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Everything posted by blowfish

  1. Nice update just a few issues I found: There seem to be some oddities with the Arcadia's reverse thrust. The stock engines just have two thrust transforms which rotate with the animation (see the Wheezley on the left side of the image). But the Arcadia has two thrust modes and a separate animation. And in reverse mode, the thrust appears to only point down (at least according to RCS build aid). Is this intentional? EDIT: And the MarkIV-Mk3 adapter seems to have its Mk3 node ever so slightly offset from where it should be EDIT2: Many of the parts seem to have their nodes slightly offset from where they should be. Also, some of the adapters have holes in the mesh near the shoulder nodes: EDIT3: The precooler's surface attach node appears to be reversed. EDIT4: The Arcadia's issues might just be an issue in the editor (seems to do what it's supposed to in flight), but I'd still recommend using the stock method as it's more robust.
  2. Short answer: it's a ton of work. In any case, K3_Chris was working on a replacement with a droop nose and an IVA a while back (though he's been AWOL more recently), so no one would want to put in the effort to make one for the current cockpit.
  3. One other thing to consider is that with higher dynamic pressure, which means that you have a shorter ascent, which mitigates the effect of higher drag. I generally try to keep dynamic pressure between 40 and 50 kPa, but I also use AJE and I think this effect is more important there.
  4. It uses the first to identify that it is a node, and the second to identify the type of node (stack, attach, dock). The third is used as the name, and the rest are ignored. NODE {} I know less about, except that I've heard it has bugs.
  5. @komodo unrelated to your question, but as far as KSP is concerned, node_stack_bottom and node_stack_bottom_i are the same. It splits by all underscores and only saves the third element as the node name.
  6. Sorry I haven't had time to look at this. Post your output log and I'll try to investigate this weekend. Sounds like a a bad install. Try reinstalling AJE and SolverEngines. If that doesn't work, post your output log so we can figure out what's going on.
  7. I found a reference that describes pretty much all of the variants: http://www.b14643.de/Spacerockets/Diverse/P&W_RL10_engine/index.htm. It's detailed, if somewhat disorganized. At least some images I've found distinctly show extendable engines on the EUS, and I'd say the rest are ambiguous. E: Other sources are conflicting. This article says C2, but this one says C1, but shows some images with a clearly extendable nozzle and some with a fixed nozzle. I guess this is part of the problem the adjustable upper stages were designed to solve . The RL10-A-4 engines do look a little small on your HUS compared to most of the images I've seen though.
  8. Are those the RL10-A-4? I think the SLS's EUS is intended to use the RL10-C-2, which looks and performs almost identically to the RL10-B-2. Although maybe other people have more important opinions on this - I will probably use the adjustable upper stages almost exclusively.
  9. It looks like you don't have the latest version of the community fixes and still have ModuleAnimateEmissive installed. KW Rocketry by itself is not compatible with 1.0.5 - you need the fixes.
  10. It looks like you haven't quite linked it properly. I think you need to share the file and then provide the share link.
  11. Welcome to the forums You will need to provide your output log in order for us to debug the issue. Instructions on how to do that are in the first link in my signature.
  12. And also using the modified build, of course.
  13. The air brakes are 100% broken in a way that I have no idea how to fix. If you want the parts to exist for the purposes of loading an old craft, you can find them in the B9_Aerospace_Broken folder in the Bitbucket repository (maintenance port link in my signature), or in an older version of B9 (e.g. 5.2.8) - it shouldn't be hard to figure out what folder they're in. If I ever figure out a way to fix them, I'll add them back into the main pack, but I'm not going to distribute anything that's not working.
  14. They've moved to the legacy pack, so they're still available, but we recommend getting Adjustable Landing Gear instead. They're much more versatile.
  15. @PTNLemay Community Tech Tree only adds nodes, so you won't find any issues, but all the B9 parts will be in stock nodes.
  16. Not sure why the stock fuel tanks wouldn't be showing up ... but I don't think it has to with this mod ... maybe try a clean install?
  17. As long as you have the core pack and all of its dependencies, yes.
  18. @V8jester "still" hasn't exhaust? I was unaware that this was ever an issue and it certainly works fine on my end. Do you have SmokeScreen and B9AnimationModues installed properly?
  19. Right now it depends on the core pack. I could disentangle the dependencies without too much trouble but no one had asked for that yet.
  20. I think it might be doable - I'll take a look if I have time. Overriding the events is easy ... now that I think about it, action groups might be the hard part.
  21. Those are Cartesian coordinates from the center of the planet. If you look at the magnitudes, they're about the radius of the planet (600 km * 6.4 = 3840 km)
  22. It's actually one from BahamutoD's Mk22 Cockpits.
  23. Another day, another SR-71-alike plane (and I finally gave up on Photobucket )
  24. Regarding compatibility issues with the extendable engines @Shadowmage It might make sense to configure the deployable engine as something that runs alongside rather than derives from ModuleEnginesFX. You just have to set manuallyOverridden=true on the engine module (either in the config or in code) so that it can't activate on staging, and hide some or all of its actions while it's disabled (this is exactly what MultiModeEngine does). This would allow compatibility with any engine module and would probably get rid of the RP issues.
  25. RealPlume is a requirement for RF now (HotRockets might also work but it hasn't been updated in quite a while).
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