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Everything posted by blowfish

  1. Huh. I remember seeing that it was added to an index, but I might be remembering incorrectly.
  2. fxPrefix is just an integer that assures that all the FX groups have unique indices. But there is a field specifying the fx prefab name ... I forget exactly what it's called.
  3. Fixed in dev, not yet released According to this spec sheet, the maximum diameter is just over 1.25m, so maybe I was using an incorrect number before. But that fudge factor is mostly just set to get the required area to match up with the intake. An alternate solution would be to increase the intake area. Even if it's still a little big, it's the smallest variant.
  4. You mean the way the Panther gimbals and the nozzle flaps move? Look into skeletal animations, that's what it's based on. You can probably find tutorials on those for Unity and whatever modeling program you use (if I tried to explain them I would do it wrong). When you have some of the basics of bones and vertex groups down, I can probably explain a bit of how KSP interacts with those things.
  5. Is it just transforms with different names, or something more complicated? EDIT: just saw your thread on this.
  6. The only thing I'm aware of that the HX parts depend on in the core pack are a couple of effects and sounds for the HPD (HX engine).
  7. This might work: attach the vertices in the top of the fuel line to a bone which is not parented under the gimbal. EDIT: I'm actually mostly sure this will work now. I believe it's the same way the gimbal on the Panther works.
  8. Currently no, but there are only a couple of files in the core pack that the HX parts depend on. I was just waiting for someone to actually request it before I put in the effort (which you just did!). Look for it in the next update
  9. The 5.3.0 prelease is compatible with 1.0.4 - you can find it on Bitbucket. 5.4.0 is most certainly not compatible with 1.0.4.
  10. The OP hasn't been updated, so yeah, it probably won't make much of a difference in the current version. With B9 alone you should be fine on memory anyway. With B9 and a lot of other mods there are alternate solutions (OpenGL/D3D11 modes, or this mod).
  11. Fair enough, it was just an idea and it seems to be having more problems than I originally thought. As long as boiloff is small over the course of a few hours it probably doesn't matter that much.
  12. Personally I find even stock parts a bit OP for the stock system. With 20%+ payload fractions, you end up with payload fairings that are nearly half the length of the rocket . But maybe that's just me.
  13. Yeah. It ends up being possible if you know initial conditions or how much time has elapsed, but that information is lost once you start boiling off. Theoretically, the boiloff module could keep track of this, but that sounds risky and counterintuitive to how boiloff should work.
  14. Hmm, I hadn't considered that. It might be a problem. EDIT: I thought I had a solution but it turns out to not work.
  15. The HX and legacy parts are now available on Kerbalstuff too (mostly to provide CKAN compatibility), but Kerbalstuff has had performance issues lately so I'd recommend downloading from Bitbucket.
  16. The idea is that you loose the same amount of mass either way.
  17. That makes sense, as pre-1.0 versions of KSP don't support DDS textures. Look for Sarbian's old DDSLoader mod - if you install it the textures should work.
  18. I had a thought regarding boiloff in mixed tanks. For LH2OX tanks, the LH2 will boil off while the Oxidizer will not. This leaves you with either (1) Extra Oxidizer when your LH2 runs dry, the exact amount depending on your flight time/burn characteristics or (2) A painstaking process of calibrating the amount of fuel, either by adding LH2 tankage or removing Oxidizer from the tanks until you get the right amount. The solution I'm proposing is to calculate the boiloff rate based on only the cryogenic resources, but then proportionally distribute that boil off to all resources in the tank so that the ratio of remaining resources stays the same. I think this is the sort of abstraction that makes sense in KSP - it retains the boiloff mechanic while removing the annoying details of exactly how much of each resource you need.
  19. It's 64k/Compatibility/ProcParts-SizeLims.cfg. I think it's ok to delete the entire file but not 100% sure.
  20. Do you have 64k? There's a patch doing odd things to procedurals in 64k...
  21. The TRJ produces exactly zero thrust at mach 5.5 (about 1650 m/s at altitude). The RAPIER has zero thrust at mach 6 in jet mode (about 1800 m/s at altitude). You could maybe push that up a bit in the lower atmosphere because the speed of sound is higher (and the thrust curve is based on mach, not absolute speed). Exactly how close to those numbers you will be able to get depends on the specifics of how much thrust/drag you have, but you will not be able to sustain powered flight beyond that.
  22. Take a look at Nertea's patch for MFT (previously part of CryoEngines and now being split into its own mod). He's also implementing boiloff in a way that shouldn't depend on the specifics of how the tanks are filled.
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