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Everything posted by blowfish

  1. Propellers are not really my area of expertise, but I'll try to answer these questions At higher blade pitch the power required is higher for the same RPM. Those firespitter parameters have no effect on AJE. Does engine size actually change max thrust in flight? There's no response time currently modeled in for the electric motor, so it will compensate immediately to pitch changes.
  2. Not really my department, sorry. bac9 makes all the parts, I just work on integrating and maintaining (and some code).
  3. Ah, missed that (here is the link for any interested). It looks like it hasn't been updated since 1.0.4 though ... weren't there thermal changes in 1.0.5 that might affect it?
  4. Yeah, you still need ullage for highly pressurized tanks. I think RF just sort of abstracts away the bladder tank thing by assuming that RCS uses bladder tanks and non-RCS uses normal tanks.
  5. You will not see any performance increase from being able to use more RAM (Unity 5 itself may have some performance improvements but I don't really know). You will just be able to have more content without running into the RAM limit (and crashing).
  6. More or less correct, %texture = oldtex, MyMod/Parts/newtex will replace the texture. Note that oldtex.dds/.png/.mbm must exist alongside the original model.
  7. The intent of that statement isn't clear. It means if you use FAR, then you must use 15.3.1 or later.
  8. LEO, and burns out of LEO (like trans-lunar injection). With heavier insulation you might be able to keep a usable amount of LH2 for a few days. Some theoretical real life designs would use active refrigeration to mitigate boiloff on interplanetary missions, but I don't think RF supports anything like that yet.
  9. Liquid Hydrogen boils off very fast. Liquid Oxygen and Liquid Methane boil off slower. There may be other cryogenics available but those are the main ones. Cryogenic tanks have insulation so they won't boil odd as fast, it's possible service module tanks have even more but you probably don't need those until your mission reaches a few hours in length.
  10. I'm not 100% sure this is causing your issue, but I see a lot of this in the logs: Look rotation viewing vector is zero This means that very bad things have happened, and it may be related. Can you confirm that the problem persists on a clean install with just KW and the community fixes?
  11. Try KSP_Data/output_log.txt - it should be thousands of lines long. Also, those dropbox links don't work - you need to share the files and then provide the link.
  12. My recollection is that it's possible to do that in Unity (maybe not in Blender), but I'd have to experiment.
  13. @Shadowmage Thanks for the info, I think that makes sense. Re (2) though, I'm puzzled why most of the bell can't be a regular mesh though - to my knowledge, any number of things can be parented under the gimbal, this includes bones. What prevents the pipe (or even just the flexible part of the pipe) from being split out?
  14. @Shadowmage What causes the performance issues? I wouldn't think that moving vertex groups around would be that costly. And the stock Panther jet engine uses the same technique for its gimbal.
  15. For some the adapters and tail-pieces, there is a variant where one end is centered, and another where it is raised.
  16. @kananesgi B9's Mk2 parts still use the old cross section. bac9 created a bunch of new ones using the new cross section which I'm working on integrating now, but it's quite a lot of work. The "subtypes" usually do refer to tank setups.
  17. Well it actually still has lower TWR than the Mammoth, and it's incredibly expensive.
  18. KSP can currently only use 4 GB on Windows (Linux it can use however much). You won't run into any issues with just Kerbinside but with this and a bunch of other mods you might have to do some more advanced stuff to get everything to fit. Known issue in 1.0.5. See below: There's an issue with the colliders which hasn't been officially fixed yet. There's an unofficial fix but it's slightly complicated to install.
  19. http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Parts#Liquid_Fuel_Engines -> sort by TWR.
  20. Huh ... I don't see any issues relating to them. Are you sure they're not showing up in the editor in sandbox?
  21. The numbers you're getting aren't out of line with what I've seen - particularly during the day (though the KSC is still pretty warm at night too). Right now there's no way to see the afterburner temperature in flight. I might add some (optional) more detailed engine info in a future version, but currently it doesn't exist. And yeah, AJEtester.exe hasn't been updated in ages.
  22. Please provide your logs. The Community Fixes don't remove the 5m engines, please provide logs.
  23. @Svm420 Does the part info show the correct thrust numbers? If so, it's probably this: all the calculations are done at a reference temperature of 288.15 K, but the ambient temperature at the KSC is usually a lot hotter.
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