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Everything posted by blowfish

  1. 5.3.0 was the latest release I actually packaged up. The large thrust growth was semi intentional, based on realistic models (though it was probably an overestimate). Latest git has more stockalike curves. That's interesting about staging though. I was likely doing all my testing through the right click menu. Will have to test when I get home.
  2. Hmm interesting. Can anyone else confirm that the gimbals are/are not working? They were very much broken when I tried them.
  3. So I may have accidentally committed a change that gives the SABRE S the stock gimbal module last night. You probably accounted for this, but just want to be sure. Can the result be replicated? Does it work on the other engines? It should be pretty obvious on the F119.
  4. The new ones? It's planned, but compatibility for existing parts takes priority. Most of the 1.0.5 stuff is done though, so I'll probably start on it soonish™.
  5. RF Stockalike patches are different though ... Isp and TWR are determined by engine class, tech level, and mixture. It's not really designed around real life engine replicas though, so maybe something different is justified here.
  6. Does the static analysis change, or just the CoL indicator? Wing thickness will affect some things in FAR, but it shouldn't affect how the wing itself is modeled.
  7. The location is a cartesian x,y,z. You can set it yourself if you know some trig, but it's not really intended to be human readable/editable.
  8. With changes or without? And in the editor or in flight? It seems to work fine in the editor, and it's possible I saw it work once in flight (under unknown conditions which I couldn't replicate). But as far as I can tell actual gimbal control in flight is generally broken.
  9. So the engine overhaul is basically done. Here are some highlights of the changes: The Turbojet now has separate dry and wet modes The medium jet pod has been scaled up so if fits nicely between the Wheezley and Goliath All engines have stockalike thrust curves, and the squad jet balance config has been removed Thrust has been adjusted on most jets to be more in line with stock Various intake adjustments KineTechAnimation is no longer a dependency. I'm a little sad to see it go, but we were only using one module from it. On that note, if you're updating from git, make sure to install B9AnimationModules. It is a required dependency and several things will not work without it. I've also discovered that the Firespitter VTOL module is broken. Firespitter has pretty generous licensing terms, so if I can find a quick fix I might fork it in order to fix. In the long run this would also allow getting rid of the Firespitter dependency. But we'll see.
  10. Anything after the // will be ignored. So in the second example, the code will not do anything, but in the first it will. Spaces are ignored regardless (at least in this context)
  11. FAR is pretty realistic, but there are some things that are very difficult to model/not worth the effort. I believe that modeling wings comes down to assuming a particular aerofoil, and that's mostly incompatible with variable thickness. Another example is the ground effect.
  12. I'm not quite sure what's going on, but that log looks incomplete. Could you possibly try loading up KSP again, then re-upload? Oh, and since I forgot earlier, welcome to the forums
  13. And it's a lot easier to tell that from the log. Sorry if it seems like I'm pushing this too hard, but it's really better to just post the log, and it will show the problem immediately ~95% of the time, whether it's due to installing incorrectly or another issue.
  14. You will need to provide an output log, as described here. As a general rule, you should always provide ant output log when making a support request.
  15. As you have it, selectcur will be inside ModuleEngines*/atmosphereCurve, but your patch is looking for it in the root part node. Best option is probably to put the check on atmosphereCurve: @atmosphereCurve:HAS[#selectcur[>330]]
  16. The DLL has to be recompiled with the changes (and the MM patch has to be somewhere in GameData).
  17. The engine will only use a fixed mixture ratio. The tanks will give you the option to automatically configure for a particular engine once it's attached.
  18. Should be fixed now on git for the cockpit and tail. https://github.com/blowfishpro/KerbojetSystems
  19. That's generally been my experience too - particularly since FAR increases the gimbal range on all rocket engines. I have needed fins on a few designs that are very draggy at the front, but generally full stability isn't necessary.
  20. Fair enough ... I wonder it there's a way to "force" the part action window to stay in the same place ... maybe I'll investigate this at some point.
  21. It just requires that the manufacturer have an agency definition. A couple of observations on usability: I've found the next/previous buttons to be very error prone, particularly when there are a lot of them (which there are here). Would it be possible to, at some point in the future, switch to something like UI_ChooseOption in KSPAPIExtensions? I get that this might not happen until release due to licensing concerns. Likewise, having parts move around as you update them makes it very difficult to make multiple adjustments. Would it be possible to move the parent part around the part being edited, at least if it's stack attached? I believe this is the way Procedural Parts does it - it annoyed me at first but now I see why they do it that way - having the window move around makes consecutive adjustments very painful.
  22. Known issue with the collider. I thought it was fixed in 1.9, but not 100% sure. EDIT: my mistake, 1.9 isn't released yet. In that case it's fixed in the Git repository.
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