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Everything posted by blowfish

  1. With just FAR that would be fine but with AJE that isn't going to work very well. Remember, in AJE, thrust drops off with static pressure so if you climb high in the atmosphere you're going to kill your thrust and have trouble accelerating. The flight path I've found to work is watching FAR's dynamic pressure (Q) readout and adjusting my ascent angle to keep it at 40 kPa through most of the flight (I usually let it drop at subsonic speeds so that I can pass through the sound barrier faster). Some more notes on AJE: Intake spamming doesn't work anymore. Match the intake area to the needed area of the engines you're using (both can be seen by right clicking in the SPH). Turbojets will overheat past about Mach 3.5. If you want to go faster before engaging your rockets, you will need RAPIERs Turbojets aren't any more efficient than RAPIERs (unless you disable the afterburner)
  2. Getting to orbit can be quite a challenge with AJE - presumably you're just running out of fuel? I've been building SSTOs with AJE for a while so I might be able to help you. It definitely requires some different design choices and a very different flight profile compared to just FAR.
  3. AFAIK the stock planes are balanced with FAR, so you may have thrust and lift issues with the stock soupmosphere:P
  4. If you can't provide an output log and reproduction steps, no one, least of all ferram4, is going to be able to help you. If want support, you need to isolate the bug.
  5. Right, because in OSX folders don't merge, they overwrite. So rather than copying over the GameData folder which comes with a mod you need to copy the contents into the existing GameData folder.
  6. output_log.txt is found in the KSP_Data folder, but it's a pretty big file so you should probably use something like Dropbox to upload and share it. If it isn't recognizing the monopropellant resource though, it probably means that your GameData/Squad folder is corrupted and needs to be reinstalled.
  7. They can, but few have opted for that strategy so far.
  8. So after some fiddling with the equations I think I've created a working thermodynamic model of the SABRE, including the helium loop and the ramjet bypass. Compared to the existing model, thrust seems to grow a bit more speed and efficiency is higher at low mach numbers. Some aspects don't quite agree with REL's data but that data is inconsistent anyway. Integrating it into AJE would take some work, since it would require a new module and various other changes, but it should be possible in the long run
  9. Body lift is calculated procedurally in FAR, so it doesn't depend on the part parameters at all (other than the shape of the model). Body lift is pretty small at low mach numbers anyway. Is your craft composed of fuel tanks or cargo bays? If it's just cargo bays (with no payload) then it should be pretty easy to lift because it's just a hollow structure.
  10. I'm curious as to why the rudder doesn't work when all the other wings do. I don't think it's a question of surface vs node attachment. Could possibly try rotating the whole model 90 deg so that it has the same alignment as the other wings...
  11. It's actually not easy. The firespitter mesh switching relies on all of the variants being present, then disables the ones that aren't active. I don't know of any other way to disable meshes like that. If the welding tool isn't compatible with the firespitter mesh switch you may want to ask the mod author if anything can be done to add in compatibility.
  12. Yeah, I noticed the weirdness with the CoL marker too. I suppose I never saw it in flight because the plane always did a backflip before directional stability became an issue.
  13. I think FAR handles wings added asymmetrically fine. I got the FAR configs to the point where the only problem was pitch instability, which may be part of the design. The only solution I can think of is tricking FAR into thinking the wings are farther back than they are (easy to implement but not a solution I like very much).
  14. Some thoughts on the turbojet, with regards to the movable petals: Unless I have something installed wrong they don't actually move by default. The petal animation could probably be merged into the heat animation to get them to actually move, or alternately this patch works in the presence of BDAnimationModules: @PART[turboFanEngine]:NEEDS[VenStockRevamp]:NEEDS[BDAnimationModules]:Final { MODULE { name = AnimatedThrust ThrustAnimationName = ThrustAnimation disableGimbalToggle = true } } I'd also recommend offsetting the inner and outer petals so that there are no visual gaps when they are open. Maybe also adjust the animation tracks so that the inner and outer rings are touching or nearly touching in the open position (which based on the actual jets I've seen is what happens). Anyway keep up the good work
  15. For normal maps, use the DXT5nm format. For diffuse maps (regular textures) use DXT5 if they have transparency otherwise DXT1. Everything should be flipped vertically.
  16. ManuxKerb: simply posting a list of mods isn't enough. You need to isolate the bug and make it reproducible with a minimal set of mods.
  17. Probably just stock joint strength being too weak for such big parts and the TWR being very different between the two sections. Since you have KAS installed, you could put some struts on in EVA. Also recommend Kerbal Joint Reinforcement for making your rockets generally not flop around like wet noodles
  18. ManuxKerb: If you can't load the save file then how can ferram? Also back when I had the undocking bug, it was almost always fixed by reloading the craft (either switching to a distant craft and back or from the tracking center) - did that not work in your case?
  19. Well bac9 tends to take extended leaves from the forums, so he probably just hasn't read it. Oh, and on the off chance, that you haven't read this in the OP for that thread and this is actually your issue:
  20. hey ferram, I'm curious if parts are affected by oblique shocks created by other parts. e.g. if the nose creates an oblique shock which the rest of the craft stays inside, then do the rest of the parts experience a lower mach number but higher pressure? It looks like in FARBasicDragModel, the mach number is assumed to be the same for every part, though I haven't checked wings. - - - Updated - - - ferram's right that procedurals would make things a lot easier, but you could probably get a fair bit more control authority just by adding canards. this is made with all stock parts, and controls reasonably well (not exactly fighter maneuverability but manageable) - and it's quite a bit bigger than yours. Generous thrust vectoring on the rapiers helps a lot, but for a smaller craft canards should do the trick.
  21. A j-sized cargo ramp isn't going to very useful because the floor isn't flat (this also makes the mechanics of the ramp very complicated).
  22. I believe the issue is related to part clipping detection, so I don't think so.
  23. Regular Kerbin. Would probably need a lot more fuel to get off of anything larger.
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