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Everything posted by blowfish

  1. Well yeah but still ... there's insanity and then there's insanity.
  2. 6g on rocket thrust? Isn't that a bit ... insane? Couldn't you get more delta v out of a smaller engine?
  3. No, it's x,y,z Cartesian coordinates from the center of the planet. If you take the norm it should be roughly equal to the planet's radius.
  4. 1) Right now the only dependencies are plugin-related, but eventually that will expand to various engine effects. But there aren't any model or texture dependencies, so pruning your part list should be fine. 2) B9 HL is the same exact shape as stock Mk3.
  5. Yes, and you'd have to do it individually for each facility in each base since they're defined separately (probably not the most modular system but it's what we have).
  6. I can't find any problems with it. What error are you getting?
  7. Big mission getting ready to depart for the distant world of ... mun
  8. It's not normal. Are the mesh/fuel switch features working? If not, then firespitter.dll is not working - reinstall it from the 5.2.8 download (or snjo's github page) and make sure there aren't any older versions lurking in GameData somewhere.
  9. Yeah, now that I look at it again, I think the RAPIER's (and SABRE's) rocket thrust could probably use a buff - in AJE, you're typically lower in the atmosphere when you switch to rocket mode, meaning much more drag to overcome in order to get into orbit, so the rocket thrust should reflect that reality. According to REL's data, the real SABRE's rocket thrust will be something like 2.5x it's static air-breathing thrust, so maybe that's a good starting point.
  10. Things will change as the aerodynamics are updated - FAR is a working aerodynamic model, not a complete one. So things will change, and you will have to rebalance your craft a bit but the changes should be minor.
  11. Slowly, yes. You don't need a lot of delta-v, but RCS thrusters aren't very powerful.
  12. It uses the same compression as ATM, but no compression artifacts should be visible in either case. If things are tinted green then something's wrong.
  13. I think you've set the damper too high. You'll need to experiment to get a good value but if the damper is too high relative to the spring then bumps will never reach equilibrium and one side will inevitably sag, causing you to rotate.
  14. Leading and trailing edges are taken into account even though they don't collide. FAR's parameters don't depend on the collision mesh for wings - they're set either in a CFG or by code (in this case).
  15. The intake part is on the bottom. Just stick circular intakes on the ends and you'll solve both that and the lack of intake area. Probably not worth it. With a properly balanced craft you should have no issues at transsonic speeds. And like I said FAR counts that kind of junction as creating a lot of drag. I don't know exactly. Like I said though, adding circular intakes on the front will get you a lot of that way. If that's not enough you could always stick a couple of XM-G50s on.
  16. Is the wheel sagging, or is the joint between the wheel and the craft flexing? If the wheel is sagging you probably want to increase the spring constant in the tweakables menu. If the joint is flexing then you might want to strut the wheel to the hull.
  17. Still looks like a lot of shifting to me. Do you have good pitch authority when the tanks are full and still have stability when the tanks are empty?
  18. I have had no trouble landing on relatively flat terrain. What happens when you land? Hard to say exactly what is wrong, but you might try adjusting the spring and damper on the gear.
  19. Nice design. It looks like the CoM would shift backwards as the tanks empty though - was this a problem? Every time I try to design something similar, I have trouble aligning the wet and dry CoM on the payload while still keeping the CoL behind both - my only solution so far has been to put a lot of empty space at the front to offset engines and wings being closer to the back.
  20. There are various reasons why it might not be getting off the runway: 1) CoL is too far back, meaning you won't be able to pitch up. 2) Landing gear too far back, meaning you won't be able to pitch up. The rear landing gear should be just behind the CoM. 3) Too much mass for the wing area. Though I don't think that's the issue here. There are a few other things I see which might give you problems: 1) Those blunt ends are going to give you a lot of drag. The Size 0-Size 1 junction between the Mk1 pod and the rocket fuel tanks may also contribute. 2) That doesn't look like much intake. If you're going to be flying high you probably want more. 3) I don't think you need rocket propulsion to get that high, even with just basic jets. My knowledge of stock jets is a bit rusty - been using AJE for a while (which should make it harder if anything), but with enough intake the engines should continue to function, though you will have to be going pretty fast to maintain lift. If anything another jet engine might do you more good. If you end up getting flameouts, you could try hitting the targets ballistically - give yourself more thrust than you need, then when you get close (within ~50km) of the target, throttle up all the way and pitch up sharply, holding the nose up until you get to the target altitude, at which point you should be in the survey zone or very close. Throttle the engines just before they flame out. Then fall back down until you regain thrust and control authority. 4) I doubt you'll have range problems - those basic jets are pretty efficient.
  21. AFAIK it reads the whole game database so if it's in your install it should work. Don't quote me on that though.
  22. m1sz: Try putting a radial decoupler somewhere on the ship and then firing it in flight. There is an issue with the part clipping detection code which occasionally requires you to force FAR to update the craft.
  23. Unfortunately no. Are you using ATM? I believe it can cause this. If so, there's a CFG posted in the OP of the KerbalKonstructs thread which might fix it.
  24. Struts using the old module still seem to work, though using KJR mostly eliminates the need for them.
  25. For the most part I have no control over how intakes function - the only parameter I can change is the area (and TPR curve if AJE is present).
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