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Everything posted by blowfish

  1. Engines have much closer to real life Isp now (i.e. much lower). This has nothing to do with FAR. You will need more fuel than in previous versions.
  2. Bridges would look cool but there are two problems with them: 1) They're almost exclusively aesthetic, with little practical use for things you'd actually do in KSP 2) They have to be fit to the terrain very carefully, which is difficult because there's no way to see KSP's terrain in a modeling program.
  3. Yes they do. Exhaust mixing low bypass turbofans are used on almost all modern jet fighters.
  4. Actually, the higher Isp and lower specific thrust would peg the basic jet as a low-mid bypass turbofan.
  5. How recently have you updated? I modified the configs last night to reflect 1.0.3 heating changes. Also, the transonic thrust buff for stock aero is done. I've done some testing myself and it seems good, but feedback is still appreciated.
  6. It's generally a bad idea to place airbrakes in front of the CoM because the drag will reduce stability. If you're using them during flight, then yes, it's a good idea to place them symmetrically top to bottom so that they do not induce a pitch moment when activated.
  7. This post might be helpful http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/118839-Updating-Parts-to-1-0?p=1897876&viewfull=1#post1897876
  8. Generally, anywhere but the top surface of the wing is preferable. There seems to be a fair bit of space along the sides of the fuselage...
  9. There are some 1.0.3-1.0.4 era changes we haven't implemented yet, but everything should be mostly functional under FAR.
  10. It'll be for whatever version is out when the update is done. That being said, we're not waiting for any specific changes right now.
  11. I don't see any B9 parts. The landing gear appear to be BahamutoD's adjustables.
  12. Very little changed between 1.0.3 and 1.0.4. In all probability the existing version works just fine.
  13. Unless you're going insanely fast insanely low, you're not going to see any heating problems. Remember that most of KSP's (and B9's) parts are designed for spaceplanes, which means that they have to survive re-entry. Something that can survive re-entry isn't going to have any issues at lowish mach numbers.
  14. Something to take note of before you build any more planes: a new feature is coming in FAR that will dramatically change how area ruling works. FAR will account for the fact that air flows through engines rather than being deflected around them, drastically reducing the effect of both intakes and engines on cross section.
  15. I don't think there's much you can do about transonic drag in stock aero - the drag curves are fixed. I will be increasing the the transonic thrust under stock aero closer to the level of the stock jets though. As for height, you should be able to go much higher than that once you get up above mach 2-3. That being said, the B9 configs currently do reduce the amount of high-altitude thrust you get such that thrust falls off linearly with density (in stock thrust falls off a lot slower than density), so high altitude thrust will be less.
  16. Minor point - that's not the production version, just a prototype (the production version had These nozzles). Not that it matters if you're just using it as a reference...
  17. That was the plan. I'll probably just add a buff right around mach 1 for stock aero.
  18. For a larger turbojet you could also look at the GE4, but the end looks pretty similar to the J-58 anyway.
  19. 1) The way jet engines work was completely redone in 1.0, so there's no going back to the way things are 2) The speed limit you're encountering is the sound barrier. If you can get through that, there's plenty of thrust to go faster 3) I'm guessing you're using stock aero. I did mention a while ago that the thrust curves were probably not balanced for stock aero but that we were going to wait for 1.0.3 changes before changing anything. Now that 1.0.3 is out and it's apparent that transonic drag is still quite high, they will be adjusted accordingly.
  20. The reason I ask is because it would effectively accomplish what jrandom was trying to do without any additional changes. Time to do some testing I guess...
  21. It appears to be on CKAN. In any case, anything CKAN related is out of ferram4's hands. CKAN pulls updates automatically from KerbalStuff. If you're having trouble then post in the relevant CKAN thread.
  22. Are you unable to maintain enough AoA to hold level flight or does doing so induce a stall? If the former, you need more pitch authority, or less pitch stability. If the latter, you need more wing.
  23. Does Tweakables Everything allow disabling RCS on specific parts in the VAB, and does RCS build aid respect it?
  24. I think you have an outdated version of RF. Make sure you're on 10.3 or later.
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