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Everything posted by blowfish

  1. Most likely you're running out of memory - that can happen even with a relatively small list of mods if you're not using Active Texture Management or something similar. Post your output_log.txt and we can be sure.
  2. Does undocking work properly on other craft?
  3. Another F-22 replica: Performs relatively well at high AoA, thanks to the leading edge root extensions and slats Maybe not that high... Concorde: Has some trouble getting off the runway, but that's mainly an issue of tail clearance - even with BahamutoD's adjustable landing gear I can't get it very high off the ground.
  4. Chances are FAR will be need some updating to work with 1.0, which will require a few days at least. I suspect I'll stick with FAR in the long run just because I've gotten use to the way it does things, but that's no reason not to try stock aero in the mean time.
  5. The VTOL toggle uses FSAninateGeneric, which is in firespitter.dll. If it were working, you would see a VTOL togle in the action group tab and the right click menu for the engine (it has nothing to do with your save). If those are absent, then your firespitter.dll is almost certainly broken. Please follow my instructions above for fixing it.
  6. Just delete any parts you don't want. It's easy because everything is organized nicely into folders.
  7. On the contrary, enjoy them while you can. The changes coming in 1.0 are more or less guaranteed to break a lot of mods for quite a while.
  8. Reinstall firespitter.dll from snjo's Github page. Click "download plugin" near the top of the page and you will download the DLL. Replace firespitter.dll in GameData/Firespitter/plugins of GameData/Firespitter (whichever exists) with the one you just downloaded. Make sure there is only one copy of firespitter.dll in your GameData folder.
  9. The VTOL engines use FSAnimateGeneric, so a broken, outdated, or misinstalled firespitter.dll is the most likely culprit.
  10. CKAN installs dependencies as independent mods. It downloads those packages separately.
  11. They get smaller as you zoom in, so you can check their alignment that way. It's pretty approximate anyway, since it will vary with AoA and mach number - to really understand how stable/maneuverable your craft is, you need to actually use the FAR editor analyses.
  12. Very nice I would say perhaps don't feel too constrained by the exact look of real-life counterparts. In particular, that post down the center of the SR-71-alike's windscreen is going to be very annoying in IVA.
  13. Also note that in 1.0 thrust, and thus air and fuel consumption, will be proportional to atmospheric density. This means that you almost certainly won't need many intakes to power a single engine. It also means that flight paths that work well for SSTOs now (for instance, climbing to high altitudes subsonically and then leveling off to gain speed) won't work well.
  14. Based on what they said it looks like thrust will drop off with altitude.
  15. It's certainly good news for removing one of the silly aspects of stock KSP physics, though it may eat into AJE's user base a bit. At the very least though, I expect some amusement coming from watching everyone trying to re-learn how to fly SSTOs
  16. I was hesitant to include numbers that other mods already show (thrust, TWR, and Isp can be seen in Kerbal Engineer, TSFC can be seen in FAR), but I suppose the redundancy isn't hurting anyone, and anything unnecessary can be disabled if needed.
  17. I've been working on a GUI interface to provide useful information in-flight (with a little help from ferram's code). Those are all the useful numbers I could think of, but I'm open to adding more. All can be turned on/off to reduce the size of the window, and the units can be changed (temperature in Celsius or kelvin and pressure in kPa or ATM).
  18. When the SPP parts became stock the Mk2 shape changed, and the B9 parts haven't been updated. It may happen eventually, but for now you'll just have to use them separately.
  19. Ah yeah, I keep forgetting how little jet engines can actually be customized in stock. What I get for using AJE for so long I suppose...
  20. Total drag is equal to Q * Cd * Aref, where Q is dynamic pressure, Cd is the drag coefficient, and Aref is some reference area (usually total wing area). To compare how two craft will perform, it's useful to compare the Cd * Aref product.
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