download it on Bitbucket or Kerbalstuff (it's also available on CKAN). E: Reason for moving them is that there are better alternatives around now. For wings, there's B9 Procedural Wings, and for landing gear, there's Adjustable Landing Gear. If you really want the old ones, they're available, but I recommend checking out the more flexible, better looking new stuff first
  5. I don't see a way to do this without splitting out the dependencies. Not that it would necessarily be a bad thing.
  6. Welcome to the forums It's a known issue. There is a workaround, but it's somewhat complicated. See this post if you want to attempt it.
  7. It's a skeletal animation, yeah. The basic idea is that certain vertices are attached to bones, which move during the animation.
  8. I've been seeing reports of Kerbalstuff being down in the last few hours. It's probably that.
  9. I think it's just a simple mistake. Visual Studio copies those files to the target directory by default, you have to manually tell it not to. As others said, the only one you need to keep is SimpleBoiloff.dll
  10. @Jimbodiah There's no actual radioactive material in the exhaust @Streetwind Thr RS-68's unique exhaust color comes from the ablative nozzle lining evaporating off. All hydrolox engines run somewhat fuel rich.
  11. Congrats on the release I think the KS-01 'Odin' might be a little under-powered at the moment. Compared to the Mainsail, and with the same liftoff mass, it gives you similar delta-v numbers (for a craft which is almost entirely fuel), but costs considerably more, while having less thrust (and is unlocked later in the tech tree). Of course, the Mainsail has one of the highest TWRs in the game, but still.
  12. If you have 3.0.0 that shouldn't be happening - there's a patch that should specifically prevent that.
  13. CTT adds some additional nodes beyond Very Heavy Rocketry: Experimental, Gigantic, and Colossal Rocketry (I think Experimental Rocketry used to be a stock node). You're still somewhat limited to the stock "bigger = more advanced" paradigm.
  14. Welcome to the forums The best way to debug the problem would be for you to post your output logs after waiting for KSP to get to that point and then stopping (and force quitting). Instructions on how to do that are in the first link in my signature.
  15. Yeah, it turns out the IVAs end up being really costly in terms of performance. I think Taverius experimented a while back and found 12 to be the practical limit for the number of kerbals.
  16. Here's what you can do: Create a clean install of KSP (this can be separate from your main install) Verify that the issue does not exist without FAR Install FAR and MFI (and MM) without CKAN Verify the issue now exists
  17. The part doesn't use a MODEL node to begin with, so you have to create the whole thing. You can only replace textures for models actually defined in that node: @PART[bahaMk22LightningCockpit]:FOR[MyMod] { !mesh = DELETE MODEL { model = BDMk22/Parts/mk22cockpit/model texture = texturePJ, RavenCorp/BDMk22/mk22cockpit/texturePJ } } The fact that it no longer appears in the SPH is probably an artifact of having a malformed MODEL node with no actual model defined.
  18. The sizes are just how they are divided. They're still roughly the same dimensions and their EC output has not been altered.
  19. To add to what Raptor831 said, the reason that "Orbital" engines have effectively unlimited ignitions is because they are assumed to be pressure-fed and thus do not have turbopumps.
  20. Probably delete the Atomic Age patches since they don't include hydrogen.
  21. Would this actually change anything meaningfully? Instead of two part mods that both depend on the same plugin mod, you just have two part/plugin mods that also depend on a plugin mod. I don't think that having a bit of unused code impacts performance meaningfully (and it's entirely possible that loading a separate assembly would be worse). Plus, maintaining interdependencies between plugins can be painful at times.
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